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Definitely. Bloodrage becoming undispellable in 6.81 is just horrible design. It only makes him a completely OP counterpick to Puck and Anti-Mage, but it still doesn't make Blood a good hero. Niche/counterpick heroes are a terrible thing in a game like DotA, it just shows poor balancing in the game - please don't make more of them.
Rupture and Thirst are fine as they are, they're pretty good skills actually now (getting thirst in ability draft is extremely fun - 700 movement speed ftw ^^). The real issue is with Bloodrage, this skill needs a full rework IMO. Bloodrage design is pretty poor, give him another skill instead.
His whole design is so weird, he is like slark in the sense that he is a midgame semi carry, but he has very medicore gank potential due to his lack of normal nukes, lockdown and mobility.
He is just a bad rightclicker apart from these occasional scenarions where he kicks ***.
The only thing that he does right now is win solo when bad players feed him so he snowball HARD.
I want the deathball to be nerfed. Heroes like viper, void and razor arent that insanly good IMO, i still think batrider is top 3 heroes with lycan and doom, but they are just really popular in the current slowpush/deathball meta.
For heroes i would like to see cool agressive heroes like slardar get buffs.
The game is balanced around the pro scene, not low level pubs.
Bloodseeker needs a remake though, weird buffs like all his spells going through BKB and being undispellable is not going to do the thing, his design in innately bad.
Nope. IceFrog is not planing to remake Bloodseeker. Wait till the bugs get fixed with Rupture then you will see him in every game.
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Eh, Kunkka is already fairly strong at this point. I'm more interested in possible item changes/new items they might throw into the mix.
Just... Tinker's March of the Machines half damage to heroes or something. It promotes having a choice between the nuker build and the farming build, because right now one of those two is superior to the other because it has ****loads of damage anyway.
Let's be honest though, he's going to buff axe, bloodseeker and huskar again...
I can see Faceless Void getting a small nerf to chrono, but it's not that long ago his Timewalk got buffed and he started getting picked again. I'd go for an obvious change to it - increased cooldown time or reduced duration - for an ult that strong, the CD is very short.
Tbh I think the game is reasonably balanced as it is at the moment, I'd like to see some of the less used/weaker heroes getting mild buffs to bring them into competitive rather than major nerfs. As Xyrus mentioned, something for Ogre Magi would be nice (although I favour an ult change, 2.0 secs on Fireblast would be nice without being game breaking). The likes of Jakiro, Omni, Spirit Breaker, Treant and Witch Doctor could also use a small buff.
I think that is exactly why he is so badly designed. If a hero needs a spell that ignores EVERYTHING as the only spell in the game that means he needs a remake.
Its the same thing with bloodrage going through BKB and ignoring manta. There should not be exeptions like this needed.
Okay I've found reddit thread today and they're pretty hesitated about it. Most peoples wanted to nerf specific heroes badly are Shadow Shaman and Doom... Any thoughts about them? My thought is, If Icefrog could have just buffed Silencer and Drow Ranger, those heroes could have fixed this ti4 problems. IMHO.
So I don't want them to change Shadow Shaman and Razor a lot. Because these heroes have never appeared on ti3 and probably will never comeback again even they weren't affected by patch, next year they're going to have different meta than "deathball strats" if they changed some elements of dota 2 by buffing towers and reduce bounty or something really new things, I can't wait for it again!
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The reason why Shadow Shaman is op are his Mass Serpent Ward are pretty good. If they want to nerf him, I think increasing level 1 mana cost and reducing level 3 mana cost would be fine. This can change him as he will need Arcane Boots badly and never going to be hard support again at mid game, he will be kicked out at ease from current meta. That is my suggestion to Icefrog and Valve. Or just leave him alone for a later patch, especially Razor and other heroes. please do not remake their skills unless it's a buff for non-pro scene heroes. The patch should be best for everyone without being disheartened for their favorite heroes..
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