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Because if you attempt at bursting down a single meepo, and he does not die, he will probably make it out, and kill you with the others. With AoE, you can hold all the meepoes down, so they can't actually fight back at all.
Because if you attempt at bursting down a single meepo, and he does not die, he will probably make it out, and kill you with the others. With AoE, you can hold all the meepoes down, so they can't actually fight back at all.
Single target burst like Lina is highly overrated against Meepo and is actually *less* good against Meepo than against any other hero because Meepo is built as a tank and has 35% base magic resist. Burst damage can't keep up with a tanky Meepo who just stacks HP. I once had a Meepo game against a Lina with Eblade/Dagon 5 and it still wasn't enough :)
AOE damage like Sand King or Venomancer is not better against Meepo than against any other hero, actually a bit less good against Meepo if you ask me because Meepo has magic resist and likes stacking HP. Lich is the only exception but it's only because of the 6.81 scepter upgrade.
TLDR : the only counter to Meepo is AOE *disables*. Any kind of burst damage whether single target or AOE is not better against Meepo than against any other hero.
I played a game with Invoker against Meepo not too long ago.
We had a Kunkka which made things easier. I was usually the one baiting and when Meepo initiated on me I would eul's myself right before the cast point then initiated with the standart Tornado Chaos Meteor Deafening Blast combo on him and Kunkka finished it with a well timed Torrent Ghost Ship combo which landed right with the Chaos Meteor . The following Tidebringer was usually enough to end the Meepo and the rest of his team usually as well.
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