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When will Wraith King finally be overbuffed?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » When will Wraith King finally be overbuffed? 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » July 31, 2014 7:34am | Report
Every patch, a new Wraith King buff comes in. The question is, when he will be overbuffed?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 31, 2014 7:52am | Report
In my opinion, he's already pretty strong, I don't think he needs a buff at all anymore.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » July 31, 2014 7:57am | Report
He's fine as he is. Strong without being overwhelmingly so.

I mean, it might be the case he keeps getting buffs, as certain Heroes do. But we can't really predict when he'll be over buffed - It'll just happen to happen one patch.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by BCP on PCP » July 31, 2014 11:50am | Report
At this point, he's a very viable pick, but not too strong. He's reached the ideal medium I feel Dota aims for with every hero, sometimes should be picked, but not always. If he does get another buff, which is doubtful given his recent usage in the competitive scene, he'll probably start reaching OP territory.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » July 31, 2014 12:28pm | Report
If you didn't notice, Kunkka received a buff each patch for the last 10 patches? (might be too much, it's just an example). He's still not picked up over Wraith King.

Case in point : Meta dictates. Wraith King is better valued in pushes than Kunkka, though, Kunkka is a great asset in both pushes and fights.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » July 31, 2014 9:13pm | Report
Agreeing with Wulfstun, I mean some people think/thought Phoenix is/was OP but he got nerfed, but he is still a strong hero.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » August 1, 2014 3:21am | Report
He didn't get buffed that much to be honest...his biggest buff was the huge slow from his ultimate and indeed this slow is pretty annoying to play against but I never found it really gamechanging. It doesn't change anything about the fact that the best way to counter WK is simply to kill him last. There is no reason why you would want to focus the guy first in a teamfight, especially since for some reason he always goes for tank items like blademail or heart while he should be going for damage items. The slow just means that you can't kill him once and run away, you need to commit to killing him twice.

In 6.81 his crit was very slightly buffed but in exchange his base armor was nerfed ; base armor is really a huge deal on strength heroes (think Huskar or the latest Sven buff) so 6.81 is not really a buff.

And to be honest 6.79 is actually a nerf for me : his active mortal strike was a really strong ability and removing it was a pretty significant nerf to the hero.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jamesShajam » August 1, 2014 1:24pm | Report
Wulfstan wrote:

If you didn't notice, Kunkka received a buff each patch for the last 10 patches? (might be too much, it's just an example). He's still not picked up over Wraith King.

Case in point : Meta dictates. Wraith King is better valued in pushes than Kunkka, though, Kunkka is a great asset in both pushes and fights.

I think he has been buffed for 11 patches in a row, and he is STILL not picked, which is interesting given how good he is at antipush and dealing with rat heroes.
I think wraith king is fine now, maybe a movement increase of 5 would make him a viable enough. Or give him a tad more mana, so he doesn't have to go for stats.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by BCP on PCP » August 1, 2014 5:19pm | Report
jamesShajam wrote:

I think he has been buffed for 11 patches in a row, and he is STILL not picked, which is interesting given how good he is at antipush and dealing with rat heroes.
I think wraith king is fine now, maybe a movement increase of 5 would make him a viable enough. Or give him a tad more mana, so he doesn't have to go for stats.

He was picked up a few times as a support during TI 4. Ghostship is a legit support skill.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by YellulzQuiet » August 3, 2014 6:23pm | Report
windrunner receive buffs since 6.77 ! but wind is still a nerfed hero


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