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Offlane KotL?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Offlane KotL? 17 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » May 28, 2014 5:46pm | Report
So before you post; This idea is stupid it will never work, not even against noobs. I'd like to say I realise that and was hoping that if the slimiest chance possible exist then you guys might help me find it for SOLO OFFLANE KoTL!!!
Yes stupid.
I thought this might be possible due to Chakra Magic allowing you to stay full in mana, and you can harass/push lane/last hit with Illuminate and use wards to be aware of ganks coming your way and thus stay alive. But basically yes this is a stupid idea and it will probably never work so any thoughts would be helpful + flaws in my thinking.
Your new diet for heroes; You will need 4 wards (cuz wards taste better), 1 set of tangoes, 1 mango, 1 cheese.
With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.

Zerak Kyria

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Eightfold » May 28, 2014 6:07pm | Report
I was thinking about this the other day, actually. But what benefit would Kotl or his team get by him going offlane? There are better picks, and he'd be better off in a dual lane/trilane situation.
There's no earthy way of knowing which direction we are going. There's no knowing where we're rowing, or which way the river's flowing. Is it raining, is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing? Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of Hell a-glowing? Is the grisly Reaper mowing?! YES! The danger must be growing! For the rowers keep on rowing! And there's certainly not showing ANY SIGNS THAT THEY ARE SLOWING!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » May 28, 2014 6:21pm | Report
Eightfold wrote:

I was thinking about this the other day, actually. But what benefit would Kotl or his team get by him going offlane? There are better picks, and he'd be better off in a dual lane/trilane situation.

he get's aghs quicker :3 but yes, there is not much benefit that I can see at the moment.
Your new diet for heroes; You will need 4 wards (cuz wards taste better), 1 set of tangoes, 1 mango, 1 cheese.
With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.

Zerak Kyria

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smuggels » May 28, 2014 6:46pm | Report

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » May 29, 2014 1:24am | Report
KOTL offlane isn't a complete disaster, it can be a fair pick if you're up against a strong early pushing lineup - e.g. Chen and Leshrac.

The big problem is he's squishy with no escape, very reliant on having good vision and/or blocked creep camps so that he can tiptoe into XP range. Once you have level 2-3 then you can do ok, but I wouldn't pick him against an aggressive/tower diving team.

If you do get farm on him, fast Mekansm, Force Staff, Aghanim's Scepter - even Scythe of Vyse.

Personally I think he works best offlane with a suitable team mate - the likes of him and Elder Titan or Magnus works really well. He sits back and feeds them mana, they make the enemy's life hell with spammable nukes, and are tanky enough to survive, with abilities that can save you too.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » May 29, 2014 7:49am | Report
Sando wrote:

Personally I think he works best offlane with a suitable team mate - the likes of him and Elder Titan or Magnus works really well. He sits back and feeds them mana, they make the enemy's life hell with spammable nukes, and are tanky enough to survive, with abilities that can save you too.

Or better yet, an Aggresive Tri-Lane 8{D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by manic_e » May 29, 2014 6:12pm | Report
The only thing I'd add to what Sando has said is that another benefit to kotl offlane is that for a support he's also a fairly good jungler. So even if your lane gets completely shut down you can retreat to the jungle and make stacks to clear later and thus not fall too far behind. I have even seen people stack two camps at once with a well timed illuminate. Just pray to the RNG gods that you don't get mud golems.

I think the main reason that you will only see kotl once in a blue moon in the offlane is that people prefer to have an initiator in the offlane. Having a true semi carry there will give your team a better chance in the late game where as a kotl will fall off hard.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » May 29, 2014 6:54pm | Report
Wow, ok thanks for all of this!
Now I can continue to work on KotL guide.
However on Sando's comment about having no escape mechanism, you could continuously by TP scrolls from the side shop and then TP to the tower. Bad Idea, I know but it's an option.
Your new diet for heroes; You will need 4 wards (cuz wards taste better), 1 set of tangoes, 1 mango, 1 cheese.
With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.

Zerak Kyria

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » May 29, 2014 6:57pm | Report
Actually I think it is viable, at least against an aggressive pushing trilane ( Pugna or Leshrac?) Because Illuminate can effectively cuts down the creep wave and render the push useless.

The gold and level head off is great because a quick mekansm is never bad (if we're talking KOTL here he can get it before 10 minute), especially in early game when the heal can practically heal a quarter HP. Not to mention his aghanim upgrade, it's VERY strong scouting and team fight power. Having aghanim make Keeper of the Light practically ungankable (thus reducing enemy kill count), and is better the faster you get it. Illuminate also potentially heals the entire team 375 HP (much more than Death Pulse (which is of course, better sooner)

Aboit the level (especially against trilane), imagine eating 500 damage at level 5. Yeah... and if he can reach lvl 6 faster, it means better teamfight by A LOT woth Blinding Light. Of course, there are much better offlaner ( Bounty Hunter FTW) but against certain strat this is actually viable
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » May 29, 2014 7:06pm | Report
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Wow, ok thanks for all of this!
Now I can continue to work on KotL guide.

But... but I also want to make KoTL guide :(
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