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Elder Titan + Enigma Strat

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Elder Titan + Enigma Strat 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » May 26, 2014 9:44pm | Report
Isn't Midnight Pulse + Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Blackhole combined with Earth Splitter OP? I mean, the damage is a crazy (7%*4)*2 + 35% = 91% max HP as damage! Of course, any big teamfight skill combined with Blackhole is crazy, but this combo ensures that EVERYBODY DIES. This doesn't even count the Blackhole damage and other source, and if the remaining 4 seconds of the Midnight Pulse deal full damage, it will be 119% max HP!

I mean, these two can be a crazy combo! Just having this two can probably heavy-counter every teamfight team. So, if we are to create a team that have these two as their core teamfighter, and build the rest of the three to counter-gank/split push, we can have really OP draft?

We can have Elder Titan as a solo off-laner position 3 and Enigma as jungler position 4. What we need now just position 1,2 and 5. Ancient Apparition will be a great position 5 candidate because he can help the combo from anywhere in the map, even if you are split-pushing (let's not forget how great he is at counter gank). Let's not forget that enemy will die instantly once they reach around 12% max HP, wel.... 100-91 is 9%, and it's less than 12%. As of the first, Anti-Mage will be perfect in term of the mobility it gives, that he can split-push safely and go out of gank easily. Morphling can take the second position, as one of the best space creator in the game, and let's not forget how well he is at split pushing. With this strat, we can have a split-pushing team that counter ganks and split push, and heavy counter a teamfight strat.

So, how do you think of the sample draft?
1: Anti-Mage as safe lane carry
2: Morphling as mid lane carry
3: Elder Titan as off-laner
4: Enigma as jungling support
5: Ancient Apparition as babysitter support
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » May 26, 2014 10:52pm | Report
It does sound OP when written like that but remember;
How often do you get 5 man black holes?
If the other team is aware of this strat then they will not stand together.
Also if the other team has heroes such as Lich who can stun Enigma and they just stand aside; then the plan falls apart.
This strat is based on imo having the other team not work well together AND having both Black Hole and Earth Splitter not on cooldown.

Also if the other team gets Enigma killed then they may go for a split push or massive single push which might be a problem.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » May 26, 2014 11:08pm | Report
If I would see what's going on in this team I would pick Pugna.

I see your point. It's just like Kunkka + Disruptor + Jakiro + Faceless Void + Magnus combo. Basically all of their skills are team-fight oriented and deal massive AoE damage/cripple, and they can also be a nice team.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Seagull » May 26, 2014 11:25pm | Report
I think there would be problems with getting Enigma farmed enough as he has to build aghs. The Anti-Mage probably wants to farm both the jungle and split-push the lanes so it might be difficult to find enough farm for the team. I'm not an Enigma player but along with boots you'd have to farm at least blink, bkb and aghs and of what I know you also want a Soul Ring and maybe Mek which would be a huge amount of farm.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » May 27, 2014 3:30am | Report
Yzreel wrote:

Isn't Midnight Pulse + Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Blackhole combined with Earth Splitter OP? I mean, the damage is a crazy (7%*4)*2 + 35% = 91% max HP as damage! Of course, any big teamfight skill combined with Blackhole is crazy, but this combo ensures that EVERYBODY DIES. This doesn't even count the Blackhole damage and other source, and if the remaining 4 seconds of the Midnight Pulse deal full damage, it will be 119% max HP!

I mean, these two can be a crazy combo! Just having this two can probably heavy-counter every teamfight team. So, if we are to create a team that have these two as their core teamfighter, and build the rest of the three to counter-gank/split push, we can have really OP draft?

We can have Elder Titan as a solo off-laner position 3 and Enigma as jungler position 4. What we need now just position 1,2 and 5. Ancient Apparition will be a great position 5 candidate because he can help the combo from anywhere in the map, even if you are split-pushing (let's not forget how great he is at counter gank). Let's not forget that enemy will die instantly once they reach around 12% max HP, wel.... 100-91 is 9%, and it's less than 12%. As of the first, Anti-Mage will be perfect in term of the mobility it gives, that he can split-push safely and go out of gank easily. Morphling can take the second position, as one of the best space creator in the game, and let's not forget how well he is at split pushing. With this strat, we can have a split-pushing team that counter ganks and split push, and heavy counter a teamfight strat.

So, how do you think of the sample draft?
1: Anti-Mage as safe lane carry
2: Morphling as mid lane carry
3: Elder Titan as off-laner
4: Enigma as jungling support
5: Ancient Apparition as babysitter support

antimage+morphling is too greedy, and there is no need to have 2 hard carries in your team.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » May 27, 2014 3:34am | Report
I think everyone else has outlined most of the major weaknesses of this draft already
Krwiozerca wrote:

If I would see what's going on in this team I would pick Pugna.

Agreed, fast Push and heavy Split-Push kills your Lineup, Pugna and other Cores that can fight and Push early, like Luna, Gyrocopter, Mirana, etc. can come online faster than Morphling and Anti-Mage and prevent them from ever getting the farm they need.

Also, with a Mirana, you have the option to run an Aggressive which will slaughter your Safe Lane + Jungle. Don't think that this makes your Mid Lane Safe either, as Supports can get a Kill in the Offlane, Smoke up and go Mid instead of Pushing the Tower, shutting down both the Anti-Mage and Morphling by 10:00

Also, since Anti-Mage and Morphling are heavily reliant on their Spells to survive Early Game, a Solo Safe / Mid Night Stalker would end up with about 4-5 Kills in the First Night easily (don't forget the easy Enigma who'll get Silenced before he can even think of using Malefice)

My advice, drop the Anti-Mage, only ever pick him if you're going to pick the Team around him, which means making sure that all 4 of the other Heroes are ready to fight the other 5 by no later than 6:00. Go with something less Farm Dependant (since Morphling and Enigma are greedy enough) and make sure that Hero can fight back against any Agression. So something like Mirana basically...

I would also drop the Ancient Apparition in favour of something more Defensive, that requires absolutely no Farm and just a few levels to function perfectly, like Vengeful Spirit, Dazzle, Disruptor, etc. especially since you're completely devoid of any Reliable Stuns. 8{(


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » May 27, 2014 3:43am | Report
I mentioned Pugna also because of the Nether Ward. That would ruin their OP combo quite much.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » May 27, 2014 4:27am | Report
Yzreel wrote:

So, how do you think of the sample draft?
1: Anti-Mage as safe lane carry
2: Morphling as mid lane carry
3: Elder Titan as off-laner
4: Enigma as jungling support
5: Ancient Apparition as babysitter support

That's a super greedy lineup: not only you have two hard carries that don't accomplish much for the first 15-20 minutes, you also have a hard farming jungler and a very weak dual lane: playing Ancient Apparition in a lane without stuns basically means giving a free lane to the enemy off-laner, plus he needs to build an Aghanim's Scepter and buying Wards would delay it by a lot.

The Enigma + Elder Titan combo is nice, but I'd go for something more mid-game oriented: Slark, Mirana and Wraith King are all good choices because they don't need much to perform well, so you can start fighting at the 20 minute mark and stop any attempt of early pushing that would wreck your team.

If I had to make a team with that combo, I'd do something like this:
A sample team would be Mirana, Lycanthrope, Elder Titan, Enigma and Shadow Demon: good pushing power and enough space for all the items your team needs (which means no hard support going Mek and good candidates for a situational Vyse/Cuirass/Midas etc). SD + Mirana is also a strong laning combo that might grant you some kills, and with the Lycan Howl getting towers after a pickoff or two will be super easy. The teamfight factor will become useful after pushing down some towers, so the enemies have to group up.

And about Pugna, going BKB will solve the issue on both Heroes. ET doesn't need one that much anyways, as he naturally has high HP and only wastes 175 mana per ultimate.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by FleetAU » May 27, 2014 4:30pm | Report
I think I would draft like so:
Enigma-jungle role
Elder Titan semi support
Naga Siren -mid carry-setup-pushing
Sand King-support
Weaver Safelane carry-splitpush

That gives you very agressive supports, good damage and fantastic teamfight. I think the supports are quite greedy but yeah, I like my greedy supports
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » May 27, 2014 11:06pm | Report
FleetAU wrote:

I think I would draft like so:
Enigma-jungle role
Elder Titan semi support
Naga Siren -mid carry-setup-pushing
Sand King-support
Weaver Safelane carry-splitpush

That gives you very agressive supports, good damage and fantastic teamfight. I think the supports are quite greedy but yeah, I like my greedy supports

I think this lineup is a bit too jungle dependant, sand king wants to jungle his dagger but with enigma there that will be delayed while naga also wants to clear stacks and flashfarm. So i would replace the sand king with something else, maybe an ancient apparition so you also have ice blast, and chilling touch is really strong on weaver.


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