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Playing as a sniper I found that in a teamfight it is preferred to use the dwarf in a kiting mode rather than use it to assassinate and than join the fight.
I mean the damage output plus the microbashing is more useful than just a big slow amount of damage from the distance.
I use assassinate only on heroes that are fleeing froim the battle.
What do you think about it?
You can always coordinate with your Team and combine Assassinate with other Nukes to quickly bring down an annoying target, especially if you can catch them by surprise, e.g...
Nyx Assassin has just used Vendetta and has successfully crept up on their Magnus, he Pings Magnus letting you know he needs to die first to prevent your Team eating a Reverse Polarity in the Teamfight that will break out soon, the only problem is, Nyx does not have enough damage to take out Magnus by himself. Noticing he is ready to go, you use Shrapnel on the Magnus, pretending to gain sight of him that way, and immediately use Assassinate from your safe distance. While your Ulti is "locking on" Nyx unleashes Vendetta, Impales Magnus and a Vengeful Spirit behind him, so she can't Stun him, and hits him with Mana Burn, then Assassinate fires taking his remaining HP and swinging the Teamfight wildly in your favour. You charge valiantly, but slowly, towards the enemy and get a Rampage somehow.
Assassinate is always good for chasing down Fleeing Enemies with low HP, no Magic Immunity, no Disjointing Abilities, etc. etc., but if you can take someone out at the start of a Teamfight like the example above, you should always go for it, if you can.
I find it's best to use Shrapnel on as many Heroes as possible too, especially if a group of them have been caught in an AoE Stun ( Ravage, Black Hole, etc.) as keeping them from running away or running towards you is always useful too.
In response to the titel. Sniper is never usefull.
In response to you, yes you should wait to use assasinate after the fight, or to pick off a lonely target with some other nukes.
But i really want to pursuade you to play a different hero. Sniper gets picked so often but frankly he is a horrible hero. Many of my games have been ruined by one of my allies picking sniper. And when we win its never due to the sniper.
Please dont look at this as an insult to you, its just an insult to the hero (and icefrog)
I sort of never play sniper however one thing to think about is if you have the default health bars (250 hp afaik) and it's early on if the enemy is 1 bar or below assassinate is a sure kill (if we ignore dodging and healing).
Sorry for the bad phrasing, I'm really tired :x
And yeah if you have enough damage items you will always put out more damage right clicking than using an assassinate.
I can see why beginners would be drawn to Sniper, thinking it as an easy hero to play.
But Sniper offers so much if played to the full of his abilities. With his range maxed out, I use him as a pusher, easily taking down towers outside of their range. With head shot maxed out and an item like Monkeyking Bar in the bag, you can keep enemy heroes in a stun lock. And then of course there is the insane range on assassinate. I put one down on the enemy heroes as the fight starts, before I am even on the scene, nothing like forcing them to play cautiously by missing a third of their health bar, before contact has been made. Then as I join the fight in earnest, my assassinate cooldown is almost up, and another can be applied as they flee.
I can see why beginners would be drawn to Sniper, thinking it as an easy hero to play.
But Sniper offers so much if played to the full of his abilities. With his range maxed out, I use him as a pusher, easily taking down towers outside of their range. With head shot maxed out and an item like Monkeyking Bar in the bag, you can keep enemy heroes in a stun lock. And then of course there is the insane range on assassinate. I put one down on the enemy heroes as the fight starts, before I am even on the scene, nothing like forcing them to play cautiously by missing a third of their health bar, before contact has been made. Then as I join the fight in earnest, my assassinate cooldown is almost up, and another can be applied as they flee.
Kind of a necro man.
Okay he is not 'that' awefull, he can work against a passive mid hero like outworld devourer or dragon knight, but he is bad at recovering if he gets behind. Is not even that good at late game, nor at early game. Requires protection from your teammates, so he is a terrible pub hero. Not good at higher level games too, since pretty much half the hero pool counters him.
He doesnt really fill a role, as he is outclassed in a lot of them by heroes like clinkz and lone druid. Those roles being tower pusher and staying safe while doing that.
I use Assassinate to finish off heroes and in conjunction with my teams nukes to take down high dps heroes or heroes who can turn a team fight around like Dazzle, omni knight, and Enigma for example
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