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Hero Submission - Competition Round 2

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Hero Submission - Competition Round 2 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cepheus1988 » July 17, 2013 11:20pm | Report
Post Your Heroes for Round 2 of the Creation Competition here!
Topic was choosen by the last times winner: Atlas

The Topic is:
Invisibility - Hero must have an ability that includes some kind of invisibility!
Creative people behold!
Join the new Dotafire Creation Competition! - Our two-weekly competition in the 'Hero & item ideas' Section.

Last rounds winner was: Naxela

Competition is on hold for now, to reorganize!


Notable (4)
Posts: 115
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cepheus1988 » July 18, 2013 2:18pm | Report
Hmmm... looks like I'm first again :D
I actually have two possibilities so I had to choose, and my choice for the competition is:

Chiara - The Lightbinder






Prismatic Blast

Prismatic Deflector

Prismatic Realignment


Item choices

Pros and Cons

Friends and Foes


Patch Notes
Creative people behold!
Join the new Dotafire Creation Competition! - Our two-weekly competition in the 'Hero & item ideas' Section.

Last rounds winner was: Naxela

Competition is on hold for now, to reorganize!


Notable (4)
Posts: 115
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nuclearengie » July 19, 2013 7:14am | Report

Mason the Commando

Ranged Radiant Agility


Strength 21 + 1.7
Agility 22 + 2
Intelligence 19 + 1.8

Health: lvl 1-549 lvl 25-1689
Armor: lvl 1-2.08 lvl 25-11.6
Mana lvl 1-247 lvl 25-1066



Target point
Mason tosses a grenade at a target location. After the fuse time, the grenade will explode and deal damage to all enemies while applying a 0.5 second stun. Will not break camo net invisibility.

Range: 500
Radius: 350
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Fuse time: 3/2.5/2/1
Mana: 50/60/80/100
Cooldown: 10 seconds

A grenade is just the thing a command needs to start a fight, or just scare someone

Knife attack

Mason uses his knife to attack when enemies get close to him, getting bonus damage based on his strength.

Knife range: 128
Strength to damage: 10%/15%/25%/40%

Close quarter combat is always learned by commandos, it can be used at any time.

Camo Netting

Target Point
Mason lies down some camo netting to hide himself and his allies. Mason gets bonus damage if he attacks from the netting while breaking the net. net must include at least 1 tree.

Net radius: 375
Net duration: 30 seconds
Fade time: 1 second
Bonus damage: 50%/75%/100%/150%
Mana: 75
Cool down: 30 seconds
A simple net can hide a squad ready to ambush their target.

Motor strike

Target point
Mason sets up a motor which bombards a targeted location. Will not break Camo net invisibility.

Range: Global
Move speed: 2500
Damage radius: 350
Number of shells: 2/3/4
Damage: 250/300/400
Mana: 100/150/200
Cool down: 90/70/50

If all else fails, take a motor and fire blindly


The armies of the world always have the foot soldiers. Along with their tanks and planes and boats to show off their power. But what are less known are the commandos, people trained to do work the the public best not know about. They are the best a military has to offer, better then the rest. Yet, one commando stands out from the rest.
Mason has done countless missions and eliminated countless targets. Using a simple set of tools, he is able to cut some strings in the background while wars are happening else-ware.
"Knowledge is power" -Sir Francis Bacon
"Power tends to corrupt" -Lord Acton
"Knowledge tends to corrupt" -Transitive property of Equality


Posts: 42
Steam: nuclearengie
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SilencersCurse » July 20, 2013 1:39am | Report

The Craftsman

Faction: Radiant
Primary Attribute: Agility
Roles: Support, Carry
Range: 350
Movement: 300
Base Armor: 0+3

Strength: 21 +1.7
Agility: 22 +2
Intellect: 23 +2.1


Make-Shift: Creates a Make-Shift item out of a recipe, the item deteriorates in quality over 100 seconds losing 10% of its effect every 10 seconds. required to channel for 2 seconds to create the item.

Level 1:Items which can be Make-shift
Mana Cost:50% of recipe cost
Cooldown:10 seconds
effects which deteriorate on item-Damage-Attack Speed-Regeneration-Attributes-Movement Speed-Armor-Aura-Magic Resistance-Hit Points-Life Steal-Feedback-Corruption.

Vladmir's Offering
Urn of Shadows
Drum of Endurance
Medallion of Courage
Soul Ring
Magic Wand
Wraith Band
Null Talisman

Make-Shift: Creates a Make-Shift item out of a recipe, the item deteriorates in quality over 100 seconds losing 10% of its effect every 10 seconds. required to channel for 2 seconds to create the item.

Level 2:Items which can be Make-shift
Mana Cost:40% of recipe cost
Cooldown:10 seconds
effects which deteriorate on items-Damage-Attack Speed-Regeneration-Attributes-Movement Speed-Armor-Aura-Magic Resistance-Hit Points-Life Steal-Feedback-Corruption.

Force Staff
Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Veil of Discord
Armlet of Mordiggian
Skull Basher
Pipe of Insight

Make-Shift: Creates a Make-Shift item out of a recipe, the item deteriorates in quality over 100 seconds losing 10% of its effect every 10 seconds. required to channel for 2 seconds to create the item.

Level 3:Items which can be Make-shift
Mana Cost:30% of recipe cost
Cooldown:10 seconds
effects which deteriorate on items - Damage-Attack Speed-Regeneration-Attributes-Movement Speed-Armor-Aura-Magic Resistance-Hit Points-Life Steal-Feedback-Corruption.

Diffusal Blade
Shiva's Guard
Black King Bar
Orchid Malevolence

Make-Shift: Creates a Make-Shift item out of a recipe, the item deteriorates in quality over 100 seconds losing 10% of its effect every 10 seconds. required to channel for 2 seconds to create the item.

Level 4:Items which can be Make-shift
Mana Cost:20% of recipe cost
Cooldown:10 seconds
effects which deteriorate on items - Damage-Attack Speed-Regeneration-Attributes-Movement Speed-Armor-Aura-Magic Resistance-Hit Points-Life Steal-Feedback-Corruption.

Refresher Orb
Manta Style
Linken's Sphere
Heart of Tarrasque
Assault Cuirass

Notes: Makeshift items break after the duration expires and become junk. Junk can be sold for 10% of the recipe used, or it can be used as a 1 charge target effect which mini stuns and deal 50 pure damage.
Makeshift weapons are not muted and can be traded with anyone, the craftsman can also make makeshift items from allied or enemy player recipes. Makeshift items drop upon death and can be picked up by anyone, the duration is not reset.
Leveling Makeshift up allows the creation of new items as well as items from lower levels.

Craftsmanship: Increases the effects on the craftsman's items and causes make-shift item to deteriorate slower.
Level 1:(Passive)
Increases the effect of items on the craftsman's by 20%(Including makeshift) and increases the duration at which makeshift items exist by 25%

Craftsmanship: Increases the effects on the craftsman's items and causes make-shift item to deteriorate slower.
Level 2:(Passive)
Increases the effect of items on the craftsman by 30%(Including makeshift) and increases the duration at which makeshift items exist by 50%

Craftsmanship: Increases the effects on the craftsman's items and causes make-shift item to deteriorate slower.
Level 3:(Passive)
Increases the effect of items on the craftsman by 40%(Including makeshift) and increases the duration at which makeshift items exist by 75%

Craftsmanship: Increases the effects on the craftsman's items and causes make-shift item to deteriorate slower.
Level 4:(Passive)
Increases the effect of items on the craftsman by 50%(Including makeshift) and increases the duration at which makeshift items exist by 100%

Notes: The extended duration of makeshift items makes them deteriorate slower at level 1 every 12.5 seconds and at level 4 every 20 seconds, Makeshift items will break after 125 seconds at level 1 and 200 seconds at level 4.
The passive increase to items only works for the craftsman himself and giving a makeshift item to an ally will remove the bonus boost.

Inconspicuous: after taking damage the craftsman gains evasion and fades into invisibility over 3 seconds, attacks from enemy heroes determine the length of the effect.
Level:1 (Passive)
When hit the craftsman will begin to fade into invisibility when invisible he will gain 3% evasion and 1.25s of invisibility for each damage source received during the fade time.

after taking damage the craftsman gains evasion and fades into invisibility over 3 seconds, attacks from enemy heroes determine the length of the effect.
Level:2 (Passive)
When hit the craftsman will begin to fade into invisibility when invisible he will gain 4% evasion and 1.75s of invisibility for each damage source received during the fade time.

Inconspicuous: after taking damage the craftsman gains evasion and fades into invisibility over 3 seconds, attacks from enemy heroes determine the length of the effect.
Level:3 (Passive)
When hit the craftsman will begin to fade into invisibility when invisible he will gain 5% evasion and 2.25s of invisibility for each damage source received during the fade time.

Inconspicuous: after taking damage the craftsman gains evasion and fades into invisibility over 3 seconds, attacks from enemy heroes determine the length of the effect.
Level:4 (Passive)
When hit the craftsman will begin to fade into invisibility when invisible he will gain 6% evasion and 2.75s of invisibility for each damage source received during the fade time.

Notes: If the invisibility is broken early the evasion will remain until the duration has ended. Attacks on the Craftsman after invisible will continue to increase the evasion and duration.


Tweaks the weapon and armor of the target unit permanently increasing there base Damage, Armor and Movement Speed depending on the craftsman's level. Requires the craftsman to channel the effect at melee range for 2.5 seconds.
Level 1:Increases movement speed of the target by 1% and increases armor and damage by 4% X the level of the craftsman permanently.
Mana Cost:150


Tweaks the weapon and armor of the target unit permanently increasing there base Damage, Armor and Movement Speed depending on the craftsman's level. Requires the craftsman to channel the effect at melee range for 2.5 seconds.
Level 2:Increases movement speed of the target by 1.5% and increases armor and damage by 5% X the level of the craftsman permanently.
Mana Cost:200


Tweaks the weapon and armor of the target unit permanently increasing there base Damage, Armor and Movement Speed depending on the craftsman's level. Requires the craftsman to channel the effect at melee range for 2.5 seconds.
Level 3:Increases movement speed of the target by 2% and increases armor and damage by 6% X the level of the craftsman permanently.
Mana Cost:250

Aghanim's Scepter:Increases the craftsman's level by 5 and raises his level cap to 30.

Note: The effects of Tweak do not stack, if cast on a target who tweak was already cast on it will only refresh with the current level effects applied. Tweak only increases base stats. At level 6 tweak will increase movement speed by 6% and base damage and armor by 24%. Dropping or selling the Aghanim's Scepter will lower your level cap back to 25 but will not cause you to lose the levels gained from it, repurchasing the item will not level you again.


Posts: 57
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by funnoob » July 20, 2013 2:44am | Report

Amodeu, Fiend Ryder.


Faction: The Dire
Primary Attribute: Agility
Role : Escape, Durable, Carry
SIGHT: 1800/1800
Type: Melee

Move speed: 310
AS: 1,38
STR: 21+2,1
AGI: 20+2,6
INT: 22+1,6
HP : 549
Mana: 286
Armor: 2


Q= Amodeu battle suit
Amodeu is strong fiend. he has magic armor that give magical effect on his weapon.
Passively grant magic resistance bonus by : 7%/14%/21%/28%

Amodeu control the effect of weapon
1st effect: Amodeu gain lifesteal weapon effect by percentage of damage
Lifesteal : 10%/15%/20%/25%
2nd Effect: Amodeu drain mana enemy per attack, mana drain also deal pure damage.
Mana drain: 10/14/18/22

The effect is orb and doesnt stack with other orb effect.
Mana cost to change type of weapon effect: 25

W= Double Soul
Amodeu make one illusion. the illusion iimune to physical attack but will be destroyed immedietly with magical attack.
Illusion damage: 70%/80%/90%/100%
Duration: 12s
Mana cost: 110
Cooldown: 15

Q= Ghost mode
In danger amodeu can change his form into ghost form.
Amodeu when in ghost form will be
1. Immune to physical damage
2. Decrease magic resistance by 70%
3. Damage deal will be change from physical into magical. damage decrease by 30%.
4. can pass through tree and unit but not terrain.
Duration : 15 s
Cooldown : 35
Mana cost: 50

in ghost mode will open sub skill.
D= Expert Ghost Form
Amodeu will become INVISIBLE and gain bonus move speed. Amodeu cant be slowed or silenced. In this mode, Amodeu only can use Isvara
Duration: 5s
Bonus move speed: 40/60/80/100
Mana cost: 75

F= Isvara
Target: Unit target
Amodeu deal Magical damage that decrease enemy armor.
Damage deal: 125/200/275/350
Armor decreased: 4/6/8/10

R= Revenge
Amodeu will respawn, and given chance to do vengeance. Amodeu will be gain max move speed and bonus AS. when he can kill anyone killed him. he will automatically respawn. enemy gold wont be decreased, and gold gain when kill will be halved.
Aghanim upgradable
Duration: 5/6/8 (6/8/10)
Bonus AS : 20/30/40 (50)
Mana cost: 200


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Mirror » July 20, 2013 7:29pm | Report
Phenom, Champion of the east. Radiant

Attack Range 128 Melee
Base Damage 52
Armor 4
Move Speed 295
Vision 1800/800

STR 15+1.9
AGI 22+2.8
INT 16+1.85


Speed of the Wind

A three button skill similar to Shadow Fiend exept instead of a nuke it is a blink. Using the first part of his training the Phenom can move at speeds faster than the eye can see.

Range 200(Q) 550(W) /1100(E)
Mana cost 50(Q) 125(W) 250(E)
Cooldown 10/6/4/2(Q) 14/10/8/6(W) 22/18/16/15(E)

Force of Fire

An attack modifier. Using the second part of his training Phenom gains stacks of positive buffs (a number on the buff indicating its stacks) that gives him bonus damage on each attack. Every attack uses 1 stack at no buff is applied when there are not more stacks. Stacks come back after a wile.

Extra damage 20/30/40/50
Max Stacks 3/5/7/9
Time for stacks to recharge 30/26/22/18

Strength of the Earth

What makes Phenom a Carry, The third part of Phenom's training makes him gain attack speed, armor and magic resistance for every positive buff he has he has, however every debuff on Phenom lowers his attack speed, armor and magic resistance. To make it clear when I say buff I am talking about the little boxes above your character's health. This includes his Fire and Water spells.

Attack speed 3/6/10/15
Magic resistance 2%/4%/6%/8%
Armor 2/4/6/8

Mysteries of the Water

I had fun with this one. Phenom creates a cloud of mist in a target area. Alies in the smoke screen do not appear on the mini map and there health becomes invisible to the opponents. Enemies get slowed a little and there health goes invisible for them. The topic did not say any heroes had to go invisible, there just had to be some sort of invisibly. This means heroes fighting Phenom cannot see how much health they have left or how much health he had left.

Slow 20%/30%/40%
Duration 4/5/6
Radius 450
Range 200/400/600
Cooldown 80/70/60
Awesomeness 100%/100%/over9000 :)
My lone druid starting items are 12 Iron wood branches, 6 for the hero and 6 for the bear. Even if the bear does not get stats more twigs are OP on any hero.


Remarkable (22)
Posts: 495
Steam: TC | Shooting Star
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Naxela » July 21, 2013 5:22pm | Report
Much as I'd love to do one this time around, I've been on vacation for the past week and my last hero was fairly based around his invisibility, so I think I'll give take a breather this week and submit one for round 3 next time. Good luck to everyone else (I'll still happily vote for my favorite :D).


Posts: 15
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » July 22, 2013 12:45am | Report

Ventus, The Assassin of the Wind

Radiant Agility
"Silent as a breeze."

Base health

: 511

Base mana

: 221

Base damage

: 51

Base armor

: 4

Movement speed

: 290

Base attack time

: 1.7 +0.2

Attacks per second

: 0.76

Cast time

: 0.3 +0.1


: Melee

Vision range

: 1800/800


: 57.4 (19 +1.6)


: 75.8 (23 +2.2)


: 69.8 (17 +2.2)


The winds of the north and the south converge in a bustling city, known as the City of Zephyrs. The city cleverly harnessed the boundless wind to run all their advanced machines. To the citizens, the wind is a god, their ultimate provider. But their faith would soon be put to the test.
One day, amidst all the buzz and commotion within the city, the winds finally ceased, much to the surprise of the unsuspecting denizens. All their machinery powered down, and a severe drought sat in. In a few days, all the citizens lost faith in their beloved god, all but a man named Ventus. While his family and friends went about the day cursing the wind, he secretly held fast to the deity, even offering to it whatever little food and water he had left. His fasting lasted for many weeks, and day after day he grew weaker and weaker. When he was on the verge of starvation, the wind approach him with him food and water. Pleased with his month of sacrifice, it blew gently on the man's forehead, imprinting on him the legendary Mark of the Cyclone, granting him the power to manipulate the very force of nature he worshipped. Also bestowed upon Ventus were 2 daggers, the legendary Tempest and Hurricanus, in use by powerful fighters thousands of years before his birth. He was now the assassin of the wind, given the task of eliminating the enemies of the deity.
And just like that, his physical body dissipated into thin air, never to return to the ruined city ever again.

Ventus wears light-brownish clothing, all tattered and worn from traveling. He sports nomadic headwear that covers the top part of his head and all the hair, leaving the bottom part of the Mark of the Cyclone exposed. The mark consists of a simple tornado surrounded by 3 curvy spirals, 1 on the top and 2 on the bottom left and right. The mark glows when Ventus casts a spell, in which case it can be seen through the bandana. He has a steely gaze, and looks as though it would never flinch. A piece of triangular cloth covers his mouth. He wears a short cape, which is a slightly darker shade of brown than the rest of his clothing. Ventus goes with a white shirt as his top. He has long, light-brown pants that go all the way down to his brown sandals.

The Hurricanus dagger is white in colour. Its blade is S-shaped with a sharp point at the end of it and is smooth across the entire surface. When Wrath of Hurricanus is activated, glowing runic inscription will appear on the blunt side of the dagger. It is held on Ventus' left hand, facing forwards.

The Tempest dagger is dark-blue in colour. Its blade is slightly curved and has backward-facing spines running down the blunt side. When Fury of Tempest is activated, glowing runic inscriptions will appear on the side of the dagger. Is is held on Ventus' right hand, facing backwards.

I hope this is detailed enough for you to understand what he looks like. :)

Q: Wrath of Hurricanus

Type: Target-Point
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Magical
Ventus slices at the air around him with his dagger, Hurricanus, creating a gust of wind. The gust travels quickly and deals damage to enemies that come in contact with it, slowing them for a short duration. The gust destroys trees in its path.
- 700 range
- 800 movement speed
- 80/160/240/320 damage
- 10/15/20/25% slow
- 3 second slow duration
- 90/110/130/150 mana cost
- 20/18/16/14 second cooldown

The legendary Hurricanus dagger is rumored to have fell an entire forest in one swing.


W: Fury of Tempest

Type: No Target
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Magical
Ventus kicks up a vortex by spinning the Tempest dagger, dealing damage to enemies in an area. Destroys trees in the area.
- 500 radius
- 70/140/210/280 damage
- 70/80/90/100 mana cost
- 12/10/8/6 second cooldown

The mythical Tempest, on the other hand, caused a century of storms across an entire continent after it was accidentally dropped by a careless wielder.


E: Whirlwind Strike

Type: Target Point
Affects: All
Ventus blesses his daggers with the essence of the wind. On his next attack, he deals bonus damage and lifts the target into the air. The target is untargetable and invulnerable for the duration, but can still be affected by Fury of Tempest and Wrath of Hurricanus. If no attack is made in time, the effect will end.
- +15/30/45/60 bonus damage
- 2/2.5/3/3.5 second lift duration
- 10 second duration
- 60/70/80/90 mana cost
- 25/22/19/16 second cooldown

Enemies of the wind are whisked away, never to return again.


R: Intangible Force

Type: Passive
Affects: Self
Every time Ventus casts a spell, he shifts out of sight. While invisible, he gains bonus movement speed and unitwalking for a very short duration. The movement speed bonus tapers off after a short duration.
- 0 second fade time
- +50% movement speed
- 1.5/2/2.5 second invisibility duration
- 2/2.5/3 second bonus speed duration

With the Mark of the Cyclone, Ventus is now one with the wind.


Roles: Carry/ Ganker/ Disabler/ Nuker/ Escape
Ventus is a strong hero in the early-mid game. He is supposed to be played as a ganker in the mid game, where his nuke damage peaks out. His first 2 skills allow him to harass his enemies in the lane and to punish them if they overextend. His Whirlwind strike is a useful spell that lets Ventus disable a target, so that he can safely use his nukes on it. He can also use it on an enemy hero so that he can make an escape. His ultimate, Intangible Force, makes him move faster and become invisible after casting a spell. This means that it is difficult for enemies to follow his movements during a fight. Use this to play mind games with your opponents and juke in the forest. In teamfights, Ventus should try to do as much damage as possible with his nukes while remaining out of trouble. If he is caught off guard, he can be quickly brought down due to his low health. Intangible Force allows him to maneuver through the fight and deal some damage here and there to whittle down the enemy forces. Whirlwind Strike can be used on the enemy carry to prevent him from attacking while your team wrecks he rest of your opponents.
Ventus' skill build is quite flexible. When in a solo-hardlane, Whirlwind Strike should be gotten first just in case something goes wrong. If going with a support with a good disable, Fury of Tempest should be gotten first for the good spammability. Wrath of Hurricanus can be gotten if your lane lacks disables, but pack a lot of punch. Either Fury of Tempest or Wrath of Hurricanus can be gotten when going to the midlane. Wrath of Hurricanus or Fury of Tempest is maxed first, depending on your needs. Whirlwind Strike is usually maxed last. The ultimate is gotten on the usual 6, 11 and 16.

Tempest build

Hurricanus build

Whirlwind Strike Build

Possible items
A Bottle when going mid.
A Stout Shield, which can be upgraded to a Poor Man's Shield.
Arcane Boots is useful for the mana regeneration, while Power Treads gives him some extra stats and attack speed.
Drum of Endurance is always good on a ganker.
Orchid Malevolence can be rushed to provide Ventus with the mana to cast all his spells.
A Perseverance can also be considered if you don't want to use Orchid.
Scythe of Vyse can be used to further disable enemies.
Shiva's Guard adds more AoE to the mix.
Assault Cuirass gives you the armor and attack speed aura that will benefit your team.
Vladimir's Offering is good if you have other Melee carries on your team that need the lifesteal.
Mjollnir is not the best, but it gives you some damage, attack speed and assists you in farming. Lightning during a storm is a natural occurrence anyway.
Veil of Discord amplifies the damage from all your spell, and has the potential to change the course of fights.
Ethereal Blade amplifies all your magical damage as well, but only to a single target. You can use this on yourself to make escapes from carries too.
Dagon adds insult to injury.

Balance Changelog
Whisking Whirlwind
- Replaced with Whirlwind Strike

All done! Leave your likes as votes for this round :)

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My Guide to the Grandest Magus of All


Remarkable (46)
Posts: 1603
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cepheus1988 » July 24, 2013 12:16am | Report
Friendly reminder:
Today is your last chance to submit your hero!
Creative people behold!
Join the new Dotafire Creation Competition! - Our two-weekly competition in the 'Hero & item ideas' Section.

Last rounds winner was: Naxela

Competition is on hold for now, to reorganize!


Notable (4)
Posts: 115

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