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What Steam/Ice Frogger + Community should have done a long time ago...

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Forum » General Discussion » What Steam/Ice Frogger + Community should have done a long time ago... 77 posts - page 7 of 8
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 15, 2013 2:53pm | Report
Sorry for the double post here but I have one last thing to say.

I've been studying the ways to make the mana pool have a more significant use with the all stat approach and it seems like on a character like Centaur, if doing all stats, would make the best use of his mana pool with an item like Orchid.

The orchid would theoretically enhance the damage returned that the target would take by 30% which might actually make a good amount of difference... but also silence him obviously... But he would be able to cast orchid, his stomp, and his ulti and hopefully use up his mana cost effectively...

Other then that, I'm looking at a combination of Dagon and Ethereal blade on some character that can still benefit well from the stats on these items...

Medussa could definitely pull it off... but imagine if you actually got your dagon maxed at level 5 with 800 magic damage along side an ethereal blade.... and there was a character around you like drow to enhance your base agility....

Dear god... Looking at ethereal blade in the games item guide it says that a player takes -40% more magic damage which, if not an error, means -40% magic resistance which equates to an 80% enhanced magic damage effect.

So a dagon doing 800 damage would do 600 more magic damage to an ethereal target for a total of 1400 damage... this is not even considering that the ethereal blade has upper your agility as your base stat by 40 which the ethereal blade is naturally doing your base stat x 2 + 75 damage...

Then you have drows agility aura on you?

Holy Christmas... that would be an outrages 2 step auto death on someone.

Oh I see she doesn't get bonus agility from drow's aura, never mind lawl.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 15, 2013 11:15pm | Report
Let's get the facts straight Nubtrain.

A.) My optimal build suggestion for clinkz was to purchase a Morbid Mask first thing at the side shop not using any of the starting 600 gold. Why? To have a method of life recovery when not using fire arrow, but to be that much closer to MoM which most people will say is stupid to get on him, but I totally disagree when he can initiate with the MoM(total 390 movement speed) + Fire arrow and strafe and then escape with ghost walk incase he gets focuses in MoM mode. A different approach with ghost walk.. Simple as that, nuff said.

B.) I was not just seeking a way to play centaur warrunner optimally but to play him reliably and to his own strength of 3.8 str per level. Reliable by not touching double edge which I personally found to be a wreckless, which is a reasonable assertion. And optimally by going middle and only putting 1 point in hoof stomp which saves lots of points for stats that increases strength all the more. Target item was heart since you recover life based on max life pool.

When I can't get in to the center lane with centaur, I now stick to hoofstomp and double edge at the start since wand and tranquil boots are so cheap and supportive of those skills. Other then that, I pointed out how centaur wasn't a carry so his goal wasn't going to be to run around targeting enemy heroes, he isn't a support so he isn't really going to be the team ***** and follow them around, and his valuable ulti for the team can be used anywhere on the map which allows him to go off on his own and farm, which is what you do if you don't do either of the other. With that said, I was seeking the optimal way to farm.

The most valuable criticism of the progressive style consisting of stacking boots and MoM + Sange and Yasha has actually come from myself as I read on the sage that PERCENTAGE based movement speed from items does not stack. It doesn't provide this message on the MoM nor the Phase boots, which still leaves the matter unclear to me.

C.) My claim was that 5 drums could work on a hero if there was a hero that had physical warrior type skills, and a way to spend all of mana effeciently and effectively. I did not realize that I would end up with Medussa as a prime example. Lo and Behold, 5 drums can and does work perfectly fine on her if you are leaning more towards tanking, but even I recognized that this was defensive over kill and leaned more toward an offensive style with an item load out of Tranquil boots, Phase Boots, MoM, and 3 drums. I could have even switched out the phase boots for a 4th drum... so excuse me 4 drums can be ideal on a hero not counting that 5 drums could work perfectly fine.

D.) I don't claim to know anything about invoker aside from the fact that he starts with 280 movement speed and is not an escape heroe. With that said, I was seeking to be as fast as possible as early as possible with Tranq, Phase, and Wex. That's when you started prodding me while I was in the game that getting tranquility boots on him was out of the question. You persistently prodded me by repeatedly questioning my reasoning that I explained to you time and time again, but you stubbornly could not accept. It eventually got to a point where I recognized I was being harassed and blocked communication with you.

And I hope you will just let it go from here on out instead of skewing the history here in to making me look like a troll. Harassment.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » June 16, 2013 12:25am | Report
Kyfoid please. There's a difference in "ideal" and "works". So don't go around saying 4 drums with phase tranq is ideal on Medusa.

Items don't have to stack perfectly to be useful, I respect that (Hence 2 butterflies is still a good thing on PA) but that doesn't mean tranq phase is a good idea. That's what Nubtrain was trying to say- sure, you get a speed boost- do you really need it? For invoker, you could just get EUls and that's a permanent ms increase and it really helps your team by locking down an enemy hero, which is highly desirable when compared to simply making yourself move really fast, and getting a bit of a DPS increase and a heal, both of which are achievable via Exort and Quas anyway.

Why do you have to mention Clinkz and Centaur? Nobody's even talking about those, so don't bring it up again.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 16, 2013 3:50am | Report
Will not be acknowledging Samukobo or Nubtrain from here on out and hopefully the community can see why here. Does anyone else have something to say?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 16, 2013 5:17am | Report
No one really gives a damn if you acknowledge someone or not when you provide nothing to the community. When someone picks apart your logic and provide examples to why it doesn't work, you arrogantly impose your ideas to why it's an idea everyone should do. You're inexperienced and clearly new to the game but you arrogantly go around spewing horse manure to the crevasse of the forums.

What's pathetic is that you're actually serious about everything you're saying, I honestly thought you were just trolling but between the exchanges we had, that's the only thing I've been wrong so far.

You type walls of text when you try to explain your ideas when it can simply be made in a few sentences. You type ideas to why the game should be different or how this hero should be played but it's so clear you have no idea what you're talking about. You buy items for the wrong reasons, you have no idea how to optimally rank up your abilities which is ironic since you arrogantly state optimal ways to play heroes.

Like I've mentioned many times already, when you arrogantly state optimal builds and give bad advice, you're going to get backlashes. You continue to insist 4-5 drums is the right idea or that it works. You then back it up with basically "unlimited charges with nice overall stats" when you fail to realize you're wasting 3-4 extra slots and a lot of gold. I even did the math for you but you for some unknown reason still can't accept it but then you expect people to listen to your ideas and try them.

Type up a guide, I won't even rate it. I'll even promote it on other websites if I have to; just so you can see the very same results that were also made by this very community you choose to ignore.

It's funny, you try to manipulate the amused readers who's reading this thread, do you really think I won't have proof of your shenanigans?!

Potential readers be warned, your head might explode from the sheer arrogance and ignorance


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ancient Hero » June 16, 2013 6:02am | Report
That sounds so childish and immature when you lose the argument and then refse to acknowledge samukobo and nubtrain

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » June 16, 2013 6:03am | Report
Kyfoid, in all your posts I see you talking about getting more movement speed. I believe that movement speed is of less importance compared to positioning. If you get stunned or rooted in a gank because you were in a bad position, movement speed will not save you. I think the money spent extra Phase Boots should be spent on damage/survivability items.

Power Treads costs 1400. A Blade of Alacrity/ Staff of Wizardry/ Ogre Club + a Glove of Haste would only cost 100 more gold to aquire, gives slightly more stats and can be built into many other different items. Phase Boots costs 1350. A single Broadsword costs 1400, slightly more gold for the same stats, but can be built into bigger items like Cystalis and Battlefury for the farming carries out there. Basically, the boots have a good build up, but they do not scale into the late-game, while the items I have mentioned can be built into an assortment of items later on.

Also, there is no reason to ignore Nubtrain and Samukobo. They are trying to let you know that dota is simply not limited to your item builds (which aren't a good choice anyway), and should learn a bit more of the dotaverse before you make claims that you know how to play the game more efficiently than others.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 16, 2013 6:16am | Report
porygon361 wrote:
Phase Boots costs 1350. A single Broadsword costs 1400, slightly more gold for the same stats

Can I get a reality check on this statement please.

6 damage for 150 additional gold as a ratio to a blade that costs 450 and does 9 damage


P-P-P-P Pleeeeaase.....

Plus, you don't even know what a broad sword costs, and you actually believe that is what it costs as you declare that it costs slightly more then phase boots.

I'm sorry to hurt your pride here but I am naturally just laughing.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » June 16, 2013 6:19am | Report
Kyfoid wrote:

Can I get a reality check on this statement please.

Haha, I meant slightly more gold for the same damage boost. The movement speed boost is good, but is not enough to justify getting 2 pairs of boots on a hero when 1 pair and an item that can be built into potential lategame items would be a better choice.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 16, 2013 6:46am | Report
porygon361 wrote:

The movement speed boost is good, but is not enough to justify getting 2 pairs of boots on a hero when 1 pair and an item that can be built into potential lategame items would be a better choice.

This is something Kyfoid doesn't understand


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