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What Steam/Ice Frogger + Community should have done a long time ago...

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Forum » General Discussion » What Steam/Ice Frogger + Community should have done a long time ago... 77 posts - page 6 of 8
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 15, 2013 10:30am | Report
But no one in their right mind will recharge a drum when they could buy another drum with 4 charges. By the end you have enough charges that you would use at key times for the rest of the game.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 15, 2013 10:34am | Report
Who in their right mind would buy ANOTHER drums when they can just buy the recipe especially if you only want the charges. The charges is not important, it's great to have but it's just adding icing to the cake, the cake being the drums itself. If you don't have anymore charges, so what? Just spend the money elsewhere, the point of buying Drum of Endurance is for it's cost effectiveness and cheap stats.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » June 15, 2013 10:43am | Report
I totally agree with Nubtrain here, your arguments are invalid Kyfoid, and I think Nub made it pretty clear. Its not that I am hating on you or something, but he actually proved the thing he was saying, while you did nothing to do so.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 15, 2013 10:45am | Report
Kyfoid let's play or chat together on steam or skype, what's your skype?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 15, 2013 11:44am | Report
Wulfstan wrote:

I totally agree with Nubtrain here, your arguments are invalid Kyfoid, and I think Nub made it pretty clear. Its not that I am hating on you or something, but he actually proved the thing he was saying, while you did nothing to do so.

Statement with out explanation. If you are going to jump in and take sides you have to actually go in to detail or stay out, not just throw in your two cents, otherwise it makes you look poor, looking out for you here.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ancient Hero » June 15, 2013 12:14pm | Report
Nubtrain, I don't think hes gonna give his steam to play. I'm still waiting for a response on the centaur mid build after I asked for a 1v1 to see how well it works.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 15, 2013 12:46pm | Report

Oh no, he did, here I present you the chat of the century


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » June 15, 2013 1:00pm | Report
I've read it all, and you really don't make sense.What is worse is that you called him dumb and whatnot(Kyfoid), so yeah, please sustain what you talk about.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 15, 2013 1:06pm | Report
Ok, so I'm going to address the points on this thread thoroughly and beyond perfectly real quick.

Nubtrain adds me to friends list and he repeatedly asks me why I stack boots and won't stop asking me. I tell him over and over again the reason why, and he still doesn't understand.

This is the best way that I can put it for him... as I did when we talked in private.

Boots of Travel have no useful components other then the boots themselves, so boots of travel make the least sense to stack for progressive purposes. However, it is the type of item where if you go on a gold run and save up 2,450 gold, then it's fine to just go ahead and buy them no matter what boots you already have on.

With that said, all the other boots not only have useful components, they don't require a recipe to build at all. This means, all you have to do is flip the perception switch in your brain to see the basic boot part as a side shop recipe for the complete boots.... hell yeah!

You have boots of tranq to play reliably safer at the start (which is what I've been trying to suggest the community should do if they ever get sick of starts where they die or see other players dying around them) And you can buy 2 blades of attack, still great for last hitting, and then buy the pair of boots as a recipe for phase boots in your C key inventory that you spam the rest of the game....

This is a way to play if you don't intend on getting MoM but you could still use both.

God, I'm so glad that I'm perfectly right about that and don't have to explain it again... so now let's move on to Medussa.

Honestly, I don't like to be the person that makes assumptions and judgements after merely one game, even if I have a good deal of experience with this game at this point, but we were losing to a team that had a Fed drow, one of their players disconnected, and then we came back to win easily.

I believe the reason behind this is because Medussa is pound for pound the most cost effective hero in the game... Hell, I was getting my *** handed to me by drow in the middle lane for so long, yet we came back and I did better then I should have been able to from being so far behind. Perhaps we could call her the come back king.

By the end of the game I had 3 drums of endurance, Tranquility boots, phase boots, and Mask of Madnesss.

Just fricken powerful as godly hell....

Someone already stated on here that the branch was the most cost effective item in the game, well when you upgrade your wand with 3 branches for medusa, you suddenly have a tool that becomes your lord and savior Jesus Christ Replenishing both Life and Substantial amounts of mana for your mana shield making it doubly as effective.

This character doesn't hardly need her arrow splitting skill, and although you might think that all she needs is mana shield and stats, the snake skill even steals mana while being offensive. Insane.

Perhaps this is the true blue noob friendly hero that dota 2 has ever known, but guess what... I don't remember reading any guides what so ever that recommend this character... Maybe because she wasn't out to play at the time?

I also want to say that my theory about 4-5 drums on a character will definitely work on her if you're seeking to be a massive tank... however, being a ranged character you would probably rather move fast and do more damage which is why 3-4 drums works fine instead.

When I was talking about using as much as 5 drums, I was searching for, like I said, someone who could spend the most mana in the most cost effective way, and still had some skill that supported a physical warrior style.

Medussa has this with her ultimate that enhances physical damage against he opponent.

I'm just in awe as this is pretty much the one character I've been looking for all along....

I personally believe that, in the end, all characters should be able to play in such a way that makes such a meaningful use out of the mana pool as this character does... obviously we can't changes heroes so it would have to be an item I suppose....

Like for example, radiance has this aura that burns enemies, but does it slowly drain your mana over time? And perhaps it would be made to do more offensive damage if it did drain mana... and with a radiance + an all stat approach it might balance out.

Just sayin.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 15, 2013 2:45pm | Report
How can anyone justify double boots, I sincerely thought you were trolling but when I watched your game with Invoker you actually went for the build. So guys remember, Kyfoid is being absolutely serious about his double boots.

Previously you arrogantly claimed optimal builds for Clinkz, then Centaur Warrunner and then you discovered Invoker. You even tried to lecture me when there's proof you had no idea Tranquil Boots can break down to regular boot speeds or that Wex on Invoker provides movement speed.

In this thread, you kept on ignoring the facts that 4-5 drums is bad but you then try to defend that claim with "oh general stats > focused strength" or "it's still the same as replenishing with recipe". I've provided basic math and common sense to prove to you that the 4-5 drum stack doesn't work and for some reason you can't get around the fact that you have to farm for the expensive items. Buying items in the store isn't like IRL flea market where you try to find the best bargain priced items and stock up on it.

You also keep on thinking everyone and every hero needs Mask of Madness, might be assuming it but you keep on mentioning it when nobody else does. I also predicted you'd provide excuses for the game you lost, "Oh everyone else sucks but me", you can even read it in the first picture. I give insight to why you're losing or why this build won't work and you attack me, which is ironic since you think everyone else is attacking "your ideas".

I even told you to go continue farming but you wanted to stop playing and continue chatting with me. You didn't have to respond to everything I typed immediately, you could of just waited but oh wait, your teammates sucked and you were too good and it was their fault you lost so why not continue the banter.

This is to prove to people that you were super serious about these suggestions and not a troll, you might be trolling a bit but it's clear you were super serious since I SAW the Invoker game and you were actually building it. You can play as arrogantly as you want but if you're going to claim optimal builds and stick to that idea, don't expect others to just sit around and have you give BAD advice to anyone.


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