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Unorthodox Items Picks for Heroes

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Unorthodox Items Picks for Heroes 51 posts - page 3 of 6
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PrinceSitri » December 14, 2012 4:50am | Report
Actually I've used Diffusal Blade on Windrunner especially when there are heroes on the other team like Skeleton King, Juggernaut, Pudge or any hero who has a low mana pool. It is really funny like when a Skeleton King is so overconfident because he has his ulti up and you Focus Fire him. Boom! Dead Skeleton King. Lol.

I once used a Heaven's Halberd on a Silencer against a Drow Ranger. Use the halberd, hit, hit, Last Words and you will at most have 10.5 seconds of disarm, lost that fight though. Too much pushing power slightly because of Drow's aura on creeps but I had 1 more kill than her. Harhar


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Vash » December 14, 2012 9:36am | Report
SuperNova wrote:

i want to try and carry treant. somehow. any ideas guys?

I have a friend who plays Treant Protector very well and has made a carry build for him. Next time I play with him I'll ask him his build. I want to say Radiance was one, but don't hold me to that. :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nryn » December 15, 2012 3:06am | Report
Vash wrote:

I have a friend who plays Treant Protector very well and has made a carry build for him. Next time I play with him I'll ask him his build. I want to say Radiance was one, but don't hold me to that. :)

pretty hard to farm, we used to put MoM battlefury cystalys on him maybe 2 years ago.

anyway, everytime I play windrunner now, I put Mjollnir. just so I can hear her say it.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Rigul » December 15, 2012 7:38am | Report
Radiance is good on Treant Protector, but like nryn said it's not the easiest thing to farm in a reasonable amount of time for Treant.

On occasion I go Arcane Boots on Axe for the extra spell power. This is very situational but works well when being aggressive against casters before you get Blink Dagger since you can chase them down and Battle Hunger spam them.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » December 15, 2012 10:13am | Report
NicknameMy wrote:

I personally dislike Force Staff very hard and I want an item with movement speed to compensate that. No item you mentioned has that.

In league of legends, there is a similar item called Trinity Force. For the longest time, Trinity Force was overlooked because it had rather medicore stats, but for that, nearly every stat. Then, suddenly, someone picked it up, and then nearly everyone had to get it in order to be good. This item is kinda like the same.

And again, I want an item with damage, HP, attack speed, movement speed and a slow on it. Sange and Yasha is the only item which offers that all in one item.

I'm an avid league player and I can confirm that Trinity is trash, has always been trash and always will be trash. The only reason you pick up trinity is if your core consists of a phage and a sheen, such as Ezreal. Trinity is also not comparable to SnY as Trinity has more components and offers more then SnY. SnY is a go to item if you're doing bad and your core consist of a Manta, Heavens Halberd, or both. The reason you don't get mobility on SK and Force Staff is because you're just a big moving target to stun, while a force staff offers cheap AS and AD while providing a tool of initiation, a Yasha face check isn't an initiation.

Now back to the OP: Been toying with the idea of pure tank Slark. Don't have any specific items but Slark would do well, he has an initiation/escape, and his form of dmg is his passive, which unlike any other auto-attack hero, it scales evenly through-out any point in the game, and all that Agi stack provides armor. Plus his passive is percentile regen, and crazy percentile at that, like 7%/s at max.

So an example would be like: Treads/ Heart of Tar***que/ Assault Cuirass/ Rod of Atos
Maybe even a Radiance, but to do this you'd have to have carry priority on a tri-lane and find an effective way to farm.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » December 15, 2012 10:43am | Report
xCO2 wrote:

I'm an avid league player and I can confirm that Trinity is trash, has always been trash and always will be trash. The only reason you pick up trinity is if your core consists of a phage and a sheen, such as Ezreal. Trinity is also not comparable to SnY as Trinity has more components and offers more then SnY. SnY is a go to item if you're doing bad and your core consist of a Manta, Heavens Halberd, or both. The reason you don't get mobility on SK and Force Staff is because you're just a big moving target to stun, while a force staff offers cheap AS and AD while providing a tool of initiation, a Yasha face check isn't an initiation.

Now back to the OP: Been toying with the idea of pure tank Slark. Don't have any specific items but Slark would do well, he has an initiation/escape, and his form of dmg is his passive, which unlike any other auto-attack hero, it scales evenly through-out any point in the game, and all that Agi stack provides armor. Plus his passive is percentile regen, and crazy percentile at that, like 7%/s at max.

So an example would be like: Treads/ Heart of Tar***que/ Assault Cuirass/ Rod of Atos
Maybe even a Radiance, but to do this you'd have to have carry priority on a tri-lane and find an effective way to farm.

Force Staff, AS and AD. WTF? Sange and Yasha offers that and also HP. And Force Staff is just garbage with a ****ty active...

skeleton king is someone who wants to be focused by stuns anyway. He is so tanky and has his ultimate that he can take some hits for his team. With more movement speed and damage he does that better than with a "blink". And post Heart of Tarrasque noone wants to focus you anyway.
The fast way to fast Skeleton King.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » December 17, 2012 3:44am | Report
NicknameMy wrote:

Force Staff, AS and AD. WTF? Sange and Yasha offers that and also HP. And Force Staff is just garbage with a ****ty active...

skeleton king is someone who wants to be focused by stuns anyway. He is so tanky and has his ultimate that he can take some hits for his team. With more movement speed and damage he does that better than with a "blink". And post Heart of Tarrasque noone wants to focus you anyway.

Was actually thinking quarter staff, I mean that the extra int lets you spam your stun more and the regen gives you some decent EHP. You're the carry you're gonna be focused down no matter what, hence why BKB is core, hence your an auto-attacker not a tank, hence SnY is trash. Its not a matter of debate, its a fact that SnY is a fall back item and you're better off going manta/halberd and having SnY as the fall back.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Allegiance » December 18, 2012 11:35pm | Report
Ok, did I miss something?

Since when is the active of Force Staff ****ty ? o.O


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » December 19, 2012 8:04am | Report
Since I hate it...
The fast way to fast Skeleton King.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LiLPr0 » December 19, 2012 8:44am | Report
Since he didn't know how to play.


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