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Forum » Mentoring » General advice / help needed. 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by InHu.PINGdingDONG » January 2, 2016 12:29am | Report
Hello my name is PINGding**** (obviously not my real name), 15 years old, and I've been playing DotA 2 Since early 2013 and for about 4 years now. I have about 650 Solo MMR and 900 Party MMR but when I play unranked I play with players from 2.5K MMR to 3.5K MMR. I try not to flame and treat people fairly and not say 'ez' and all that stuff that a lot of people like to say after getting a kill or whatever, plus I play almost every hero fairly well or at least have an understanding of them well enough to fill in the wholes of my teams line up whether it be support or carry or mid or offlane or whatever. I always try hard and do the best I can and strive to improve even though I have a ton of I guess technical faults since I play on a pretty terrible potato, that I'll hopefully get an upgrade to soon, I usually do well and fill my role. It just seems to me after putting in over 1000 matches and 1500 hours into the game I want to do better and start having fun instead of having to deal with angry high or drunk people raging at the enemy or friendly south american players who maybe don't speak the same language as us. I've recently been picking up Meepo and Shadow Fiend as they're high skill cap heros from what I know and I seem to do well with them plus they're really fun to play. I usually do fairly well on them averaging about 60 LH on SF by 10 min in a good game that I've played recently and getting a decent amount of farm and carrying the rest of the game as hard as I can. With Meepo I usually am six-slotted by 35 to 45 min and doing the normal Meepo things, you know. I don't know, it's just I have a hard time getting better at DotA I think. If you have some tips that you could give me that you think might help me plus send them at me.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » January 2, 2016 3:20am | Report
Find yourself on DOTABUFF (or similar service), post a link, and there's plenty of people here that will be happy to take a look at some of your games and offer advice. There's tons of guides out there on general improvement, but specific advice relevant to you may be more useful...
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by InHu.PINGdingDONG » January 2, 2016 9:42am | Report
Sando wrote:

Find yourself on DOTABUFF (or similar service), post a link, and there's plenty of people here that will be happy to take a look at some of your games and offer advice. There's tons of guides out there on general improvement, but specific advice relevant to you may be more useful...

Ok, I'll edit the post and link my dotabuff on it.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » January 2, 2016 3:17pm | Report
Can't see anything really bad in your builds, they look ok, you've been improving your stats steadily. It's likely a "skills" issue. Could you post up a few games you'd like someone to look at?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » January 2, 2016 3:57pm | Report
Just by a quick look, and no means a deep analysis, but just because it might help, two notes:

1) Your item build in some heroes looks like open to improvement. Some random examples, just to illustrate what I mean: you are a support Bane, there's almost never a valid reason to get a Ring of Aquila. There are other items that fullfil those needs better, and you're not getting what you really need in the hero, including the possibility of safely using your spells ( Glimmer Cape, the new Aether Lens, Force Staff cause positioning yourself carefully is still the most important thing in a support). Second random example: Venomancer is an Agility hero that is mainly played as a support, as you did, so he has little mana to work with and very mana intensive necessities, so buying a mana expensive item like Mekansm, specially without other mana items (and a Force Staff instead of Blink Dagger, which also costs mana), is a bad idea, because you will never have enough mana to cast everything you need.

One thing common to both these examples is the fact that if you research the most common builds for these heroes, you will notice none of these items are in any of those.

So my advice is, for every hero and in every match: consider carefully the items you're gonna buy, as soon as the game begins, based on the hero you picked (if you're a support, you can't be greedy and you will have mana and positioning issues, if you're a core you will need damage and attack speed, etc.) and the enemy team composition (in the recent Shadow Fiend game, you did a Silver Edge, which was the perfect item choice against your enemy team, for instance).

Before playing a hero, take a look at guides, both in sites like this and on YouTube (guides and games from high skilled people, from coaches like Purge or even championship games). If everyone is buying specific items on a hero, and avoiding others, there's a reason for that, and the correct itemization can actually be the difference between losing and winning games.

2) Second note: You always change the heroes played, and they also vary imensily on roles. If you want to improve steadily, this is not the best way to do it. You should instead pick a role and try some heroes that fullfill it for a time, and also not just skip hero from game to game.

My advice: pick your favourite role and something like 3 to 5 heroes and spam them for a bit, after some researching.

Dont' take me wrong, I don't mean you can't get better playing such diverse heroes as you do now, you can. It just takes way longer, because you're always changing mind set and you're never getting really good with any, just scratching the surface on all. Mastering a hero requires tons of experience with it, and repetition and error.

My real example: the only hero I consider I really know how to play is Crystal Maiden. I have almost 400 games with her xD No other hero gets even close, and even if of course I also still have a lot to learn with her, I have more to learn when it comes to heroes that I played only 50 times, and even more if I played them 10, and so on. I also noticed I started playing better with her when I wrote a guide on this site, because it made me do a lot of research and for the first time really spend some time thinking on the hero and its characteristics. I also for the first time discussed other item and build options with people here, which made me learn a lot, and I watched many competitive games. So you see, there are several paths into getting better, I suggest you pick the ones you like the most and try them with some selected heroes.

Hope this helped. Good luck!

Credits to Janitsu!

Ammateurs coaching channel iei!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by InHu.PINGdingDONG » January 3, 2016 10:01pm | Report
ChiChi wrote:

Just by a quick look, and no means a deep analysis, but just because it might help, two notes:

1) Your item build in some heroes looks like open to improvement. Some random examples, just to illustrate what I mean: you are a support Bane, there's almost never a valid reason to get a Ring of Aquila. There are other items that fullfil those needs better, and you're not getting what you really need in the hero, including the possibility of safely using your spells ( Glimmer Cape, the new Aether Lens, Force Staff cause positioning yourself carefully is still the most important thing in a support). Second random example: Venomancer is an Agility hero that is mainly played as a support, as you did, so he has little mana to work with and very mana intensive necessities, so buying a mana expensive item like Mekansm, specially without other mana items (and a Force Staff instead of Blink Dagger, which also costs mana), is a bad idea, because you will never have enough mana to cast everything you need.

One thing common to both these examples is the fact that if you research the most common builds for these heroes, you will notice none of these items are in any of those.

So my advice is, for every hero and in every match: consider carefully the items you're gonna buy, as soon as the game begins, based on the hero you picked (if you're a support, you can't be greedy and you will have mana and positioning issues, if you're a core you will need damage and attack speed, etc.) and the enemy team composition (in the recent Shadow Fiend game, you did a Silver Edge, which was the perfect item choice against your enemy team, for instance).

Before playing a hero, take a look at guides, both in sites like this and on YouTube (guides and games from high skilled people, from coaches like Purge or even championship games). If everyone is buying specific items on a hero, and avoiding others, there's a reason for that, and the correct itemization can actually be the difference between losing and winning games.

2) Second note: You always change the heroes played, and they also vary imensily on roles. If you want to improve steadily, this is not the best way to do it. You should instead pick a role and try some heroes that fullfill it for a time, and also not just skip hero from game to game.

My advice: pick your favourite role and something like 3 to 5 heroes and spam them for a bit, after some researching.

Dont' take me wrong, I don't mean you can't get better playing such diverse heroes as you do now, you can. It just takes way longer, because you're always changing mind set and you're never getting really good with any, just scratching the surface on all. Mastering a hero requires tons of experience with it, and repetition and error.

My real example: the only hero I consider I really know how to play is Crystal Maiden. I have almost 400 games with her xD No other hero gets even close, and even if of course I also still have a lot to learn with her, I have more to learn when it comes to heroes that I played only 50 times, and even more if I played them 10, and so on. I also noticed I started playing better with her when I wrote a guide on this site, because it made me do a lot of research and for the first time really spend some time thinking on the hero and its characteristics. I also for the first time discussed other item and build options with people here, which made me learn a lot, and I watched many competitive games. So you see, there are several paths into getting better, I suggest you pick the ones you like the most and try them with some selected heroes.

Hope this helped. Good luck!

Thank you so much, I usually have some reasoning to buying the items I do but I now realize that I don't think of whether I can support that item or not. The only heros I truly know when to get what item I'd say are Shadow Fiend and Meepo. Even though I find position 3 and 4 heros really fun like Timbersaw and Undying and other similar heros I think I do best in position 2 and occasionally 1 as well. The reason I skip around heros so often is because I tend to get bored with just one hero (or even a bit tired after a long Meepo game haha). I think I will try to Focus mostly on position 2 mid Shadow Fiend and position 1 or 2 Meepo since they're both pretty high skill cap heros that aren't too advanced when you get down to the basics of them I think so I should hopefully be able to work on skills like last hitting, denying, proper positioning, item builds, and other core parts of DotA on them and later eventually spread my knowledge from these two heros across other heros I'm interested in playing like Clockwerk, Invoker, Pheonix, Morphling, and TA. Once again thanks so much for the help I really appreciate it.


Posts: 7
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by InHu.PINGdingDONG » January 3, 2016 10:30pm | Report
Sando wrote:

Can't see anything really bad in your builds, they look ok, you've been improving your stats steadily. It's likely a "skills" issue. Could you post up a few games you'd like someone to look at?

Sure, I'll post some of my more recent games. I'll give you the Match ID's to some of my better games as well as some of my worse games just so you can get a good idea. I've now decided that I'll mainly be focusing on heros like SF and Meepo as they're heros I highly enjoy and think I play well or at least better than my other heros.

Match Id's:
1. Match 2037326516 This is one of my more recent Meepo games I think I did pretty well in. It was with my little casual team that I play position 1 and 2 on for fun. Win

2. Match 2049802604 This is one of my more recent Shadow Fiend games where I think I did OK but could've definitely have done much better. Win

3. Match 2044989079 This is a match I played with my friend Faraday who is a pretty good 3K MMR carry player. I played an OK roaming support Bounty Hunter. Figured I'd put this in since it's one of my only games at the High skill level. Win

4. Match 2044926176 Here's another one of my more recent Shadow Fiend games where I decided to try Ranked for the first time in a really really long time and lost :/. I didn't do horrible but I am pretty sure i built fairly poorly especially with the purchase of a Shadow Blade but ultimatley I wasn't too worried since this is at 650 MMR and no one buys detection lol. I did get fairly ragey this game. Lose

5. Match 1996447168 Here's another one of my semi recent Meepo games where I lost but I forgot why. I didn't do too bad but didn't do great either. I used to not buy Blink Dagger on Meepo because I thought the microing would be to much for me but I figured I'd try it this game. (I used to go Tranquils, Vlads, Aghs, Heart, and AC then just do my own 5 man push down mid and end lol). Lose

6. Match 2047065583 Figured I'd add this on in since I decided to try a pos 4 roaming support Pudge since I wanted to kick off the new year with something fun and I don't really think Pudge is a good mid hero now. Win

7. Match 2035161532 This was just a normal Pudge mid game. Win

8. Match 2032324874 Here's an Invoker game I played where I think I did pretty poorly but our PA carried us anyway lol. Win

9. Match 1955281875 Puck is on of my absolute FAVORITE heros so I decided to throw in a game with him as well. Win

10. Match 2050413014 So I get A LOT of Low priority because my Computer is really bad (A $245 Dell ****top (laptop) from 2010) but luckily me new computer is coming in 3 more days so yay. Besides that, this is one of those Lp matches I played with a friend or two and I played a pretty mean Pugna mid. An underrated hero in my opinion. Win

11. Match 2037365079 Lastly here's a match with my team again (with the standin's) where I played an OK carry Medusa but it was pretty funny and stuff. Win

Also, thank you so much for helping me!


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