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Umnusman's Profile
Guides: 1     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (2)
JOINED: February 18, 2012
LAST SEEN: February 24, 2013
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Umnusman's Bio

Ambitous autist

... thats what i tell myself that i am anyway.

Well hello everyone, i am Umnusman, a 18 year boy from the fair country of Denmark (fair and very small). I love to play video games (Duh?), come up with ideas for video games, and then try and take and make my ideas into reality. I just recently started looking into Java language and hopes to be able to develop games along with some other people one time. Also i love music of different genres and is a huge Valve fanboy (Thank god i got my beta key for Dota2). I hope to share both builds and comments on builds as well as learn a little more about playing Dota2 and it's champions in here.

Published Guides
latest February 27, 2017

DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.

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