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131 Votes

Transforming your Odds - I present Morphling (updated)

March 4, 2015 by mcus
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Murderous Donkey | July 27, 2015 4:06pm
I know your build doesn't use aghs, but I think you should at least explain how hybrid works
Lihin | July 27, 2015 2:48am
Clarity is good for morphling but you max the morph. Its going to be like mana drain and out of mana all the time in the early game. Should i use bottle?
TheSofa (54) | March 5, 2015 3:50pm

real quick question!

which is the best for morph?
Raw Damage or Stacking Stat??? (AGI/STR)

Stacking stats. They may give you the same amount of damage, but stats offer much more flexibility.
fires.of.hell (2) | March 5, 2015 3:42pm
Morph is my favorite midlaner/carry. I think Pudge and Sniper is my easiest prey.Why not wraith band and tango at starting items ? You can boost your HP by STR Morph and build it later as Ring of Aquila later. I saw recently Orchid of Malevolence to Morph maybe because the damage scales up depends on main stat. Black King Bar is also a decent pick-up if you're a team fight oriented and enemies have bags of disable. Maybe you can add Orchid, Hand of Midas and Heart of Tarrasque as Situational. Add Io as friend, I saw their combo at high tier games and it goes very well. Good guide btw.
cleverduckling | April 30, 2014 12:15am
real quick question!

which is the best for morph?
Raw Damage or Stacking Stat??? (AGI/STR)
LordShift | February 23, 2014 3:50pm
Before reading this guide I was terrible at Morphling.
Keep making more builds-(Meepo anyone?)
Perception | November 19, 2013 4:10pm
I may be wrong about this, but I thought that you could wave form out of Pudge's ultimate? I'll have to try this in-game, but if so, I see no reason why Pudge mid is any problem at all.
Roijan | August 9, 2013 2:43am
Hi there. First of all, great job, excellent guide. I look forward to playing morphling in the future. Also noticed you did not update the Linken's cooldown (17 seconds instead of 20) as of 6.78. Again, nice work.
Robost | August 6, 2013 12:20pm
I would go for 1 slippers of agi + 1 str gauntlet instead of 2 gauntlets. This can be built into aquila and drums if you feel like doing so. On top of that, wraith bands are cheaper than bracer while they give him the same amount of stats.
FancyFish (1) | July 15, 2013 5:27pm
xpoizone wrote:

I am an experienced Dota player and this is the last hero in the current hero pool that I have not played a pub with (I even did meepo a few times). I am utterly confused by the morph skill because I am not sure when to start morphing, or when to stop (how much is enough). Is there any ratio (like late game 2:1 as you said) or thumb rule which I can use during laning/mid game??

I've played Morphling, and as my rule of thumb, always have at least 1000 max hp, now if they have Lion or people like him, who have high burst, think about 1500, late game though, my core is linkens, manta, and satanic(in that order), so i have lots of health from attributes, i morph everything into agi.
xpoizone (1) | June 30, 2013 9:16am
I am an experienced Dota player and this is the last hero in the current hero pool that I have not played a pub with (I even did meepo a few times). I am utterly confused by the morph skill because I am not sure when to start morphing, or when to stop (how much is enough). Is there any ratio (like late game 2:1 as you said) or thumb rule which I can use during laning/mid game??
Hutska35 (1) | June 23, 2013 3:21pm
this guide is lacking friends&foes section, still a good guide anyway. I will upvote if you add.
Also Eye of skadi is much more good for morph. (Than satanic) It gives awesome tankiness,solves mana problems, and gives SWEET agility. also the slow synergizes with morphling too, since he doesnt have. Eye of Skadi makes him much much stronger on 1v1 too.
Satanic gives some tankiness and lifesteal too, but in this build he is just too exposed to stuns. He is already low-ranged, i dont think that enemy team will watch while morph owns them.
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