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October 16, 2016

Is Dota becoming to commercial?

Views: 2615 The Frosto
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Is Dota becoming to commercial?

Hello everyone

I haven't shown myself anymore for a long time mostly because I stopped playing Dota. However I think that the following topic is a pretty interesting one and one of the few not trending about the in game mechanics but actually about exterior game mechanics. I will be discussing how Dota, and a lot of Valve their games doing the same thing, are becomming pure commercial.

Some of us are already playing for a while now. I started some years ago, so I'm not the oldest player in any means but yet I can call myself decently experienced with the game evolution. Also I do have a decent knowledge of Dota since I did watch a lot of the ti1, ti2 and of course the ti3 games. ti4 was the first international I watched and followed intensively, while not having a compendium. Since I did watch the ti 4 that intensive I decided to buy a compendium for the ti5 but that compendium was almost garbage in comparison with the ti4 one. Especially since you co…
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April 28, 2016
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The new Blade Mail, discussion and usage on Crystal Maiden

Hello guys I'm presenting you may thaughts about Blade Mail. I will give a closer look on using the item on Crystal Maiden. To start off, I will explain how the item works and what changed during this patch, which made it in my eyes a legit pick up for Crystal Maiden and many more heroes.

Blade mail

So what the item does is rather simple. It returns damage. It has always been an item that returned damage and it still is. Traditionally this item was bought by tanky heroes and especially tanky heroes who force to fight against them. Those heroes were Legion Commander, Axe and Clockwerk. Other heroes where a Blade Mail was sometimes spotted on were Centaur Warrunner , Huskar, Bristleback and Undying. Sometimes other heroes would purchase the item as well but tend to lose or get reported by teammates. I think we can say that blademail was a rare item which was countered by bkb.

However a little buff changed a lot f…
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March 14, 2016
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Dota, a dangerous game

Well because this is a community purely about dota I would like to talk about things that you can do that aren't dota related. I do this because there is way more in live than just dota and there are alot of people addicted to this game.

My addiction

a dieing family member

So I start with a little story from me. Previous year my granny was in hospital due to cancer. She is a really important person for me and I am for here the person where she has the strongest connection with. Of course I didn't want her to die, just like the rest of my family didn't want that. I was really sad, almost depressive during that period. But instead of helping my grandmother by visiting her and motivating her and stuff, I just played dota. I visited her sometimes but not as much as I should do and I also did less for school just to play dota. Dota was the best way for me to get away from all the trouble. However at a certain point she was moved to "intensive care" because the ch…
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March 01, 2016

A little thaught on Ouworld Devourer

Views: 2837 The Frosto
+Rep | Report | (0)
Just a little ******** about outworld devourer and my evolution in playing the hero.

First I want to make clear that I'm not an outworld devourer expert or something like that but I'm starting to get the hero a bit and I'm abusing him to gain mmr. I play him mostly mid but sometimes I will do a safelane od or even an oflane outworld devourer. But before I start about myself I will just talk a bit about the for long time forgotten Outworld devourer.

Hero lore:

One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From this jagged crystalline Outworld, forever on guard, he has gazed for eternities into the heavens, alert for any stirring in the bottomless night beyond the stars. Imprinted deep in the shining lattices of his intellect lies a resonant pattern akin to prophecy, a dark music implying that eventually some evil will wake out there, beyond the edges of creation, and turn its atte
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