The new Blade Mail, discussion and usage on Crystal Maiden
Hello guys I'm presenting you may thaughts about Blade Mail. I will give a closer look on using the item on Crystal Maiden. To start off, I will explain how the item works and what changed during this patch, which made it in my eyes a legit pick up for Crystal Maiden and many more heroes.
Blade mail
So what the item does is rather simple. It returns damage. It has always been an item that returned damage and it still is. Traditionally this item was bought by tanky heroes and especially tanky heroes who force to fight against them. Those heroes were Legion Commander, Axe and Clockwerk. Other heroes where a Blade Mail was sometimes spotted on were Centaur Warrunner , Huskar, Bristleback and Undying. Sometimes other heroes would purchase the item as well but tend to lose or get reported by teammates. I think we can say that blademail was a rare item which was countered by bkb.
However a little buff changed a lot for this item. Now the damage is reflected before reduction and not blocked by spell resistance as long the initial damage wouldn't be blocked by spell resistance. This means that the item isn't countered anymore by rightclick carries with a bkb, like every carry has.
Effects from the buff
Initially this means that the item is better on heroes like Bristleback and Huskar. Since they have a lot of damage block, they will reflect all the initial damage but take almost no damage because of their high damageblock. Also in general this means that heroes who purchase a Blade Mail can actually profit from the item since bkb doesn't counter the item like crazy as it did before. However I think we can extend our " Blade Mail audience". Now we can purchase blademail on any hero who is likely to take damage and does damage. And as exemple I will use the lovely Crystal Maiden
Why Crystal Maiden?
So at first you may think, Frosto you are an idiot, and probably I am. But when we take a closer look on cm and blademail we see a nice combination. Crystal Maiden often dies when she channels her ultimate. You simply get rightclicked down or nuked down. Some people buy Black King Bar, which isn't a great item on a poor support, or people tend to buy Glimmer Cape, which is a great item but if there is detection you die as easy as usual. For hence I introduce Blade Mail to you guys.
When you start channeling Freezing Field people will try to kill you. Unless you are somewhere hidden, people will try to kill you and mostly succeed in doing so. What I do is not trying to survive but trying to punish the enemy as hard as possible for killing me. And which item can do that better than Blade Mail. If you have 1000 hp you will do 1000 damage to enemies plus Freezing Field damage plus other spells used by you. I think that this is really faire as if the enemy misses 1000 hp your team can easily kill him. Trying to survive is nice but punishing people while getting killed is mostly better especially as a support. If your actions, activating blad mail and ult, killed or almost killed the enemy carry or mid and you did some damage to the rest of the enemy team, than you did the best you can do on a support. You assisted your team and you were able to sacrifice yourself when neccesary.
Blade Mail is legit on most heroes these days and it is an amazing strong item on the heroes where Blade Mail was always core. I think the new blade mail is the strongest item on Axe at this moment for well-knowed reasons. Buying the item on Crystal Maiden is for me totally fine for the simple reason that it allows you to do extra damage while you get focussed during Freezing Field. Nonetheless it scares people, so maybe they don't attack you and you will get a free Freezing Field off. I think we should all by Blade Mails on almost every hero since the item provides next to a great active also 6 armor, 10 int and 22 damage. This is actually 32 damage on Crystal Maiden or other int heroes like Necrophos.
I hope that the new Blade Mail tactic is legit and I'm curious to your opinion about blade mail crystal maiden.
also u will never be able to farm this u need other stuff liek ghost scepter way more
Saying that you will never be able to farm it isn't really true since you don't need every item that is good on crystal maiden in one game. Also you can opt that Aghanim's Scepter on Alchemist is bad because you need to be 6 slotted yourself before it is viable for you to start making aghs for others. There are games you can have enough farm on Crystal Maidenaswel to start building a Blade Mail.
Blademail without BKB however is completely worthless.
Seems like "I've already won but want to win harder"-tier item on CM.
CM is just a #5 with exclusively magical damage and disables. Any core right clicker with a BKB can fight under her ultimate and right click her to death - and that's what you are supposed to do. I wish you could just pick CM into no stuns and won automatically ahah
You don't build Blade Mail on a winning CM, because you don't need it if you're ahead and you can get other stuff that's much more expensive and useful to kill more; you build it if you're toe to toe and the person charged of you in teamfights has no disables but high right click damage (the armor it gives you is nice) and doesn't want to see that damage returned. An example: if you're a PA in the mid game, maybe you don't want to go on that CM in the back if she has blade mail and you will lose half of your own HP if you crit. Think it as an offensive form of Ghost Scepter, only possible because of the change to pierce BKB. Before GS was better in 90% of cases.
GS and Glimmer are still better in 90% cases because they are cheaper and bring more utility.
GS and Glimmer are still better in 90% cases because they are cheaper and bring more utility.
Yea, that's for sure.
But as for your question: most of the times cores such as the PA or Weaver mentioned try to kill the backlines or just begin with the squishiest heroes, specially one that is killing his teammates that don't have a BKB. This happens constantly. What you do is buy items to counter this situation, like the GS as you said; but in some cases a Blade Mail can be fatal and so unexpected that it turns a fight around. So a good item in very situational situations? Yes, like you said, in maybe less than 10% of games.
I'm not even theorizing this: it has happened in some of my games before this patch, when it was still blocked by BKB. Unfortunatally yasp doesn't have all games recorded and dotabuff doesn't allow me to search by items purchased (and I'm not gonna read pages of 400 games worth to find it), otherwise I would show it. It has worked even in games against a Lina that kept trying to ult me, only for me to buy a Bracer and survive while she killed herself sometimes, and proceeded to have to stop ultying me + buying BKB.
It's just a legit bold idea, that requires you be wise enough to see when it's useful or not.