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9 Votes

Zeus unique game play style

August 29, 2013 by NinjaFatcats
Comments: 11    |    Views: 29215    |   

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DotA2 Hero: Zeus

Hero Skills

Static Field (Innate)

Arc Lightning

1 12 13 14

Lightning Bolt

3 4 5 7

Heavenly Jump

2 8 9 10

Thundergod's Wrath

6 11 16


15 17 18


This guide is just my personal game play style to please don't say WTF!.etc. Only say WTF if you have tried it out.

I place Zeus as a Durable due to his skill Static Field and Arc Lightning. This would cause him to deal sh*t loads of damage to the enemies. I rarely play him as support as he has no stuns or slows, so if your team says, "get courier Zeus", say "NO, DEAL WITH IT".

Dedication to Mirror...

go mid

Friend and Foes

This part should be here early in the game i reckon so if you're in game and you really like my guide (which is highly unlikely), you can quickly check my guide to see what heroes Zeus synergies with. Typically, you want heroes who have slows or disables so you can bash the enemy to a pulp.

Nice examples are

Naga Siren
Lion>This guy is highly recommended, slow and stun, locks down enemies
Crystal Maiden>This guy is highly recommended, slow and stun, locks down enemies
Bane>This guy is highly recommended, he uses Nightmare, you spam skills on that poor soul

You can ask a team mate to get Veil of Discord so you can save a slot for yourself.

cool teams are


Storm Spirit
Invoker or Leshrac

Heroes which screw you up are generally people with silences, nukers or high magic resistance/magic immunity such as

Lifestealer>too late
Riki>too late

Phantom Assassin can 1 shot you if you don't have much health, so get Heaven's Halberd to stop that b*tch's rampage (you're done for if she uses Black King Bar)

To stop most of these guys killing you, place some Observer Ward if you have to cash, or ask the support if they can buy it.

Pros / Cons


-Epic nuker
-Fun to play
-he is a God for god sake... who doesn't want to play as a God
-the first kill you get is technically "God" instead of "godlike"
-has mini stun, not sure if it is that good of a thing


-slow movement speed
-terrible and i really do mean terrible attack animation
-if he is silenced...can't do sh*t
-often considered a kill stealer
-doesn't make sense if you get godlike or beyond goldlike cos you are already a God (duh)
-no escape mechanism
-does terribad physical damage by the way
-no disable or slow (only mini stun)

Yasutsuna and KEMEK debate

Hmmm, hypothetically you and your team were versing a Phantom Assassin and the bunch of her teammates. What would you buy? Ghost Scepter or Heaven's Halberd? lets make a list of pros and cons shall we?

Ghost Scepter


-cheaper than the other silver sword thing

-stylish looking scepter

-green is a cool colour

-gives a rather good stat boost

-does not require mana for active


-Makes you vulnerable to magical damage from the rest of the enemy team

-Doesn't really help your team out

Heaven's Halberd


-provides evasion

-provides hp

-has a good active ability

-a sword on Zeus is cool


More expensive than Ghost Scepter

-active requires mana

So there you have it. Find out which one is better for your situation for its full effectiveness.

Laning Phase

Be rather careful early game as you are susceptible to ganks cos you are such such fresh tender meat, which Pudge likes. Once you get tanking items, you can start to come out of the shadows, as long as he doesn't have Aghanim's Scepter or Refresher Orb or something...


Hmmmm...not much to say here. Check the wiki yourself for all info on his skill set because i can't be bothered copying and pasting it. Arc Lightning is for harassing and last hitting early stages of the game. Don' spam this skill much early game because it will drain your mana quite quickly, but the Clarity can help with that. Lather on, once you get Bloodstone, you'll realise you won't need anymore mana regen. Lightning Bolt defines Zeus, with the most potential of this skill being during mid game. Once enemies spot you around mid game they might free due to the raw power you can exude. This "fleeing" can be stopped with Blink Dagger", so you can blink in their face, Lightning Bolt then several Arc Lightnings to finish them off. Thundergod's Wrath can be used in many ways. I like to ks for the lols. But it can also be used when you have 5v5 battles. Use Lightning Bolt to disable ultimates like Black Hole, but you can't do anything if he has a Black King Bar. Hard to stop Sand King's Epicenter because he can channel then Blink Dagger in to use Burrowstrike.

Why i rarely go aghanim's and refresher build

This build is alright i guess, with Aghanim's Scepter offering decent fairly good stats along with hp and mana. The Refresher Orb offers bonus physical damage (which Zeus does not need), rather poor amount of intel for its price, and very good mana and hp regen. However, the main purpose of these items are to upgrade his ult, Thundergod's Wrath. At lvl 16, you should have his lvl 3 ult, and it only deals 475 damage. This isn't much. With Aghanim's Scepter, it deals 640 damage, which is a decent amount. with this an Refresher Orb, you deal 1280 damage to everyone. This sounds alot. But you must calculate their passive magic resistance of 25%. Therefore, with Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher Orb, you'll deal 960 damage. Moreover, this build is redundant of the enemy has Pipe of Insight or more magic resistance (espeically Null field, draining the maximum potential of his ult. This combo drain 1275 mana points in less than 3 seconds...and this is alot. Refresher Orb loses its potential later in the game, and it has a 160 cd, while your ult has 90 sec cd. 90 sec really isnt that long, and should be used with guys with more epic ults, such as Ravage, Reverse Polarity and Black Hole. To be used to its fullest potential, Blink Dagger should be used so Static Field affects all the enemy heroes. The damage from Thundergod's Wrath can be avoided by going invis, including stealth blade. With good timing, enemies can dodge your ult with Puck's Phase Shift and Manta Style.


Sorry if this guide did no please you or help you. Upvote it if you thinks it is ok, down vote if you think it is bad. BTW, watchout for that overfed Sven.

please make comments soon so i can fix asap

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