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9 Votes

Zeus unique game play style

August 29, 2013 by NinjaFatcats
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The Way of Retard | September 5, 2013 12:05am
Zeus is totally not a support. He is a core hero.

When he is core hero, its mean your aim is to win on early or mid game.
NinjaFatcats (1) | August 29, 2013 9:58pm
mightycookie wrote:

Well the thing is that you are getting so much farm on a hero that does no right click damage and any smart opponent will get bkb and eat you. even supports will be able to afford at least a cloak by that time. Also supports arent meant to deny, they are meant to pull and rotate to get ganks off, the carry does all the last hits and denies, look at any pro game you will see supports have like 4 denies and the carry has like 100

well said, but this is just a hypothetical situation i guess, sorry for saying any incorrect info
mightycookie (5) | August 29, 2013 9:40pm
NinjaFatcats wrote:

Sorry for not making it a good guide, but i'll explain why Zeus is not a good support. Due to his passive, Static Field, he never truly loses his effectiveness, and if Zeus only gets very basic items, he very vulnerable to ganks. He also highly recommend him not for playing support as supports are meant to deny, but he can't deny very well. If you auto attack the enemy, the creeps are within range to attack you and your attack animation is so slow, enemies with hit you harder faster. Moreover, supports are meant to run around the map and ward, and once you are seen (assuming you are playing support), you a probably dead. He also has no slows or stuns, like i said before. He also has not useful skills or auras to help his allies, juxtaposing to Crystal Maiden. And when Zeus has alot of cash, things can get pretty serious, and the enemies get scared.

Well the thing is that you are getting so much farm on a hero that does no right click damage and any smart opponent will get bkb and eat you. even supports will be able to afford at least a cloak by that time. Also supports arent meant to deny, they are meant to pull and rotate to get ganks off, the carry does all the last hits and denies, look at any pro game you will see supports have like 4 denies and the carry has like 100
Squiddy173 | August 29, 2013 5:37pm
I play Zeus in a very similar way. But insted of the heart i would generally get a E-blade for the damage it offers. Also insted of the drums i get a quick blink dagger after my bloodstone, i find the extra mobility really helps escape some tricky situations as well as chase realativly well. On a side note you really made me laugh on the 5th build :P Voted up!
b1ackwin6z | August 29, 2013 7:02am
Voted up. Tested it with one match, working. Basically plays him like a death prophet, tanky nuker.
NinjaFatcats (1) | August 28, 2013 11:26pm
changed some stuff
NinjaFatcats (1) | August 28, 2013 11:01pm
mightycookie wrote:

im sorry but this is not a good guide. Its half-***ed and really selfish. Even if for some reason you manage to farm those items, it means you took farm from someone else. There is probably someone who can make better use of that money than you. And zeus is a support because he doesnt need items to be effective, he just needs levels. he starts off as a ganker and then goes into support when his effectiveness losses power. Same with pudge, so many times i see pudge players crying for wards but no way in hell will they ever spend 150 gold to have vision and gank more effectively.

Sorry for not making it a good guide, but i'll explain why Zeus is not a good support. Due to his passive, Static Field, he never truly loses his effectiveness, and if Zeus only gets very basic items, he very vulnerable to ganks. He also highly recommend him not for playing support as supports are meant to deny, but he can't deny very well. If you auto attack the enemy, the creeps are within range to attack you and your attack animation is so slow, enemies with hit you harder faster. Moreover, supports are meant to run around the map and ward, and once you are seen (assuming you are playing support), you a probably dead. He also has no slows or stuns, like i said before. He also has not useful skills or auras to help his allies, juxtaposing to Crystal Maiden. And when Zeus has alot of cash, things can get pretty serious, and the enemies get scared.
Mirror (22) | August 28, 2013 10:07am
I hope you run him mid. you never mention it so it would be nice adding into the guide, unless of course I am blind and missed it. I would also recommend getting a force staff for a more supportive role. Zeus is a mid game hero, veil will only help if you are snowballing but other than that mid game items are the way to go.

With the stone/heart build maxs you more late game losing out on his best potential as a mid game nuker getting stuff like force staff, drum, euls.

Get wards. Not every six minutes, that's the job of the dedicated support but after the mid game falls away gold to benefit wards are very cost effective.

In the skill build I would recommend maxing bot by 7 instead of 9. I would rather have 75 extra damage than 3% more health removal.

However you have some nice points, I like your starting items and that part about aghim/refresh. I got to try the lightning team out sometime. +1
mightycookie (5) | August 28, 2013 8:04am
im sorry but this is not a good guide. Its half-***ed and really selfish. Even if for some reason you manage to farm those items, it means you took farm from someone else. There is probably someone who can make better use of that money than you. And zeus is a support because he doesnt need items to be effective, he just needs levels. he starts off as a ganker and then goes into support when his effectiveness losses power. Same with pudge, so many times i see pudge players crying for wards but no way in hell will they ever spend 150 gold to have vision and gank more effectively.
Yasutsuna (51) | August 28, 2013 8:01am
Actually, ghost scepter is harder to use than heaven's halberd. First, ghost scepter makes you take 40% more magic damage.

Heaven halberd however, locks down a target and also grants evasion which is good against right-clickers too.

In my experience, Heaven's Halberd always beats Ghost Scepter unless the enemy are mostly right-clickers.
KEMEK | August 28, 2013 3:01am
well, I cant blame you for this guide, because everyone makes their own guide based on their own experiences. But one thing: to dodge Phantom Assassin, you dont need a Heaven Halbred at first sight. I recommend buy Ghost Scepter. Cheaper, Easier to Use, and Guarantee more safety.
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