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6 Votes


November 28, 2014 by hofelixho
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Kyphoid returns (42) | December 1, 2014 4:33am
Timminatorr wrote:

the guide is decent.

radiance is not a good luxury item though and drums situational.

i like the situational items since they all can have a place on him. even assault cuirass is good when up against elder titan.

Look at his ability description.
Theb look at how he tells tb op ez hero and how it's so very*cool* to sunder your allies everytime
Timminatorr (57) | December 1, 2014 3:56am
the guide is decent.

radiance is not a good luxury item though and drums situational.

i like the situational items since they all can have a place on him. even assault cuirass is good when up against elder titan.
Hamstertamer (89) | November 30, 2014 10:31am
Multiple Desolators don't stack. You'll only get -7 armor.
MrLocket (16) | November 30, 2014 9:53am

No, 6 Daedelus Stack so you can crit for 1200% damage 250% of the time?
Seriously though, you should get more stats, illusions don't benifit from raw damage.

Crits can't proc on building, so -42 armor is better :D Tower will be destroyed in few hits.
Cataclysm2146 (3) | November 30, 2014 8:17am
MrLocket wrote:

Why not 6 Desolator stack? -42 armor is awesome!

No, 6 Daedelus Stack so you can crit for 1200% damage 250% of the time?
Seriously though, you should get more stats, illusions don't benifit from raw damage.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | November 30, 2014 8:00am
Matrice goes 2 skadis and 2 butterflies on him. 3 skadis seem legit.
MrLocket (16) | November 30, 2014 7:25am

I would rather stack 3 skadis and melt towers down while radiance does nothing against towers.

Why not 6 Desolator stack? -42 armor is awesome!
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 29, 2014 8:22pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Aaah, no Scythe of Vyse.How can you make a farming hero's guide and not add the best item in the game?

And also, Terrorblade is an easy hero?Nope.

and Kyphoid, i have to disagree with your point that Radiance is not a good item on him.Of course i realize that stats are the best way to make any illusion hero, heroes whose illusions don't die for long durations have Radiance as their core item to split push.Granted, Terrorblade has metamorph to push the living **** out of lanes but in certain conditions it is wiser to rush Radiance+ Boots of Travel and splitpush via your illusions.

Hes not naga, hes not spectre. Horrible horrible and horrible item for him. I would rather stack 3 skadis and melt towers down while radiance does nothing against towers.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 29, 2014 3:51pm
Aaah, no Scythe of Vyse.How can you make a farming hero's guide and not add the best item in the game?

And also, Terrorblade is an easy hero?Nope.

and Kyphoid, i have to disagree with your point that Radiance is not a good item on him.Of course i realize that stats are the best way to make any illusion hero, heroes whose illusions don't die for long durations have Radiance as their core item to split push.Granted, Terrorblade has metamorph to push the living **** out of lanes but in certain conditions it is wiser to rush Radiance+ Boots of Travel and splitpush via your illusions.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | November 28, 2014 8:18am

Outdated guide.
Poor choice of startimg items. They will nuke you to death you need a salve and a quelling blade is an option, without it you do 50 damage, you would rather have difficulty farming and probably be denied creeps.

Illusions take 425% damage now.
Sunder no longer interrupta channels.
Sunder cast point has been improved to 0.35 seconds. Its range has been increased too.
Terrorblade has base movespped of 290 in demon form.

Diffusal blade(antimage wannabe?) ? Satanic? Rapier? Radiance!!?
And abyssal blade? (ok abyssal can be veeeeery situational)
No scythe of vyse?
Assault cuirass? Illusions dont get armor!!!

Terrible terrorblade is more like the name of your guide

Dont give new players the idea he is easy or that sundering allies is acceptable in all but select situations.

I dont like it. I justwanna hear what your defence in this matter is.
Until then, i have downvoted because it is a stale guide showing stale facts.

Same as him. Downvoted.
Metabee (2) | November 28, 2014 7:41am
I agree with myster Kyphoid, and the playstile explanation is pretty poor, when do I push, how do I teamfight?

And, I know everyone has their personal style, but forcing jokes and memes every now and then isn't good, makes your guide look very informal and makea people not to take it seriously.
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 28, 2014 6:13am
Outdated guide.
Poor choice of startimg items. They will nuke you to death you need a salve and a quelling blade is an option, without it you do 50 damage, you would rather have difficulty farming and probably be denied creeps.

Illusions take 425% damage now.
Sunder no longer interrupta channels.
Sunder cast point has been improved to 0.35 seconds. Its range has been increased too.
Terrorblade has base movespped of 290 in demon form.

Diffusal blade(antimage wannabe?) ? Satanic? Rapier? Radiance!!?
And abyssal blade? (ok abyssal can be veeeeery situational)
No scythe of vyse?
Assault cuirass? Illusions dont get armor!!!

Terrible terrorblade is more like the name of your guide

Dont give new players the idea he is easy or that sundering allies is acceptable in all but select situations.

I dont like it. I justwanna hear what your defence in this matter is.
Until then, i have downvoted because it is a stale guide showing stale facts.
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