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August 10, 2014 by LazarKING
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Build 1
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Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Vampiric Spirit (Innate)

Wraithfire Blast

1 3 5 7

Mortal Strike

4 8 10 12


6 11 16


15 17 18


August 10, 2014


Wraith King is a powerful hero, whose head is the ability of the power, and the ultimate ability of the resurrection from the dead - reincarnation.

Many players primarily improves its damage and attack speed, but his health is poor. Wraith King as a strong durable hero, with strong health, can be very, very durable, and long stay alive. When you synchronize its damage, attack speed and health Wraith King can be very powerful, can confront any enemy heroes.



  1. Stout Shield is always needed.
  2. Tango and Healing Salve to survive on the battlefield.
  3. Clarity use as a most. I recommend you save it for later.


  1. Power Treads need for speed walking, attack speed and damage.
  2. Soul Ring use in a situation when there is no mana for Wraithfire Blast or Reincarnation.
  3. Armlet of Mordiggian it is essential that you have enemies, inflicting more damage, and they have more to work hard to kill.
    Situational: Hand of Midas, Hyperstone, Maelstrom.


  1. Heart of Tarrasque gives additional strength. Wraith King is very strong and robust effect hero. With Heart of Tarrasque will become even stronger and can stay alive for a long time. Armlet of Mordiggian can be permanently turned on, because it will not endanger his health.
    Situational: Skull Basher, Desolator, Sacred Relic, Battle Fury, Radiance.
  2. Black King Bar is the most useful item because of its usefulness. The ultimate ability of some heroes can inflict a lot of damage, so that the Black King Bar will be of great benefit in these situations.
  3. Assault Cuirass is one of the best items for the Wraith King. Gives additional attack speed and armor.
    Situational: Heart of Tarrasque, Mjollnir.


  1. Abyssal Blade is hell good item for this hero. This is probably the best item.
  2. Refresher Orb is a useful item, depending on the situation.
  3. Radiance causes damage and burning effect that lays waste to nearby enemies.
  4. Mjollnir if you desperately need attack speed and your teammates can keep up with the enemies.
  5. Battle Fury the bearer of this mighty axe gains the ability to cut down swaths of enemies at once.
  6. Desolator is my favorite item in the core game.
  7. Monkey King Bar is perfect item.
  8. Boots of Travel you can buy after Radiance.
  9. Divine Rapier this is the most powerful item throughout the game, no doubt.


  1. Hyperstone you can buy in the early or core game, if you need more attack speed.
  2. Skull Basher you can buy in the early game after Hyperstone, or in the core game after Assault Cuirass or after Mjollnir.
  3. Sacred Relic you can buy first in the core game, or maybe Demon Edge if you want Divine Rapier.


This build can be good if you synchronize all items with game situations, and if any item in early and core game you purchase at the time.

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