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3 Votes

Witch Doctor - Maximum Amplification

January 20, 2015 by Bleak
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MisterBigtoy | January 13, 2015 3:00pm
Solid guide, I really like the priority Maledict to fuel first blood and early lane pressure. The +10%/20%/30%/40% damage done is easy to underestimate.

My only question is only to Magic Stick in event of Bristleback/Batrider foes? I definitely agree that hard supports should never upgrade to Magic Wand (that's ward gold) but the stick really helps, well, everything! Personally I only skip the stick on mana-regen supports like CM or KotL.

gingerino (3) | January 13, 2015 2:35pm
Consider putting Veil of Discord as a situational item rather than a core. If your team is push oriented or mainly composed of physical damage dealers, then veil may not end up being the best investment. Though more experienced players will be able to make the distinction between when and when not to purchase the item, some newer players may become confused and feel obligated to purchase Veil of Discord every game.
Bleak | January 2, 2015 6:03am
Thank you Bunkansee and wangyuphing. I'll try to add more info about playstyle as I go along.

Also thank you for the catch on the Bloodstone - the price I had still reflected the old composition which had Perseverance instead of Soul Ring. I'm updating that now.
wangyuphing (9) | January 1, 2015 8:37pm
People tend to play WD as a support, but still a pretty good carry build, and I like it you throw that Shadow Blade to the sea! You think going invi then drop that ulti will solve all your problems? NO!! So thanks for not adding it.

Just a small thing I found, isn't Bloodstone 4900g? 3300 Soul Booster + 800 Soul Ring + 800 recipe right??
Bunkansee (32) | December 31, 2014 5:03pm
Finally, a Witch Doctor guide that doesn't have Shadow Blade as a core item :p

But this is a good guide anyway, you write well and everything is easy to understand, although maybe some playstyle tips or whatever would be nice, just some general gameplay tips for wd.

Anyway good guide. +1
Bleak | September 26, 2014 7:40am
Boggled wrote:

Also, your comment on the Ag. Scepter is understandable as your style is clearly going uber support but, what about just grabbing a point booster to address survivability and mana pool issues? When I'm doctor its just so tempting to get that point booster then maybe late game turn it into a scepter or stone. Of course if you're constantly buying wards/smoke/dust etc. for your team the gold is hard to come by. I think for pub games though WD can be a real stomper.

It really depends on how the game is going. I really only think WD should go carryish if your team is doing so well that you have surplus gold even after fulfilling support duties, or if your carry isn't able to - whether they're just not good, or have been shut down in the early game.

As for survivability/mana pool issues, a Point Booster costs 1200 gold, whereas a Bracer costs 525 gold. The difference in their resulting HP gain is only 86. A Bracer also will give you ~1 hp regen / 5 seconds. As for mana issues, you shouldn't really be having any. The start of the game should see you covered by your claritys, and WD has a 2.9 int gain which is pretty good. You'll get a little bit of additional int from your Bracer and/or Null Talisman, and several of your items will be providing % based regen. Getting Arcane boots should take care of any remaining problems.

Getting a Point Booster is good only for it's extensions, and going in that direction really depends on the first few things I mentioned about the state of your team.
Boggled | September 10, 2014 12:43pm
Also, your comment on the Ag. Scepter is understandable as your style is clearly going uber support but, what about just grabbing a point booster to address survivability and mana pool issues? When I'm doctor its just so tempting to get that point booster then maybe late game turn it into a scepter or stone. Of course if you're constantly buying wards/smoke/dust etc. for your team the gold is hard to come by. I think for pub games though WD can be a real stomper.
Boggled | September 10, 2014 12:26pm
Yeah the
def has its place I think (pub player) as a VERY situational item (vs void perhaps although staying alive through his chrono is still not guaranteed). Sometimes the best thing Doctor can do for his team is stay alive...
Bleak | August 15, 2014 11:19am
Added Bloodstone. I'll probably play a few games going for Bloodstone and then write up some more about it. I'm not sold on it as part of the skill/item build I have outlined, but it may be more viable with a different build. I have some ideas for it.

I don't really think Witch Doctor is a good option for mid. I'd really only recommend it if your team doesn't have any usable mid heroes, and the enemy mid is a melee hero without a strong ranged/distance-covering nuke/disable.
Tigerre (4) | August 13, 2014 7:57pm
Add Bloodstone to luxery, it's a great item for Witch Doctor as you become a walking fountain, like Juggernaut's healing thingy that lasts forever :P

Could you pls add a mid semi-carry build? In a semi-carry you rush a Bloodstone for the infinite heal :D
Bleak | July 27, 2014 2:48pm
Thanks man.

Yeah, I wrote it up while on my lunch break at work, so I didn't have enough time to make it look nice. I'm going to get around to fixing it up sometime soon.

I do sometimes get the early point in Voodoo Restoration, and sometimes skip the Veil of Discord if the team composition doesn't favour it. This guide though is just my favourite way of building Witch Doctor - centering around the idea of Maledict.
Sando (118) | July 27, 2014 8:59am
I like this guide, it could use a little more colour and detail, but it's a solid build in both items and skills.

I'm not entirely sure about the Veil of Discord - it does boost Maledict, but that's not your main team fight power without the right allies, so would probably prefer the earlier BKB/Aghs pickup.

I'd also point out that an early point in Voodoo Restoration can be quite efficient if you/your allies need more healing - a full 50g Clarity will gives you and nearby friends up to 260 healing which is even better than a Tango on a cost basis.

Overall though, gj.
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