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Ok, valid point about the band
Cause that's a great item for a ranged hero :p
It's not really, I know that, bit it's cheap, gives agility and blocks a bit of damage.
She's squishy, so I suggest building poor man's shield as first item, even before Power Threads. Gives you some survival and helps with lasthitting due to agility bonus.
Cause that's a great item for a ranged hero :p
As far as what you're quoting me on, there have been a few times in a pub match where the priority farmer either doesn't last hit, can't, or is afraid to due to harass, so Venge, even with her less than amazing range can last hit rather than let's say, your melee
Personally even though I like Assault Curi*** as a late game item on just about any carry, Venge will gain enough armor just by leveling, so according to the HP to Armor ratio, I believe in building her with more HP to balance how much she can tank, so for the move speed which she can gank, I believe in S&Y.
I'll definitely update the guide, thanks for your input.
A small advice: put items and heroes names in side this .
Example: [[Vengeful spirit]] gives you
Not sure what this means :d ...if you realize halfway through the carry you support can't farm(?)
Now about a carry venge, I'm really skeptical. MAYBE an utility aura carrier, like buying
Also, as a carry venge, what should you do in the mid game? Farm or gank? Split push or join teamfight? Please give more details.
I also want to see the mana issue to be address, because Jesus, she is one dumb girl (low INT :P). The bottle works, but a
Overall, you guide will need some more contents in the next update.
See you then. Cheers!