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33 Votes

Undying - Ripping Off the Offlane with Slaps to the Face by E1 Mariachi [7.02]

February 11, 2017 by E1Mar1ach1
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CommunistMountain | May 13, 2016 5:19pm
I have a question about the interaction between Ring of Basilius and the Zombies: since the Zombies' health depend on how many hits they take from enemies, doesn't the armor bonus from the Ring not affect them?
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 21, 2016 11:44am
I have a question about the interaction between Ring of Basilius and the Zombies: since the Zombies' health depend on how many hits they take from enemies, doesn't the armor bonus from the Ring not affect them?

Hey CommunistMountain,

no, passives and auras do not affect Tombstone zombies. The hits they need to die are static, which is one hit from heroes or towers and two hits from creeps. Since they have no health, they are not affected by armor modification and the likes. Hope I could help!

Have a nice day,
RaptorJ3sus | September 28, 2015 1:44pm
First off, really great guide, +1. I really like the format and the explanations you provide for each item. Your main build is essentially what I've been rocking recently, but you listed a couple items I'm gonna have to try out for myself ( Urn of Shadows seems like a great alternative to Ring of Basilius). I've been playing Undying since I started playing DOTA 2 years ago, and the amount of buffs and viability he has gained recently is incredibly exciting!

In games where I could get a couple of kills early and wasn't necessarily concerned with building team-oriented items (i.e. a selfish build), I used to run a very unique build. I would start with Ring of Basilius, and then break it down once I had the money and use Ring of Protection to make Tranquil Boots and Sage's Mask to eventually build into Eul's Scepter of Divinity, plus a Rod of Atos. I would usually pick up a Vitality Booster after Tranquils to give him some health, and then decide whether to finish Atos or Eul's depending on the game.

I found this combo to be fairly effective: Tranquil's gives Dirge some armor, plus the move speed can help him shift from lane to lane fairly quickly to help out with team fights while regenerating the health he lost in the last engagement.

The Eul's solves his mana problems, plus the disable can actually work really well: you can use it on yourself if enemies try to focus you in teamfights, or on an enemy who is attacking your tombstone or who you want to build up a few more zombies on. It also adds to the move speed from tranquils, you can move incredibly fast around the field.

The Atos I consider one of the strongest items on Undying, and was surprised you didn't mention it in your guide. It can not only keep enemies within the area of death you create, but can help to secure your carries kills when someone is trying to get away.

Now, I haven't played this build in a while, and I'm not sure how viable it would be in most games (it requires a good bit of farm, which means lots of early kills), and if you don't manage to pull it off you can become relatively useless to your team in late game. Just thought I'd share though, it's a fun build to play!
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | August 11, 2015 12:05pm
Mesko191 wrote:

Overall great guide. Easy to read, informative, and full of nice visuals and video references. +1!

I have one question; what are your thoughts on Eul's Scepter of Divinity on Undying? This item didn't really come into my mind when I started getting mildly interested in this hero, but I saw it in another guide and it sounds quite good.

He Mesko,

first of all thanks for +1-ing my guide. Really appreciate it!

Eul's Scepter of Divinity is an item that I never felt the urge to pick up on Undying. But maybe I will try this ingame and rethink this opinion at some point.

EDIT: I actually added Eul's Scepter of Divinity to the situational item section. You can look it up, if you're still interested.

I know Eul's provides movement speed, but I feel like you do not rely on it, because Flesh Golem and the Tombstone zombies already apply a huge amount of slow. The intelligence and mana regen are great, but if you watch you manapool, you should be able to proceed with an Sage's Mask-item and Arcane Boots pretty well until you pick up a Mystic Staff. The Cyclone active is actually a nice utility for dodging spells or setting up fleeing enemies, no doubt.

Eul's is an (situational) midgame item and it comes by higher pricer than Mekansm or Vanguard. The thing with Eul's is that is does not provide any tankiness to you. But in my opinion it is primarily that mid game tankiness from Vanguard or Mekansm or all the situational pick ups like Pipe of Insight or Blademail etc. that allow Undying not only to win his lane, but after that to continue pressuring towers and forcing fights all over the map. I rate this ability higher than the utility Eul's provides. I hope you understand my reasoning here.

Greetings, E1 Mariachi
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | August 11, 2015 11:33am
ChiChi wrote:

This guide is indeed looking prettier by the minute ^.^

Unfortunately I already upvoted... Sighh

Hi ChiChi,

thanks for revisiting my guide :) See you soon, E1Mariachi
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | August 11, 2015 11:31am
Maykelph wrote:

Went 17-2-18 with dirge. Really snowbally, just force teamfights with enemies. I built a radiance for my 6th since the evasion and dmg is good. Nonetheless good guide.

He man,

yeah in my opinion Undying is built tosnowball and to bring the fight to the enemy team. Radiance can be a viable pick against either blink-heavy lineups or lineups that rely on autoattacking a lot. It is an item that kinda fits Undying's playstyle, but I tend to play him more active-supportive. Thanks for commenting on the guide anyway.

E1 Mariachi
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | August 11, 2015 11:14am
The Bluerage wrote:

Any words on stat-less ultra-trolling YOLO Refresher build?

Hey Bluerage,

as you already mention yourself I also think going Refresher Orb is mainly for trolling purposes, though a well-placed double Tombstone is pretty serious business due two the double amount of zombies. But consider that Refresher Orb is extremely expensive (5300), so you will most likely be able to get this later into the midgame, when i think the Tombstone already starts to lose impact due to enemies getting higher move and attack speed. Though if you snowball like hell and are ready to push base in the mid game, I consider Refresher Orb not the worst choice you can make.

What I recommend when playing with a mate is picking Phoenix and building Aghanim's Scepter on him, so you can include Undying into the Supernova which will refresh Tombstone's cooldown. This is a gimicky play I like to do, which is not so cost-inefficient.

E1 Mariachi
Mesko191 | July 8, 2015 12:12am
Overall great guide. Easy to read, informative, and full of nice visuals and video references. +1!

I have one question; what are your thoughts on Eul's Scepter of Divnity on Undying? This item didn't really come into my mind when I started getting mildly interested in this hero, but I saw it in another guide and it sounds quite good.
ChiChi (47) | June 25, 2015 2:58pm
This guide is indeed looking prettier by the minute ^.^

Unfortunately I already upvoted... Sighh
Maykelph | June 25, 2015 2:48pm
Went 17-2-18 with dirge. Really snowbally, just force teamfights with enemies. I built a radiance for my 6th since the evasion and dmg is good. Nonetheless good guide.
The Bluerage | May 20, 2015 6:38am
Any words on stat-less ultra-trolling YOLO Refresher build?
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 12, 2015 7:46am
Sunabonzu wrote:

There is a odd interaction with Medusa's Split Shot and Luna's Moon Glaive clearing zombies spawn.

Medusa's Stone Gaze can froze most zombies wave into stone, pretty much stopping slow effect for a short period of time.

He, Sunabonzu,

you are totally right about these interactions. These both heroes find it quite easy to prevent Tombstone zombies from stacking. Though I do not think dropping Stone Gaze just for the cause of stopping the zombie movement is worth, the mechanic itself works indeed as it's physical. Thanks for bringing these to up, I'll include them into the "counter" section.

Have a nice day, E1
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