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TwillyFSniper's Guide to Razor (for 6.83)

March 4, 2015 by TwillyFSniper
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TwillyFSniper | March 14, 2015 7:34pm
^Obviously why it costs more. Also, that grammar though. Such poor grammar.
wangyuphing (9) | March 9, 2015 4:24am
Why Blade of alacrity as early?

Is that for aghs? Dude, a naked Point Booster does more job
fires.of.hell (2) | March 5, 2015 4:25pm
Maybe you can add Phase Boots as Situational so Razor can keep chasing its prey from Razor's 2nd and ult. Pipe of Insight, Drum of Endurance and Crimson Guard are good pick-up for Utility Razor.
TwillyFSniper | March 4, 2015 7:45pm

This guide is hard to read. Adding pictures next to the item names and skill icons next to the ability names will make it much more clear. If you do not know how to do so read the formatting guide. And I want to know why you prefer treads over phases, because I like phase boots more.

I personally prefer Power Treads because they give boosts to stats, which my Razor build builds up. Phase Boots are pretty nice honestly, they give a nice active for escape, which, unfortunately, my Razor guide does not encourage. It encourages hard pushing much more than leaving fights.

I might take a good 10-15 minutes to do that to both my guides. I know how to do it, after all, I just did, and I did it in a comment to my Sniper guide a while back.
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 4, 2015 1:45pm
This guide is hard to read. Adding pictures next to the item names and skill icons next to the ability names will make it much more clear. If you do not know how to do so read the formatting guide. And I want to know why you prefer treads over phases, because I like phase boots more.
TwillyFSniper | March 4, 2015 1:01am
apaz wrote:

Items that were not even mentioned:
Refresher Orb
Assault Cuirass
Black King Bar
Eye of Skadi
Heaven's Halberd
Shiva's Guard
Drum of Endurance
Scythe of Vyse

Also, you could say that your skill build is "All over the place."

MY personal build is:

Max Plasma Field by 7, with a point in each other skill, then proceed to max Static Link, then Unstable Current, getting your ultimate at the standard 6, 11, and 16.

Power Treads
Drum of Endurance
Black King Bar
Assault Cuirass
Eye of Skadi

If you'll notice, you didn't even mention any of those Items, exept for Power Treads.

Also, although at this point, it is beating a dead horse, other than Radiance, Ethereal Blade is probably the worst/most situaonal item in all dota.

Also, I don't think that you've completely made this clear: What sets Razor apart from carries is that he is not reliant on damage items, because he can just steal some. This means that your build should be mostly be centered around Attack Speed, Survivability, and Utility, rather than on buying items without any specific intent, as I see you doing. All of those can be achieved through stats, so you should be buying Items to buff that, like Drum of Endurance. You failed to even mention it.

Also, if a Bloodseeker decides to Rupture you, you can just Static Link them, then use a Town Portal Scroll. Unless you are WAY out of position, this will save you. If the Bloodseeker breaks your channeling, you probably have enough damage to manfight them at this point.

I got rid of Ethereal Blade, the two extra builds, and added Assault Cuirass and Scythe of Vyse to the situational item list.

I can see the Bloodseeker countering (they did get rid of his OP-*** Blood Bath). His whole gist is to chase and kill. He can't do anything if you don't move with his ult on, unless in the silence ring. And 1v1ing with a damage boosted, ultimate-using Razor versus a damage drained Bloodseeker that wasted his ult and couldn't aim his silence has an obvious result. Razor wins by a longshot.

I would add Refresher Orb, but his ultimate isn't absolutely required to own at all. With Static Link and basic attacks alone you can kill carries really quickly. Eye of Skadi is better on melee or slower movement heroes (Razor is neither one, really), in other words heroes like Slark or Sniper. I see the viability situationally of some items though. Drum of Endurance if you don't take Heart of Tarrasque (as should be taken), Shiva's Guard if you take neither of those, and Heaven's Halberd if you don't take Butterfly.

It's a little bit of everything, my build. Still maxxes out Plasma Field before second level ultimate is taken, by two levels, and Static Link just after second ult leveling. I don't need to take Eye of Skadi partially because of my ability build. I get a level of Unstable Current early to effect carries early by damage reflection, and higher movement for orbwalks before the item build.
apaz (17) | March 3, 2015 11:26pm
Items that were not even mentioned:
Refresher Orb
Assault Cuirass
Black King Bar
Eye of Skadi
Heaven's Halberd
Shiva's Guard
Drum of Endurance
Scythe of Vyse

Also, you could say that your skill build is "All over the place."

MY personal build is:

Max Plasma Field by 7, with a point in each other skill, then proceed to max Static Link, then Unstable Current, getting your ultimate at the standard 6, 11, and 16.

Power Treads
Drum of Endurance
Black King Bar
Assault Cuirass
Eye of Skadi

If you'll notice, you didn't even mention any of those Items, exept for Power Treads.

Also, although at this point, it is beating a dead horse, other than Radiance, Ethereal Blade is probably the worst/most situaonal item in all dota.

Also, I don't think that you've completely made this clear: What sets Razor apart from carries is that he is not reliant on damage items, because he can just steal some. This means that your build should be mostly be centered around Attack Speed, Survivability, and Utility, rather than on buying items without any specific intent, as I see you doing. All of those can be achieved through stats, so you should be buying Items to buff that, like Drum of Endurance. You failed to even mention it.

Also, if a Bloodseeker decides to Rupture you, you can just Static Link them, then use a Town Portal Scroll. Unless you are WAY out of position, this will save you. If the Bloodseeker breaks your channeling, you probably have enough damage to manfight them at this point.
TwillyFSniper | March 3, 2015 1:27pm
But I think I should fix the Bloodseeker countering section. But that would work if the Bloodseeker forgot the silence or missed the AoE... But that has nothing to do with the fact that Razor can pretty much orbwalk him out of lane, it does... I guess non-conventional counter? Or the closest to a counter you will get... Only noobs play Bloodseeker. At least after the buff to his silence. I used to play him before that and he wasn't that bad before that, a bit OP I will admit. Nothing like Viper, Drow Ranger, or Noob Lancer were (and still are now). Just a thought that my own guide may be slightly misleading.
TwillyFSniper | March 3, 2015 1:06pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

the hero has got no burst damage dude why is there a Ethereal Blade in every build .-.

it is even there in link-focus build ,-,

its a waste on every hero in the game except Tinker, morphling, lina and puck(maybe).also pudge does good damage with ethereal.

I would understand what you are saying if I put it as a core item. WHICH I DID NOT. In fact, I would probably agree of the situationals, it's the worst for Razor. I build S&Y many times more often. Plus, it's the same items across the board. Don't see why it wouldn't be...
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 3, 2015 1:19am
the hero has got no burst damage dude why is there a Ethereal Blade in every build .-.

it is even there in link-focus build ,-,

its a waste on every hero in the game except Tinker, morphling, lina and puck(maybe).also pudge does good damage with ethereal.
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