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TwillyFSniper's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

JOINED: February 04, 2015
LAST SEEN: March 30, 2015
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TwillyFSniper's Bio

A low MMR (feeders) DotA player that plays rarely now because of said feeders. I hate having half the MMR I should, but I guess it's all in absolutely horrible teams. Like I had to Sven mid (oh trust me, it does NOT work, I tried). Slark mid against Sniper did not work out either (obviously it's the range issue). I was able to win a couple of matches with decent teams as Sniper, in one game completely obliterating a Zeus carry that was owning me in lane. Oh I had the giggles. I got to godlike, but he shut me down with luck and the overpoweredness of his ultimate. So here I sit at about 675 MMR in lobbies with players with MMRs that are literally 100 because they're so... Pub. Ha ha ha.

I am also a brony (if you couldn't notice it from my username and Steam avatar). I have been playing video games all my life, but now I pretty much only play Team Fortress 2. I did play League of Legends, but I encountered similar community-based issues (and the DAMN RUNE PAGES). (I guess that's why my neighbor calls me "White and Nerdy?").
Published Guides
latest March 14, 2015
latest March 17, 2015

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