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Treant Bladebreaker

June 14, 2013 by Wraa
Comments: 12    |    Views: 8893    |   

Treant Bladebreaker

DotA2 Hero: Treant Protector

Hero Skills

Nature's Guise (Innate)

Nature's Grasp

5 12 13 14

Leech Seed

1 3 7 8

Living Armor

2 4 9 10


6 11 16


15 17 18

Treant Bladebreaker

June 14, 2013


Treant Bladebreaker Introduction

I play Treant as a potent TANKY initiator with above average rightclick.
With a naturally high basedmg at level 1, you can start getting your last hits aggressively. Very effective lane play with ganks from invisibility and your slow/DoT which helps maintain high hp - Leech Seed. Living Armor will effectively counter gank attempts on yourself or any allies as long as you pay attention to EVERY LANE. If you focus on getting your economy as strong as possible Treant can snowball into a total monster.

I am weary of calling him a semi-carry with this build as that is not how I play him. I am supporting our carries & semi-carries, making their jobs easier. Initiating for the team, increasing their survivability and generally keeping the momentum high. However tempting it may be to maximize the benefit of Treant's insane stat growth & innate rightclick... do not attempt to build him as a carry! YES he packs a solid punch, but no offensive steroid makes him a lackluster carry. By focusing on his strengths and building items that capitolize on them, Treant makes a fantastic offensive tank/initiator/support!

Skill Build

  1. Leech Seed
  2. Living Armor
  3. Leech Seed
  4. Nature's Guise
  5. Leech Seed
  6. Overgrowth
  7. Leech Seed *if you have ulti up and leech seed maxed, you better be carrying a tp scroll so you can punish any 3v2s they try to pull off against your allies.
  8. Living Armor
  9. Nature's Guise
  10. Living Armor
  11. Living Armor
  12. Nature's Guise
  13. Nature's Guise
  14. Stats
  15. Stats
  16. Overgrowth
Situational adjustments are obviously necessary sometimes.
Think of Leech Seed as your offense, maxed early it provides your lane with a much needed kill setup skill. Use this to follow up your allies ranged stun, or allow them to get close enough to use their stomp, etc. Never waste this with simple harassment. Nearly every time you use it, it should result in a kill. It is VERY strong.
One level in Nature's Guise is plenty for early game. You prioritize your mana usage elsewhere. However, setting up ganks using this is immeasurably powerful.
Level 1 Living Armor is plenty until you start facing significant damage from your enemies. Thats why I put it off. You'll have it maxed soon enough, just be patient. Your innate tankiness and Leech Seed will give you enough survivability in lane. This doesn't cost much mana, but be sure you don't spam it so much you are unable to Leach Seed/Natures Guise combo. At later levels, when mana is not an issue... keep it on cooldown all the time. DOUBLE TAP E and it casts it on yourself!

When Pudge is coming bot to gank, ping the trees just outside your lane and say invis here. Pudge comes and gets your invisibility buff, then walks around to the lane and gets the easiest hook of his life. leech seed followup = kill. Obviously this is an example, but I chose Pudge because it shows how powerful this can be with a positional ganking hero.

Preferred Item Build

  • & & (s) (Build a or just sell them if you don't feel the need)
  • (Priority on the Boots themselves, as you will be trying to use Leech Seed as a gap closer)
  • (Abuse the courier to get these parts asap)
  • (Keep a stunning centuar or a rooting troll in the trees near the secret shop hidden in a juke spot, bring it out to set up kills, don't forget you can living armor it to keep its hp up no matter where you leave it. Later when you have the mana for it, you can use invis on the minion to set up crazy effective ganks.)
  • ( gives you AttackSpd Dmg Str and %MS which you need to close gaps)
  • (Never run out of mana, and your initiation abilities just went to absurd levels. Try to use this near the end of your ultimate to ensure they slowly waddle away from your roots hurt & limping)
  • (dissasemble )
  • (You won't get this far in most games, but if you do you'll realize why this is so important... you'll need more HP so that your EHP goes from 12k to ridiculously high thanks to the lifesteal & active)

Final Items:

You are now by far the tankiest hero in the game.
You are beyond slippery with your free invisibility (beware the longish fade time though).
You can support your allies by disarming opponents.
Running/Chasing enemies are slowed with Shiva's or Leech Seed.
You can initiate from invis with Shiva's or Overgrowth.
You have a strong suite of auras from Assault Cuirass & Shiva's Guard
You can disjoint/dodge negative effects with Manta Style.
You can confuse the hell out of enemies when you send in one manta illusion. Everyone thinks you are going to initiate with your ultimate, and drops their nukes on the illusion. Works way more then it should.

Don't forget you can use all your skills AND ITEMS from invisibility!
This means you can pop your illusions, shiva's, and abilities long before you come out of your hiding spot. Ensuring a very unfair fight.


I'm just on my lunch break @ work, and wanted to put some thoughts down about the playstyle I have found enjoyable on this hero. There are tons of variations to this build that can situationally be more effective. I just realized that this one (and many other styles) wasn't mentioned in other guides.

Also fun: get dagon, necronomicon, orchid, rod of atos, and shivas.
Max Leach Seed, and Natures Guise first... rush the necronomicon 2 and dagon 1.
You can now nuke people down from invisibility and they'll never even see you.
Its crazy fun in pubs, but not very effective against anyone with 1/2 a brain.

I know this guide is ugly, its my first one so think of it as a rough draft. Comments welcomed!

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