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Treant Bladebreaker

June 14, 2013 by Wraa
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Wraa | June 16, 2013 4:42am
I want to thank EVERYONE for the comments!
I'll address them in turn when I get a chance.

I just wanted to say that I've been playing with this build
all weekend and it has been excellent.

Combo'd with a sandking or any other str hero who can stun...

It helps a ton when your allies pick up a ring of basi, making it
less difficult to manage your mana.
thippo (10) | June 15, 2013 9:43pm
I'm not feeling it. I think this would go much better on Tidehunter because he can make much better use of the gold, and because Treant Protector doesn't need gold to be a decent initiator, and when he is he can still be lackluster in comparison. Only in very few specific lineups would this be desirable over a Tide for the role of tanky initiator.

Not to say this isn't somewhat viable, it's just that there's a hero who already fits the criteria that you're having to make up for in items.
Sando (118) | June 15, 2013 2:15am
Sorry I wasn't having a go, it's an interesting way of playing Treant Protector, but I don't agree with some of your item choices. Sange is a pretty unreliable debuff when your attack speed is so low (DAM and DPS are different things), you'd probably be much better off with an Orb of Venom early on - it's much cheaper and gives you a guaranteed slow.

Helm of the Dominator - again DAM and DPS are different things, I don't think you have the attack speed to make use of this until after your Hyperstone (then Treant really can do DPS). Shiva's Guard and Assault Cuirass I have no issue with on him - they're good choices, but do require a lot of cash, same with Heaven's Halberd.

Personally I tend to go with Pipe of Insight, Arcane Boots and Drum of Endurance on Treant, but that's more support tree. You can initiate with Nature's Guise, but it does require setting up first, and the enemy being a bit lax with detection. Blink Dagger is situational, but is the only reliable way of initiating with him - if simply running in and doing Overgrowth isn't working.

Heart of Tarrasque is a great item on him +40 damage, and over 1000hp (plus mega regen) isn't to be sniffed at - especially if the enemy has lots of magical or pure damage. However, you probably still want an Assault Cuirass first.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | June 14, 2013 9:19pm
If you are going to say "above average right click" I suggest you say "above average base damage" since, while his base damage is the highest in the game... his base attack time is the lowest in the game, lowering his actual damage potential greatly.

Now, this build is obviously unorthodox. "Carry/ Semi-carry Treant Protector] build?? You have to be joking! (insert various other rage comments and name calling here)". The thing is, because it is so foreign, anything I would have to say about it is only theorycrafting and mathematical goldfishing.

In a build like this, I agree Leech Seed max first. The issue is that when you do that, you will have to bring clarities to lane, and that is going to punish your last hitting. It also takes away from your Living Armor.

I also agree and disagree on Blink Dagger. And here is why. Maybe it's just me who has looked at the radius on Overgrowth? Many people look at Treant Protector and think he is a walking ult. In reality, for the purpose of his ult, I am incline to say Slardar is better for team-fighting.

Let me put this in perspective, if you don't understand my reasoning.
Overgrowth has a 625 Area of effect
Slithereen Crush from Slardar has a 350 radius, which is equal to 700 area of effect (plus the model size)

So, basically, Tree's ult is pretty **** (or you can take that as Slardar's stun is pretty good, up to you. Now you can obviously argue the advantages- going through BKB and longer duration... but the fact still remains it is hard to hit on multiple people, costs most of your mana, puts you right in the middle of the fight (where you really don't want to be), has a long(ish) cooldown, and doesn't stop spellcasters (if you initiate, then you are going to be unloaded on. The start of the teamfight is when all the spells are used- your ult isnt a stun- it is a root. It disarms and restricts movement, it does not stop spells)

With that, you could argue Blink Dagger is less necessary because it is an after initiation spell, or you could go the other way and argue that the only way to get an effective ult off is to get a Blink Dagger for ideal positioning.

Now, just wanted to throw this out there, In every tree guide I will ever see, I shall until it is buffed to some degree, never advocate taking Nature's Guise on Tree. No, not even when off-lane. Early on it costs too much mana to use effectively, and doesn't last very long with a high restriction on how it can be used. In order to make it worthwhile, you have to level it up. A lot. Additionally, leveling it up does not take away from it's fade time of 2 seconds, a fade time that is important to understand.

Early game: You can skip it. late game, it serves a very very weak replacement for Ghost Scepter (you can cast spells without being attacked, but this is countered by detection and has a fade time and animation)
Wraa | June 14, 2013 4:38pm
Sando wrote:

Yeah, this is carry Treant by any normal measure - almost all the equipment is damage/expensive. If you want to go tanky initiator you should be looking at Heart of Tarrasque and Blink Dagger.

I agree with you that the standard term of carry could be applied here because of how the item build up looks. However with treant's playstyle getting these items makes him a potent early/midgame force.

Instead of walking around with a naked blink dagger in earlygame and being merely a walking ultimate... you are packing potent EHP, Rightclick damage which capitolize on your snares/roots.
Wraa | June 14, 2013 4:33pm
Honestly I can see where all the negative comments are coming from.

These items are expensive because I normally end up getting so much gold from

assists and creep kills. I rarely get more then a few kills myself.

I also rarely get beyond the Shiva's before the game is won.

I do understand people calling this a "carry" guide. However

traditional carries are usually focused on doing maximum dps thanks

to their "steroids". Treant doesn't do that kind of carry.

He's more of a potent tanky with initiator abilities who can force the other

team into undefensible positions. I build him this way to maximize the benefits

of his existing abilities. You don't need Blink Dagger its a waste of money.

You don't need Heart of Tarrasque as you are already packing more regen then you


Please, at least try the guide before you knock it.
Xegiie | June 14, 2013 1:27pm
i agree with above, saying its not carry treant while having all the expensive carry items does not do it.
Tho this can work with some early kills on pub.
Sando (118) | June 14, 2013 1:55am
Yeah, this is carry Treant by any normal measure - almost all the equipment is damage/expensive. If you want to go tanky initiator you should be looking at Heart of Tarrasque and Blink Dagger.
Dwemer (1) | June 14, 2013 1:42am
What kind of build is this..
jaslam (21) | June 14, 2013 1:25am
have to disagree - a carry treant doens't work this way. if Treant is getting the farm - it is to be tankier, and have a greater team presence - such as mech/pipe/ even a blink dagger.. you would likely build boots of travel as well - so you will always be at a team fight, even when farming another lane..

I'm not saying this build wouldn't work - it would! It would just work better with a proper carry, so what's the point..
Raylord (3) | June 13, 2013 10:59pm
While I like carry treant. I don't like that your saying your not playing carry treant, because there is no way this isn't carry treant. Support is buying wards and courier and things that help the team. Just embrace carry treant.
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