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73 Votes

The Vengeance of Vengeful Spirit - Detailed Roaming guide

July 24, 2012 by denisvitAG
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ShoutyShout13 (2) | January 6, 2015 5:16pm

The extra damage I find is more useful as it does scale off later in the damage. The damage is pretty huge in the early game, especially against supports and the extra 0.3 seconds of stun could pay off as either a needed kill or a wounded person running. Not do mention, that build requires people to physically attack the person and I can imagine that if he/she is behind the lines, you need a form of a slow or another stun to make sure he/she doesn't run.
MapleSyrup | December 10, 2014 1:33pm
Guide is well done but you should never max her stun first. The mana cost and stun increase per level are not worth the levels. It's far better to max wave of terror first and then follow up with venge aura. A whopping -6 armor (level 4) on your enemies and a 36% damage increase (level 4) to your allies is far better than a 1.75 second stun (once again level 4). The damage for magic missile is nice but it's unecessary until later levels when enemies are tankier and the extra .10 second increments of stun might be a make or break moment in teamfights. The only time I could see someone maxing magic missle first is if you're messing around in a pub looking to KS with the 325 damage it causes. You should try the 1/3/1/1 (level 6) 1/4/4/2 (level 11) build. From there on you should work on maxing your stun or getting stats, dependant upon the enemy teams lineup.
ksuyog2 | January 7, 2014 11:17pm
Well nice guide and I find it loads of help. Vengi is my signature hero and I am surprised to know that I have loads to know about my hero as well. Just one thing, vengi is now allowed to use kellen dagger so might as well put it in situational item. I tried it and it was one of my best game (though I lost cause I was in pub). But a very useful guide.
BefjurH | December 30, 2013 4:15pm
Still a valid guide, really helped me with the whole roaming/ganking thing. +1
Tikru8 (4) | October 16, 2013 12:51am
+1 despite the fact that the Ganking section is a big wall of text - please at least make the line spacing 1.5. Interesting going for Tranquil Boots + Soul Ring, might try that out.

One thing though: Venge looks squishy but really isn't; her starting HP (w/o gg branches etc.) is almost 500 (which is OK) and she has a high strength gain of 2.6 per level (take e.g. Huskar who is a strength hero has only 2.4!) and she has agility as primary attribute. This means that after some levels she will have a really good HP and natural armor: If your roaming goes well she might be even the beefiest character on the map.
Rode Krijger (4) | June 19, 2013 1:25am
+1 Great guide, learned a lot about roaming and supporting through this guide. Started me on playing Venge as my friends tend to play carry a lot. Just love the disassembling part, makes you very versatile.

I might suggest noting Animal Courier/ Observer Ward as starting items. I make sure they are bought every game. Courier says all and wards make mid so much easier if you ward the runespots and makes sure you wont be ganked off guard. If there's another support, i often try to make him buy courier and ill ward, making sure the enemy wont get the first rune. If someone else buys Animal Courier, ill buy Observer Wards, 3 Iron Branch, 1 set of Tango and a Ring of Protection

If the enemies are spamming spells, I get Magic Stick early, otherwise I get Tranquil Boots first ( Boots of Speed first, unless you're out of Tango already). After that I make more room by upgrading to Magic Wand. Next up is Medallion of Courage. I get Sage's Mask first because of my mana needs. By then, I might need another set of Observer Wards too.

Getting a Wraith Band and another Sage's Mask is next. Then I either get the Belt of Strength+ Gloves of Haste like Malibu Stacey suggests or a Energy Booster. Disassembling the tranquils, which have outlived their use will enable me to build into Arcane Boots/ Power Treads with a Ring of Aquila and a Ring of Regen. Ring of regen can then be used in a Headdress to build into Mekansm, but my personal favorite is to build it into a Force Staff because it combines great with nether swap. It's just great, because you don't ever have to throw something away, every part of tranquils can be re-used in core items for venge.

As I'm roaming I max out Magic Missile first too, maxing nuke damage and slightly prolonging the stun. But at level 4 I like to get one point in Vengeance Aura. First point gives 12% bonus, where the others only increase it by 8%. After that I max Magic Missile and then Terror Wave, just like you suggest.

In combination with high dps heroes like Drow Ranger, you might even want to be laning a bit more as you have great synergy with her. Her Precision Aura helps you a lot in terms of damage, whereas you can boost her damage with your Vengeance Aura and Wave of Terror and you can save her from harm by Nether Swap or Magic Missile stun. In this particular situation, I choose to only put one point in Magic Missile for stun, but max out Vengeance Aura and Wave of Terror first as you don't need to do as much damage because she will.

Anyway, great guide to a great hero. Just love playing her.
Velkyria | June 5, 2013 7:25am
Now that the stun on Magic Missile is scaled with levels, is it ever appropriate to max Wave of Terror first? And if not maybe you should amend that part of your guide. =[
BlackT | March 31, 2013 3:56am
Really appreciate the guide. I've played Venge quite successfully following it and the section on roaming is just great!
Two deviations that I sometimes build into: If I'm in a pub without any other proper supports I generally build arcanes instead of tranquils+soulring, simply because it makes my team that much stronger in pushed (ideally, I still go for the tranquils, soulring if I can be sure someone else gets arcanes, though, even despite the recent nerf).
If I find myself with a lot of money (because we are winning or because I end up farming a lane for a bit) I often use the RoB to get a Ring of Aquila. It's great stats for venge (I much prefer it to a bracer) and gives aura for the team.
Yoda (9) | February 18, 2013 1:15am
As a huge support fan, i love this guide! thank you for the roaming guide it sure helped :)
denisvitAG (2) | January 19, 2013 7:47am
BloodSnake wrote:

can you also tell me when we should take vengeful spirit?
wich hero's are piece of cake to kill with veng?

Yeah I might give the guide a small update sometime soon.
BloodSnake (1) | January 14, 2013 9:37am
can you also tell me when we should take vengeful spirit?
wich hero's are piece of cake to kill with veng?
BloodSnake (1) | January 13, 2013 10:41am
this is the only guide i vote for lol
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