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The son of Magnus (Offlane for 7.06f)

September 1, 2017 by Phsc
Comments: 2    |    Views: 27175    |   

Go-to build

DotA2 Hero: Magnus

Hero Skills

Solid Core (Innate)


2 3 5 7


4 8 9 11


1 13 14 16

Reverse Polarity

6 12


10 15 17 18

Hero Talents

+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration
+10% Empower Damage/Cleave
+275 Skewer Range
+125 Shockwave Damage
-5s Skewer Cooldown
+12 all stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity
+0.75s Shockwave Slow Duration
+10s Empower Duration

The son of Magnus (Offlane for 7.06f)

September 1, 2017


Hello and my name is Phsc, I'm a 5k doto playah and I'm realy good with Magnus still not s4 tho but he goes for something like this build
Magnus is a strenght hero which should go on the offlane as seen in the current pro meta, he's kinda hard to play, can carry games while being an offlaner and is pretty... you know, PogChamp
Also he's really fun to play and you should be going solo offlane but sometimes dual off-lane might work if you can combo with Skewer


Shockwave: Does damage in a line, this is your bread and butter, useful for doing damage, farming, harassing, level it up, with the talent you will get at level 10 it will be really strong.
Empower: Gives cleave and bonus damage to someone, use it at yourself or at your other cores, combos really with with Anti-Mage, Phantom Assassin and works well with your ultimate.
Skewer: Well, you just got a Reverse Polarity in the entire enemy team, but it's far away from your team? use it, it's going to move them, it you know, pushes people where you want, and also can be used as a escape and cliffing tool, ALSO REMEMBER IT DOESNT PIERCE Black King Bar.
Reverse Polarity: Stuns everyone near you, put's them together, pierces Black King Bar and also does damage, one of the best skills in game, and your job is going to be doing great ones.


LEVEL 10: As you're going for a utility in the offlane build, the bonus magic damage is really good considering you're only going to use Shockwave, Skewer and Reverse Polarity.
LEVEL 15: You're an offlaner which dies a lot actually, if you feel like you're fine don't get it, but an Shiva's Guard might allow you to choose the other option at level 25.
LEVEL 20: You need positioning, if it's like Ember Spirit which went Batle fury and Phantom Assassin don't pick it, pick the bonus cleave
LEVEL 25: Both are great, most of the time, the armor is going to be better as you're going to be in the middle or their team when they get unstunned... so yeah, both are great, Shiva's Guard helps with it.


Poor Man's Shield: Do you like staying alive? get it, you're an solo offlaner meele hero, you're going to get harassed a lot.
Iron Talon: You need to farm the jungle because at some point you're just going to feed in the lane, just farm the lane when they try to push, maybe kill someone with the help of your team, but keep farming.
Arcane Boots: You need a lot of mana, and yeah, it gives mana.
Hand of Midas: You need levels and farm, you're going to be with your team most of the time, if you get this you can skip the GPM talent.
Blink Dagger: YOU NEED THIS, it's your iniciation, escape, everything, the best item for the hero, just get it.
Force Staff: Allows you to survive a few teamfights, help your team, get a few initiations, cliff people, decliff people, also a bit more range for your Reverse Polarity's
Eul's Scepter of Divinity: An easy way to get a Skewer or solo Reverse Polarity off then... you know, kill someone.
Shadow Blade: You need it to initiate, better at lower MMR still great for escaping or getting a nice Reverse Polarity at a place you know there's no wards, also good for scouting.
Octarine Core: Reverse Polarity has a big cooldown, Reverse Polarity reduces cooldowns, also goes well with...
Refresher Orb: Has a big cooldown, but can disable the entire enemy team for a long duration, keep in mind you might not have mana for this and that's why you go for...
Shiva's Guard: Gives armor, AoE ms and as slow and damage and also gives mana, perfect!
Silver Edge: So lets say you got a 5 man Reverse Polarity but there's a Bristleback? no problems! also gives stats which are always nice.
Boots of Travel: You need to bet at teamfights, always, and it also gives movespeed which goes well with the talent at level 20.
Lotus Orb: Incredible item, if they can't stun you... you can just escape right? keep in mind this item can be kinda bad in a few situations depending on the enemy team... AoE? Duel? don't get it then.
Black King Bar: Some times, you just need to survive a little longer, allow your blink, and win a fight.
Bloodthorn: OH **** THERE'S AN Enigma WHAT DO I DO? exactly, oh wait he has Black King Bar nvm... also good for your hard-carry to go in and hit like a bull.

Friends and counters

- Anti-Mage: If you look into my Anti-Mage guide you're going to understand why...
- Phantom Assassin: She has damage, you can give even more damage, yay!
- Troll Warlord: He has... damage... you give damage... yay?
- Sven: He has damage and cleave... and yeah... he can get a cleave of 100% which can be enought to kill an entire team with a hit! waow!
-INSERT HERO THAT RIGHT CLICKS: He/she has damage, you give damage, yay.
- Invoker: He has AoE spells which are hard to land, also look at my Invoker guide.
- Earthshaker: He has a skill that deals damage based on people on it, and AoE stuns and damage... yeah... pretty good don't you think?
- Venomancer: No Blink Dagger no love.
- Slardar and Bounty Hunter: They can't have vision of you.
- Riki: THAT ****ING SMOKE.
- Enigma, Tidehunter and Earthshaker: They can just counter initiate
- Clockwerk and Pudge: They can disable your blink dagger, Clockwerk's E gives vision and both have a hook that just destroys your.
- Rubick: AND THEN RUBICK STEALS REVERSE POLARITY ENIGMA BLINKS IN AND FIVE MAN RP >It's a disaster, someone: commend rubick

Want more?

You know, you can watch s4, Universe, any offlane player play it, it's really a great hero, and good at pubs because people like picking people that hit at people and people with AoE damage... yay!

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