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The Soloplayer's Guide to Stealth

January 23, 2014 by Aliez
Comments: 4    |    Views: 11003    |   


DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

Blink Strike

1 3 8 9

Tricks of the Trade

2 4 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


10 12 13 14 15 17 18

The Soloplayer's Guide to Stealth

January 23, 2014


This is the build I have been using since I first decided on Riki to be my experimental hero: A champion who's Primary Attribute, Attack Type, and general skills were different to anything I'd used before.

It turned out to be amazing, despite getting some grief from "allied" players for not taking Smoke Bomb sooner, this works insanely well for soloing, and that's what I built it for.

DISCLAIMER: I have never actually played in a player match, it's usually PvB - PvP turns out to be far too grief-filled for my liking. So there may very well be a better build for PvP.

Note: I understand there might be better builds available, but this is the one I have used since day one, and has never netted me less than 30 kills, and I'm able to farm as soon as acquiring Yasha

Pros and Cons


    Works in any lane
    Quickly deployable
    Doesn't rely on others
    Highly effective team carry
    Many armor reducing items
    High life-steal, combat efficiency
    Escapes easily
    Counters feeding after buying Sange


    Very easily killed early game
    Not much health regeneration
    Escape and pursuit ability comes in a bit later
    Dies very quickly if mobbed, silenced, or stunned within tower range

Starting the Match

I think it goes without saying that Riki excels in the middle lane. So claim it for yourself if you can. Unless there's a Sniper or Razor in your team who needs it more.

It's still possible to do very well in a sidelane, it just takes slightly longer to get into stride.

At the start of the match, buy yourself Boots of Speed, and a Tango, but it's not always necessary. It really depends who you are laning against.

Employ the typical agility melee hero method: Hide behind your creeps, and hit the enemy ones just as they are about to die. When you are Lv2 with Backstab, hitting them from behind pretty much multiplies your odds of Last-Hitting.
Continue until you have acquired 900 Gold to buy the Morbid Mask.

Team Work

The best possible hero to be placed alongside is the Bloodseeker with his Thirst. Or a Bounty Hunter with Track.

These are great teammates for one good reason: They can reveal the enemy heroes you're chasing through the forest, as they can weave in and out of sight thanks to the trees and various inclines.

Other good ones are obviously Sniper, who can Assassinate any hero who's fled back into their base and you aren't quite advanced enough to pursue.

Or Tiny with Toss, again, for those enemies you can't quite catch with Blink Strike.

Hero Killing

When you have acquired Yasha, hero farming is the best way to get money, experience... Anything you ever want.

Obviously, with Permanent Invisibility, approach isn't TOO much of an issue, however by this point, there will still be quite a large amount of towers alive, so you still have to be careful.

And, obviously don't engage two or more heroes at once, unless there's one with low health that you will be able to take down before their friend punches you into the ground.

As soon as you can afford it, buy Sange, it will massively boost your Hero Killing power, thanks to the 6% Movement Speed boost the combination grants, and Maim allows you to chase down fleeing Heroes much easier.

Of course, the next item, Crystalys, is self-explanatory. Good damage boost, and a decent crit, which will proc incredibly regularly with the attack speed you will have by this point.

Upgrading your Boots of Speed to Boots of Travel is fairly expensive for not much of a killing boost, hence why it's left so late. However by this stage a lot of enemy heroes will start to be upgrading their run speeds in different ways, and of course, the free teleport is always handy.
They're generally there just to allow you to move between lanes much faster, to track down the opposing heroes with greater ease.


Beyond this point, there isn't much required for me to say, the item purchase and ability leveling guides are up at the top, and they're all you need from here on in.

By this point you will usually be able to farm the enemy spawn point near-flawlessly, maybe having one escape every so often if two sturdy ones pop at once. Or Wraith King and anyone else.

Just to point out: Beware the stealthers

They are Riki's enemy in this game and the only heroes I've ever had issues with, because they're untrackable.

If, before buying Daedalus, you've had a few issues, try buying some Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight and then continue, but don't bother with the Assault Vest (I've personally only had to buy it once or twice), and they were with people on my team feeding to oblivion.


I hope you liked my Riki guide, and I would appreciate any input through the comments that aren't just blatant insults to my methods.

In Dota 2 and on Steam my nick is Aliez, and I'm usually Riki or Bounty Hunter, so feel free to say hi if you recognise me... Which is unlikely but still.

Thanks for reading,
I'll see you on the battlefield.

But you won't see me.

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