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5 Votes

The Soloplayer's Guide to Stealth

January 23, 2014 by Aliez
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DonnyDonnowitz (3) | January 25, 2014 8:38pm
All the above posts are correct.

I appreciate your attempt to appeal to a niche group of players, however the response your getting is primarily from the fact that almost any build is applicable playing against bots. You could probably build Riki with INT items and still dominate the opposition.

Your items aren't bad, but I would stay away from an SnY and do a Skull Basher and/or Diffusal instead. SnY isn't worth the cost.
TheLeowned | January 24, 2014 3:48am
Riki mid???? With out smoke bomb too???? WHAT THE HELL, no no no, not like this. Just to specify, Riki has nothing to control the lane with, he has nothing to properly escape (especially without SB) to more detail continue below.

I find a great issue with not taking Smoke bomb! Seriously? It is one of the only ways to start a proper gank and you to get away if you are GANKED!!! It silences, slows and gives a chance to miss. Truly in my opinion one of the most annoying things ever, and to tell the truth, not taking right away is not the problem, it is the fact that you stretch it all the way to levels 21-25, that is usually the point when they already know you are coming and have dust, wards and gem. And it is just a combat skill, and in pure combat it is much easier to dodge than when ganking, and I bet my double sided head as a wager that having at least a level on it would help your survive-ability at the mid or early-game.

The pros and con section was OK the problem for me was that you said the pros and cons of the itembuild, NOT the hero's, and that is what people who are looking for guides wan't. They wan't to know what kind of a hero it is, could it be the kind of a hero for them to play ETC.

The item section was simple and self explanatory for a veteran. So... it... is... kinda useless because veterans already know what they are doing, they don't look for a list of items, they have a picture of the plan and how to execute it, so it should go more into detail. The boots should be completed earlier for more effect even though if you are going to sell them, and for Riki I personally choose to use phase boots but then again the most common ones would be Powertreads.

In total (no offense to you bro) this is nothing at all, not even a wall of text, it is the same you get if you go and play the game first time ever with your friend guiding you through and also he is a Noob...
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 24, 2014 1:29am
im sorry to say this but....this is not a good guide by any means.items are alright but you skill build makes my brain hurt.smokescreen is riki's lifeline and ganking tool. skilling it last is the worst thing you can ever do.EVER. AND riki cant do **** mid-lane.
dynasty987 (6) | January 23, 2014 4:52pm
Riki's single most powerful spell is his Q. The one you don't skill until level 22. Vlads is a poor item on any carry, and even worse as a first item. Sange and Yasha is a very poor item in terms of results per gold spent. Lack of diffusal blade is a big problem.

Not trying to be a ****... and you did say your guide is aimed at playing vs bots but it's pretty terrible.
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