The One Too Many Army - A Guide to Phantom Lancer
August 11, 2014
Pros and Cons
Pros of Phantom Lancer
- Super strong, almost Unstoppable late game that in the right hands, can win a 1v5.
- Insane pusher, can destroy towers fast and easily.
- Doesn't require too much skill, although may require good timing and map awareness to keep him safe from ganks and to position yourself for pushes.
- High Mid-Late base right click, that can destroy squishy heroes in just a few right clicks.
- Have a good escape dopplewalk mechanism.
- Hard to be focused down on mid-late game (due to the ammount of illusions that
Juxtapose will create which suround you constantly while you farm or push).
- Tanky late game (due to a nice base hp, armor from his agility based armor and [[heart of tarrasque])
- Low-cooldown nuke(Phantom Lance, with only 7 seconds cool-down) that can be used as a harassive tool in laning phase or to chase down fleeing enemies (Can also be used when jungling).
- the highest Agility gain in the game per level (4.2 Agility/lvl)
Cons of Phantom Lancer
- very Squishy early on and even on mid game if doesn't have any tanky items (Such as
Manta Style or
Heart of Tarrasque.
- Escape mechanism (dopplewalk) isn't relieable (dust of appearence, sentry warsd and
Gem of True Sight counter it, as it renders you invisible).
- If ganked and focused down early game, hard to return to be effective until really late game (Sometimes if ganked too often can even be shutted down, just like every other Hard Carry).
- Insane Mana problems in early game (Can barely afford 2 phantom lance before having his Mana pool drained out completely).
- AOE damage heroes can counter you big time (
Sven with his
Great Cleave,
Earthshaker with his Ultimate
Echo Slam counting your illusions as heroes and dealing a lot more damage).
- Needs a lot of farm to be effective late game (though less than some other hard carries).
- Vunerable as a solo hero (without any illusions around him), as he can be targeted much easier
- cannot Roshan (Illusions disappear as they attack Roshan, also
Manta Style's illusions)
Phantom Lancer has 4 skills, when all of them focus around his illusions:
Spirit Lance is the first ability of Phantom Lancer and is a powerful nuke that is used for harassing and chasing enemies mostly. This ability has 7 seconds cool-down and can be used a lot during ganks or teamfights due to that. As this ability levels up, it gains bonus 50 damage and 10% slow, at a cost of a bonus 5 mana. (the basic damage is 100, the basic mana cost is 125 and 10% slow). It is very effective to gank enemies with that, as it slows them and lets you get closer to keep right-clicking, and by the time the enemy is starting to gain a fair distance from you, the ability is off cool-down and can be used again.
When the skill is used, an illusion will hatch out next to the direct enemy unit and auto-attack him with 20% if your right-click damage. this means that the actual damage of this nuke is a lot bigger than the instant 250 damage hit, as the illusion can hit at least 1 time, even if the enemy is running on a speed of 400 or more.
Also Important to say is that if you marked yourself and few of your illusions together and Spirit Lanced someone, all of the illusions and you will do the animation of the ability, but only the animation of your Spirit Lance will create the illusion when it hits the enemy unit.
doppelwalk |
Doppelwalk is the second ability of Phantom Lancer, and his escape mechanism.
When doppelwalk is casted, Phantom Lancer will render himself invisible and an illusion of himself will be created and will run the direction of which Phantom Lancer had ran too when the doppelwalk was casted. after 2-3 seconds, the illusion will stop on its position. This ability also grants Phantom Lancer 15% bonus movement speed that can help him run faster and before the enemies can understand where did you go, leave their sight and escape a potential Dust of Appearance.
doppelwalk is maxed-out last because it only drops on cool-down and mana cost for each leveling of the ability, and should be upgraded a first early point on level 2 and maxed out later when pushing more intensively.
When pushing a creep wave towards a tower, you can cast doppelwalk and send all of the illusions around towards the tower/next creep wave, while you run back and farm the jungle or go push another lane. The enemies will think that you are still pushing with your illusion army and will head to gank you, while you can go and push another lane or farm safely in your side's jungle.
Dust of Appearance is usually used against you when your enemies will try to gank you, as it slows you even more than your regular movement speed when you are on doppelwalk. you should remember that your Diffusal Blade can purge the dust off and let you run until you have your doppelwalk off cool-down again. I recommend saving at least 1 charge when pushing agressively with your illusions towards a tower so you can save yourself with a little bit of juking and a Diffusal Blade charge.
Juxtapose is the third and main ability of Phantom Lancer. which makes him an illusion hero.
Juxtapose gives Phantom Lancer a chance of 12% per right-click to create an illusion of himself, that will last 20 seconds and deal 20% of his right-click as the illusion's right click. As this ability levels up, it upgrades the maximum of illusions you can have with this ability, starting with 2 illusions on the first level of the ability, and levels up to 4/6/8 number of maximum illusions.
The 12% chance is later upgrade to 14/16/18% chance as his Ultimate, phantom edge, is leveled up.
The illusions are the main reason Phantom Lancer is so hard to kill, as you cannot know how is the real one most of the times and while you are trying to find who is real hero and focus him down, the real Phantom Lancer and his army of illusions are hitting you with their lances to death.
this ability is also what makes him a great tower pusher, as the illusions take 350% damage when hitted, they can tank each around 4-6 hits by the tower on mid game, while all of them and the real Phantom Lancer can hit the tower and deal tons of damage to it. 5 illusions of Phantom Lancer deals the same damage is the real one does, so for example, if you push a tower with 10 illusions (the maximum you can get using your Juxtapose and Manta Style) and yourself, you hit everytime with 3x the right-click damage of the original Phantom Lancer, which is A LOT, as Phantom Lancer is an agility hero with almost 200 right click on the mid-late game (pure base damage).
phantom edge |
Phantom Edge is the Ultimate ability of Phantom lancer.
phantom edge gives Phantom Lancer 10/15/20% bonus magic resistance, and adds a bonus 2/4/6% chance for illusions to create while the original Phantom Lancer hits (to a total of 14/16/18%).
Also, phantom edge grants Phantom Lancer 3/5/7% chance that the illusions of Phantom Lancer (all of them, including illusions from Juxtapose, Spirit Lance, Doppelwalk, Manta Style and Illusion rune) to create illusions of themselves. This ability gives Phantom Lancer to ability to push using only his illusions without him being around. His Ultimate cancels another difference that can spot him out until he levels his Ultimate (which is leveled up on level 6 on most of the builds for him out there), as he's the only Phantom Lancer to be able to create illusion of himself until then.
When NOT To Pick
Phantom Lancer can be countered by specific heroes really bad, and can be backfired by his own abilities by some others.
Not to Pick Against
Sven : His insane 65% Great Cleave from his ability is devestating for you and means that he doesn't have to even hit the real you to find out who's the real one, and meanwhile deal TONS of damage to you. Also, in most cases he is farmed enough before you are ready with your Heart of Tarrasque that helps you be more tanky against him, so you are basicly an easy pick for him until you get more tanky with your [[heart of tarrasque], and even then he can pretty much get you rekt.
Earthshaker : His Ultimate, Echo Slam is added damage (which is called 'aftershock') for every hero that is in the area of the Echo Slam. And for his ultimate, ALL, and I mean ALL of your illusions (including Illusion rune's and Manta Style's illusions count as a hero for it, which means that in the right blink he can cause some insane damage that can even kill you instantly, and if not - spot you out as all of your illusions will die during his Ultimate
Bristleback : As his role is to be a tank, he can stack a lot of his Quill Sprayon you and your illusions as you chase him and spot you out while doing A LOT of damage to you. He is not a special counter to you, as he counters many of the heroes in game with these abilities, but he spots you out using it and by that time he have some really good right click also, so he can 1v1 against you and if he is more tanky than you, most likely he will also win, as you will have no illusions to attack him too.
Axe : His Counter Helix is triggered for a percentage of the attacks directed to him (17%, to be specific), and causes him to spin around and do some really heavy damage. As you focus him with all of your illusions, he will spin, A LOT, and deal some really insane damage to you and your illusions and spot you out in just a few seconds, and by then you will be at least half-hp if not less and focused by more heroes. He can also lock you and your illusions to attack him with his Berserker's Call and force you to show yourself if he Berserker's Call close enough to the real you. He benefits from you and your illusions in his damage. Also, if he finds you and Berserker's Call you and all of your illusions (which is a max of 8 illusions from your Juxtapose, 2 more possible illusions coming from your Phantom Lance and including you comes to a max of 11), which means he will have a chance of 187% to Counter Helix for every round of right clicks coming from you and your illusions. this means he will spin at least one time, if not more, every time.
Nyx Assassin : With his Vendetta and the rest of his combo( Impale and Mana Burn), he can be really devestating against you early on, can ruin your farm and delay your entrance to teamfights (as you are not effective enough without your core items). Basicly any early-game ganker can ruin your farm and delay you from being effective (this including Pudge, Queen of Pain, Lina, Clockwerk and many more), but I prefer to give a special heads-up to Nyx for his really fast nuking that leaves you no room for escape completely, not like some others, which you can dodge (For Example, if Pudge Meat Hook you, you can instantly use doppelwalk and escape away from his rot, while he Dismember the illusion you left during your doppelwalk and starting to search again for you with his slow movement speed).
Be aware also of
All of these heroes are capable of creating an illusion if yours, and can create their own Army of
Phantom Lancers. Also every
Helm of the Dominator holder (such as
Gyrocopter and sometimes
Phantom Assassin) can take hold of an illusion of yours and create their own army. They are only capable of doing this from the moment you upgrade your Phantom Edge, which gives the ability for your illusions to create more illusions.
when you see one of these heroes getting picked by your enemies you shouldn't get
Phantom Lancer automatically off the table, but be aware of this potential, although this might not be deadly on most situations, it can be pretty dangerous in the right hands and can be used as push meatshields for the enemy team, which might be a fair threat to be considered before picking and during the game itself.
Another really important point to mention -
Phantom Lancer is a really bad teamfighter, he has no AOE damage of any sort and neither he is effective at focusing 2 heroes at the same time, because his illusions aren't strong for themselves (5 illusions can right click just like 1 real
Phantom Lancer). If you have no teamfight in your team and the other team has insane teamfighter - I dont think
Phantom Lancer would be a smart pick, and you should ask your team to pick some teamfighters that can lock down a team while you and your illusions poke them with your lance, or not pick
Phantom Lancer at all.
Friends and good Lane Buddies
Lane Buddies
Phantom Lancer is played most of the time in a dual safe lane with a support that can babysit him, as he is a hard carry that requires a lot of farm and is pretty squishy early game. Basically, as he has some imanse right-click during all stages of the game, he syncs pretty well with every support with long stuns or luckdowns/slows that can keep the enemy for
Phantom Lancer to right click with all of his illusions and get some easy kills.
Crystal Maiden is a good combination with
Phantom Lancer as she has a disable,
Frostbite, which lets
Phantom Lancer hit the enemy while he cannot react or run away, a good nuke to add bonus damage to a kill-attempt in lane and
Arcane Aura, which grants 1/1.5/2/2.5 bonus mana regen to all heroes on the map, and helps
Phantom Lancer to spam his
Spirit Lance nuke constantly in lane, which grants him dominance and potential to get some early kills.
I also added
Io to this list as he can make
Phantom Lancer has even bigger map control and make him push all the three lanes at the same time if pulled off correctly (everytime PL leaves his illusions to attack the tower of the lane, casts doppelwalk and keeps on to the next lane, while his doppelwalk's illusion keeps pushing with the rest of the illusion in that same lane. IO Can take him to another lane while in fog and make him push that lane too). He can also teleport with
Phantom Lancer
Tethered to him to a place where they can find a fleeing low hp hero and get an easy kill on him, then return to farming again in a matter of just a few seconds.
"You Will Keep The Light, We Will Defend It"
Phantom Lancer &
Keeper of the Light is a very powerful and known duel-lane combination evolving
Phantom Lancer, and in my opinion, the most deadly of them all.
Phantom Lancer suffers from a
really low mana pool on early game, and even a bit on mid game.
Keeper of the Light is known for having the ability
Chakra Magic, which gives mana to allied units or yourself. With this combination,
Phantom Lancer can spam his
Spirit Lances repeatedly during the early game and literally dominate his lane, while
Keeper of the Light uses his
Illuminate to deal tons of damage to the enemies and push the creep wave to the enemy's tower and help
Phantom Lancer start pushing a lot earlier then he would actually start to on his own.
Also, when
Keeper of the Light buys his agahnim scepter, he gains his ultimate,
Spirit Form, to be permanent, which gives him 2 new permanent abilities (which he has only on his Ultimate form):
Recall and
Blinding Light.
Recall can be used to call
Phantom Lancer from farming into teamfights or to take down towers on pushed lanes, while
Blinding Light can be used to defend
Phantom Lancer while being chased by few heroes or help
Phantom Lancer get closer to his target by pushing it backwards to
Phantom Lancer's location.
This combination can be VERY effective and deadly if played correctly from
Keeper of the Light and
Phantom Lancer. It gives
Phantom Lancer the ability to be dominant on the early stages of the game and let him farm all the time, and be called right into the teamfight or another pushed lane. It is an amazing combo, and from my experience so far, I've never lost a match when I played this combo with my friend (had more than 15 games playing this combo).
Gameplay - Early Game
Phantom Lancer, your main mission on the early game is to farm as much as you can, take as many last hits as possible can and not die. You are a normal Hard-Carry on the early game, with a tiny potential on killing, which you should use with the right lane partner, but do not spam your spirit lance[[ too much, as you have VERY low mana pool and you will need to save at least enough mana for your [[doppelwalk spell when the enemies will try to gank you. It is very important to save enough mana for your doppelwalk, because as for Early Game, no dust will be bought against you and this means you can live after a gank attempt on you and keep on farming if your hp isn't too low.
The mission of the support that lanes with you is to keep the enemies away from harassing you and let you take a lot of last hits. If you play with a
Crystal Maiden or
Shadow Shaman, ask them to disable/stun the enemy when they get too close to your tower or just dives a little bit more than they should be. if
Crystal Maiden uses her frostbite right in time or
Shadow Shaman uses his
Shackles, this can almost gurantee a kill for you and obviously more farm and lane control. Your main goal on the early game is to achieve your ring of aquilla on min 5 and even earlier, and build stright for your
Power Treads. I recommend using the
Power Treads on Strength mostly on the Early game, as you dont have a lot of hp and this might help you survive more and sustain yourself better in the lane with your ring of aquilla bosting your damage to make last hitting a joke.
You can also go and use some
Power Treads switching to give yourself a little bit more mana for that last
Spirit Lance to secure a kill or to gain a little big more damage when right clicking an enemy using the Agility mode of the Treads. But on the most part, you should use them on Strength as you may be the main target for ganks by the enemy team.
After you've finished your
Power Treads, you should start farming right away for your
Diffusal Blade. This item is your main item during the early-mid game and will let you get a lot of kills on the enemy supports and even on some more squishy carries such as
Drow Ranger and
Sniper, even if they stay behind the tower. NEVER hesitate on using a
Diffusal Blade's charge, as you need to upgrade it anyway later on and I even recommend not using all of the level 1's charges and skip right away to the level 2
Diffusal Blade, as it helps you a lot more on draining a mana dependent hero's mana and secure a lot more kills. If you decide you wish to spend more of your
Diffusal Blade level 1's charges, you must upgrade it as soon as you've left with 1 charge or 0, because the upgrade is worth the 875 gold recipe and helps you a lot more on the mid game with its HUGE mana burn, that stacks with your illusions.
Gameplay - Mid Game
Until the start of the Mid Game, both builds contain the same item build, so I wrote only 1 Early Game Gameplay paragraph, as there is no need for 2 that contain the same thing.
After you finish your
Diffusal Blade level 1, each build goes for a different item, so from now on the Gameplay paragraphs will be splitted in the middle, each half will contain the different Gameplay for each build.
On the end of the Early Game, you should decide what build do you want to stick to:
Deciding between the two extensions is pretty simple:
Mid Game - Damage-Focused build
On the Damage-Focused build, your main mission is to gank and kill as many carries and supports as possible, in order to gain a lot of farm and finish your
Daedalus and
Heart of Tarrasque ASAP. Also, if the enemy team has a hard carry with a potential to carry the enemy team to victory, you should shut him down and focus him as much as you can, until you are sure you will be much stronger than him during the Late Game, if you dont plan on ending the game earlier. If you are going for this build, you are not a pusher anymore, but a massive ganker and harasser. You can still push by sending your illusions on each lane, though you are more focused on taking down enemies rather than towers with your
At first, you should stay at your lane and farm your
Crystalys. Its important to mantion that the crits coming for both the
Crystalys and the
Daedalus doesn't stack with the illusions, but the red icons saying the ammount of the crit will show up anyway, without the crit actually happening. It is mostly can be used to confuse enemies, as they might think that if they see crits it means you are there. From now on, when you go and kill someone, its is very important that the real
Phantom Lancer will chase him and not just the illusions, as a lot of the damage will come directly from you and not the illusions.
After you've finished farming your crystlys, start roam across the map while jungling from time to time by sending your
Spirit Lance first on the jungle to tank and only then go and hit the creeps yourself. more illusions will pop up and you will finish the jungle without getting a single hit. As for ancients - do a small jungle before you go to the Ancients and send your army before you, and after the Ancients focus them - you should come to right click (dont go first, as the Ancients will hit you and not the illusions).
When you see an enemy on a lane too-pushed towards your side, you should go and kill him, starting by casting doppelwalk out of his line of sight (and keep the illusion out of there too), getting closer, using
Spirit Lance and
Diffusal Blade charge, and start right clicking. your army will be created in just a few seconds, and the enemy will be dead even faster. After killing him, push the lane a bit with your illusions. Whenever there is no available enemy to gank, go and farm the jungle and the Ancients to keep up with the rest of the heroes on xp and gold. by the end of the Mid Game (around min 35) you should have your
Daedalus up and at least 5-8 kills.
You can also gank with a disabled or someone who can silence of slow, like
Shadow Shaman,
Silencer and many more, as they can help you gank heroes with escape mechanisms (
Queen of Pain,
As for
Shadow Blade carriers, you should always carry on you
Dust of Appearance, just like the enemies will buy it for you. This will help you catch them and make their
Shadow Blade useless as they normally use it (when the famous of them are
Doom and
Drow Ranger).
Mid Game - Push-Focused build
The Push-Focused build is the most known build of
Phantom Lancer and used by most heroes. As for my experience, 95% of the
Phantom Lancer players I've played with went this build, while the other 5% used the
Radiance build and one or two went the
Daedalus build.
Your main goal when going for the push build is to start pushing your own lane with your illusions tanking the tower and hitting it in the same time. I also recommend sending 1 more illusion towards the next tower, to stand between the towers and keep the enemy creeps away to maximize the damage done to their tower. Take as many last hits as you can and farm for your
Yasha. After finishing your Yasha, keep pushing more lanes and farm even more. You can also try and push several lanes in the same time using your illusions to keep the push, but sometimes you might get unlucky with the ammount of illusions and the push wont last.
You are supposed to finish your
Manta Style by 35 minute mark and even less (depends how your early game was). By them, you should use your
Manta Style illusions and your regular illusions to push the tower and lanes, as you can spam the
Manta Style to push several lanes at the same time more effectively.
If already talking about
Manta Style - when the enemies come to gank you and use dust, you can activate your
Manta Style, as it purges the dust off of you and you can keep on the run. it is much more faster than using a
Diffusal Blade charge on yourself, because when using
Diffusal Blade charge on yourself it requires you to stop for a little less than a second, which can be critical in almost every situation.
Also important to mention -
Phantom Lancer can, and should, go for kills and ganks even you are building a manta style. It actually can sometimes be more effective when chasing undertower, as the illusions of
Manta Style take the damage of the tower and creeps instead of you. If some support without huge disabling that can make your illusions disappear or block you away from a kill on him is trying to defend a tower you push - you should go and kill him. Your illusions are tanking the tower anyway, so in most cases it will be a free, easy kill for you and give you more farm than just taking down the tower.
Gameplay - Late Game
Late Game - Damage-Focused build
If you played your role right and ganked, you are supposed to have between 5-10 kills and a lot of spair gold after you've finished your
Daedalus. At this point, you need to build your
Heart of Tarrasque for maximum tankiness and being able to sustain a lot of pushes at the same time, as well as taking the damage from the tower yourself. Your illusions will become tanky as well, as they will have the same ammount of HP as you do, but will take 3x the damage directed to them. At this point you can 1v1 almost every carry in the game (unless he is super farmed, more than you) and kill him easily. Your precense in teamfight should be high as you, the hero himself, has a lot of damage, but the illusions dont get neither the crit damage nor the bonus damage that the
Daedalus grants. You can try and push more towers if you didnt push out enough yet, and start thinking (and trying) of pushing high-ground to the Tier 3 and the Barracks. You can sustain a teamfight under-tower and on highground for a long time, and the enemy team will have hard time to focus you down with that big ammount of illusions you are carrying with you. Pushing highground should be pretty easy, and from then on finishing the game becomes really easy and fast.
Phantom Lancer is a fair baseraper, as you send your illusions first before going in, and they can tank up around 5 seconds for you if you sent 4-5 with you (and sometimes they can tank even more).
Late Game - Push-Focused build
By the time you hit the Late Game, all of their Tier 1&2 should be down already and you need to start and push highground with your entire team, or split push with your team pushing one lane and you push another. This will make a huge problem for non-organized team to defend against, as they will go as 5 man to stop one push, while the other keep on the push and take down the tower. If they try to split themselves in order to defend both towers- they will most likely to become easy kills for you if you have some
Diffusal Blade charges left.
At the same time, you should start and collect gold for your
Heart of Tarrasque, as it is the best item for
Phantom Lancer - it boosts your HP by a lot and grants the same hp to your illusions, making them a lot more powerful and tanky (although they take 3x the damage that is directed to them). Once your heart is finished, pushing and teamfighting will become a lot easier and you most likely to win them all.
If you are playing against a really strong Late Game carry like
Faceless Void or
Doom (under certain builds), you should try and push the tier 3 towers even earlier and make them come online much harder and less efective, as a member of their team will have to stay and defend against the mega creeps and wont be able to participate in the teamfights in most cases, making it easier for you to kill the hard carry and win the teamfight.
In case pushing the tier 3 becomes hard, you need to keep on the split pushing until they try and push one lane as team or try and start a teamfight. At some point sending your illusions will take down a tower, and you can go and take down another while they will try to defend their rax there. Your team can also initiate a 5v5 teamfight on highground while your illusions tank the tower and try to win it by focused their strong and most effective teamfighters first (
Lich with an agahnim scepter should be focused and taken down ASAP in teamfights and even before they start to prevent a really annoying white ball killing your illusions and damaging you). Your high priorities in these fights are huge teamfighers and DPS makers that can do a lot of damage if not focused (like
Sniper and
Drow Ranger, for example).
Binding your illusions
Phantom Lancer can be managed much easier if you bind your illusions, yourself and all together into different keys to make controlling them, pushing, and teamfighting a lot better. I recommend you to go into the Options menu, and under the Unit Actions category there will be three options named "Select Hero", "Select All Units" and "Select All Other Units" right next to each other. These options are awesome on
Phantom Lancer, as they let you to group up all of your illusions as one group, all of your illusions and you as one group and only yourself for much better management of yourself. Bind the keys you like to these options and managing yourself will be a lot easier.
Select hero
Select All Units
Select All Other Units
To Select only yourself, the true Phantom Lancer.
To Select all of your illusions, including yourself.
To Select only your illusions, not including yourself.
I personally really like to use this binds, and I have setted them myself the the keys 1,2&3 on my keyboard, which are easily reached. These binds are also pretty useful when playing other micro-needed heroes such as lycanthrope,
Lone Druid,
Meepo (haven't tried, but it should work on him too) and
Naga Siren.
Binding your illusions all alone can be really good when you want to start a tower push - you can send all of your illusions to the tower, then going yourself and attack it too. I also recommend sending one illusion ahead of the tower to delay the creepwave to come and distract your creeps from attacking the tower. Sometimes it is even better that you and all of your illusions go and kill the enemy creepwave before it hits your creepwave, as it wlll deal more damage to the tower on the early stages of the game then you and your illusions attacking it, without the creeps.
Closing Words
Thats the end of my guide for
Phantom Lancer so far. If I think that it needs more details or adding more chapters and information I will. Feel free and welcomed to give me comments for improvements on this guide, even if you dont like the way I play or showed him in this guide - please write down your comment and explain yourself so I can maybe fix, change or add things according to you guys.
I will look around a lot on the comments on this guide as the community's opionion is important for these kind of things.
I hope you enjoyed reading the guide and it will help you learn and/or improve your
Phantom Lancer skills in-game.
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