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The One Too Many Army - A Guide to Phantom Lancer

August 11, 2014 by W0rkSpace
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W0rkSpace | August 28, 2014 4:23pm
Tigerre wrote:

I agree with this guide :D

It's great, but you should probably consider getting Butterfly and some other attack speed items just so your illusions spawn so fast the other team doesn't know what's going of, and there is the option of going Desolator over Diffusal Blade, don't know if illusions get the -armour though....

First of all, thank you for commenting.
Seocond of all, Butterfly is a good item for Phantom Lancer and everything the item gives is also given to your illusions. Its a good late game item, but after I get my Heart of Tarrasque the game is basically over, so I cannot or dont even need to build it. It is a good item though, and you're completely right about it.
Third, disolator is the WORST item pick for Phantom Lancer - the armor reduction does work on illusions, but doesnt stack, so its basically useless. Also the most important thing, the damage, isnt converted to the illusions as it is a pure damage buff (+[num of dmg]) and the illusions gets only the base right click (which stats only can imporve, so agility items are the best items you can buy for him).
Diffusal Blade gives you 20 agility (which is 20 bonus damage and like 4 bonus dmg for the illusions), and the most important - a 20-35 mana burn which also deals the same as damage AND stacks and fully function with the illusions - giving them a buff of 24 dmg (on lvl 1) from the item alone.

Another option I've ran into when randomly looking on Fear from EG games is that he built a Eye of Skadi on him. I tried this and it works insanely. you basically go as a hard carry when building it - going from the treads stright to it, and having yourself much more tanky and with ****-ton of slow, making you a lot better earlier than Diffusal does. The slow doesnt stack with the illusions, but it still as awesome as you can imagine - the army and the real Lancer keeps on hitting, making the enemy movement speed around 200 without any option to escape. I went stright Manta Style afterwards and won the game, while having a rampage in min 35 or so.

Another optional item I think to consider adding to my guide is Assault Cuirass - it gives a great buff to you and your illusions and a fairly good attack speed bonus - a perfect late game item for Lancer.
Tigerre (4) | August 27, 2014 9:26pm
I agree with this guide :D

It's great, but you should probably consider getting Butterfly and some other attack speed items just so your illusions spawn so fast the other team doesn't know what's going of, and there is the option of going Desolator over Diffusal Blade, don't know if illusions get the -armour though....
W0rkSpace | August 14, 2014 2:34am
Seagull wrote:

Try it in a lobby. You'll notice that the two auras stack just fine. You can have only one UAM at time, but there's no similar limit in stacking auras. The only thing with stacking auras is, that multiple for example Drum of Endurance auras don't stack. You can hold different auras at the same time, but having multiple sources of the same aura doesn't cause the effect to multiply.

I'll check it. For as far as my experience goes, it didnt stack.
Seagull (9) | August 13, 2014 9:40pm
Try it in a lobby. You'll notice that the two auras stack just fine. You can have only one UAM at time, but there's no similar limit in stacking auras. The only thing with stacking auras is, that multiple for example Drum of Endurance auras don't stack. You can hold different auras at the same time, but having multiple sources of the same aura doesn't cause the effect to multiply.
W0rkSpace | August 13, 2014 3:56pm
Seagull wrote:

You can have different auras at the same time. Multiple instances of a same aura don't stack. So you can have both drum and aquila. Only aquila, basi and vlad's don't stack with each other as they give you similar effects.

I said that in the comments, and I said that you either can pick [[ring of aquila] or [drum of endurance].
Seagull (9) | August 13, 2014 1:29pm
You can have different auras at the same time. Multiple instances of a same aura don't stack. So you can have both drum and aquila. Only aquila, basi and vlad's don't stack with each other as they give you similar effects.
W0rkSpace | August 12, 2014 12:57pm
Janitsu wrote:

Well my opinion wouldn't probably matter :p
I am pretty much a noob :D

Every opionion matters.
Janitsu (74) | August 12, 2014 12:09pm
W0rkSpace wrote:

I'll try that out instead of what I did. I not used for that format so.. yeah :)
Thanks! did you read it?

Well my opinion wouldn't probably matter :p
I am pretty much a noob :D
W0rkSpace | August 12, 2014 12:01pm
Janitsu wrote:

well when I had my guides up on mobafire I middle-clicked the quote button on every comment and combined them in to one comment :)

You can also just write [quote][/quote] tags and it'll turn out like this:

the only difference is that there is no name tag.

Good luck with your guide nevertheless :)

I'll try that out instead of what I did. I not used for that format so.. yeah :)
Thanks! did you read it?
Janitsu (74) | August 12, 2014 11:58am
well when I had my guides up on mobafire I middle-clicked the quote button on every comment and combined them in to one comment :)

You can also just write [quote][/quote] tags and it'll turn out like this:



the only difference is that there is no name tag.

Good luck with your guide nevertheless :)
W0rkSpace | August 12, 2014 11:54am
Janitsu wrote:

Just a tip:

If you answer to the comments in one single comment you will help reducing the spam and the readers can find the answers easier :)

I just did that before I saw the comment, I just couldnt "stack" the quotes into one comment, so I answered each one and combined the comments like I did right now.

The normal "Quote" button isnt stacking them up, and I dont see any other option of quoting.
Janitsu (74) | August 12, 2014 11:52am
Just a tip:

If you answer to the comments in one single comment you will help reducing the spam and the readers can find the answers easier :)
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