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3 Votes

The Enigmas of Enigma

September 14, 2012 by Wulfstan
Comments: 8    |    Views: 16912    |   

Build 1
Build 2

The casual Jungler

DotA2 Hero: Enigma

Hero Skills

Gravity Well (Innate)


2 4 7 8

Demonic Summoning

1 3 5 9

Midnight Pulse

10 12 13 14

Black Hole

6 11 16


15 17 18


Welcome to my third guide on DOTAfire!This guide's focused point will be Enigma.The guide simpathises on 2 different builds:An early ganker build and one in which you can solo Roshan effectivly.

Let's go on,shall we?


Enigma is one of the best initiators in the whole game due to Black Hole.He excels in jungling and ganking early,focusing on the support role of buying early wards for his safet and the teams.

Who is Enigma and what can he do?

Enigma is a ranged inteligence hero that excells at jungling.His whole gameplay revolves arround initiating a teamfight with his ultimate, Black Hole.

He can also gank efficiently early game with Malefice,and push down towers withDemonic Conversion.

Late game,he can contribute to teamfights not just by Black Hole,but by Midnight Pulse,a skill that is based on the enemy health,removing a percentage from it every second.


Pros and Cons


Jungle start,meaming extra XP for one of your teamates
Early gank potential
Can solo Roshan
Good pushing power due to Demonic Conversion
Best initiator in the game(not even BKB can protect you from Black Hole
Scales well into late game with Midnight Pulse+ Black Holecombo


Although can gank well,he is susceptible to ganks
Extremly fragile throughout the whole game
Black Hole is channeling
Too many ways to interupt your ultimate,even with Black King Bar
Proper placement needed in teamfights before purchasing Blink Dagger

Skill Analysis


Enigma's first skill, Malefice,is a unique stun that stuns and damages in intervals.At maximmum level stuns 3 times with decent damage,also having a nice cast range and animation.It is very good against channeling skills.

The mana cost is very high though,so be carefull with usage in earlier levels,especially at level 1.

Demonic Conversion

Enigma coverts any unit(allied,enemy or neutral)into 3 minions.If you cast it on an enemy/neutral unit,you instantly get the gold value when killed.After each of them attacked 6 times,they split,heal any damage received becoming 6 little minions.
With a decent cast range and a no cooldown(duration=cooldown),you have some nice pushers there.

However,they give out bounty as every summoned unit,so do not feed them to the enemies.

Midnight Pulse

The usually forgotten skill of Enigma, Midnight Pulsecovers an area in dark magic,dealing damage based on the enemies HP(percentage based).The AoE on the skill is almost the same as on the ultimate,so these 2 pair up really nice.

However,the cooldown is high and its static,so enemies can just walk out of it.

Black Hole

Do you feel it?Can you feel getting ripped appart in time-space? Enigmasummons a black hole on the battlefield,sucking everyone in its center,disabling everyone,even magic immune units for 4 seconds.

A gamebreaking ultimate should come with a titanic cooldown,and its true.The cooldown is 200/190/180 seconds and the mana cost gets increased with each level.

Item build

Enigma's item build revolves arround getting one item as fast as possible: Blink Dagger.Without this item Enigma would be like Starsky without Hutch.

A Soul Ring is what you need if you jungle.You will never run out of mana while always having your trusty ring on your finger(does he have fingers?)

Next thing we grab the basic boots and rush a Blink Dagger.This item is so good positioning wise that you shouldn't miss a Black Holein your entire life.

Upgrade your boots into Power Treads for survivability,then start working towards a late-game item or Mekanism,as you want.Personally I love Mekanismjust for the teamfights,if something goes terrible.

Later in the game,go for Black King Bar, Scythe of Vyse,or a Linken's Sphere.

I also love getting Rod of Atoson Enigma,one extra slow and atending to your survivability problem?Sign me up!
Necronominicon is also a very good item choice on Enigma.Before you use your ultimate,use the necrobook,and direct your necro warriors towards your target of desire,for extra DPS.

Radiancestarted falling off the map sadly,and nowadays none uses this item on Enigma.But if you have the balls and the farming skills necesary to get it,then by any means do it!

My boots of choice would be Power Treads,for the sheer survivability. Arcane Bootscould work too,but you won't be spamming spells in a teamfight,so no need to do that.

Soloing Roshan as Enigma

For this,you should use the second build I poseted,one that involves the Medalion of Courage.

What you need:The medalion,2x Salves,Basilius,Smoke of Deceit(to evade enemy wards),and boots(not necesary).


So in the first picture here,you can see that I used Demonic Conversion on a neutral camp,then instantly poped the smoke to avoid enemy vision.

Now comes the hard part:You need to tank Roshan with Enigma,until the summons split.Remember to keep the medalion debuff active on Roshan.Pop the first salve and let the summons tank.

Before having the summons die,cast Demonic Conversion on one of them,then proceed tanking Roshan again to have the summons split into 6.

This should have killed Roshan as shown in the picture

Ganking as Enigma

Ganking as Enigma is pretty easy.You just creep up on enemies from behind(or using Blink Dagger),use Malefice on the target you desire,create eidolons for some extra kicking power then just proceed to whack them down.

After this,you can put ome pressure on their Tier-1 tower.

Friends and Foes

Friends: Earthshaker, Sand King. Shadow Fiend, Queen of Pain,anyone with a big ultimate that can benefit from the Black Hole.

Special Mention: Omniknight.Though his ultimate is not damaging,he can spare you 3900 gold for Black King Bar using Repel on you before you initiate.

Enemies: Vengeful Spirit, Ogre Magi, Lion, Lina,anyone who can stop you from channeling your ultimate.

Special Mentions: Beastmaster, Warlock, Clockwerk,anyone that can stun you while you are magic immune and channeling your ultimate.


I hope you enjoyed reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writting it.I hope this will help you taking your Enigma gameplay to the next level.

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