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4 Votes

The Age of Ice begins! - A peculiar guide to Ancient Apparition

May 16, 2020 by Sernyx
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Lazarus88 | May 8, 2022 11:32pm
I dislike this build as I believe that all good carry builds should have one item from each category
(Accessories, support, magical, armour weapons, artefacts) possibly skipping either a support item or accessory (although boots of travel are never wrong) to get an extra, say HoT or smth.
Phsc (4) | May 16, 2020 10:00am
Ice Vortex may not be the best spell for laning

I disagree with that, and I will explain why in two pictures:
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Basically always, mostly before Ice Blast is available, I manage to get the enemy midlaner low, if I use Cold Feet on them, they are able to get to that spot, stunned or not basically always they are able to escape since that is a very good juking spot, with the additional vision and slow you can easily secure one additional attack, or actually Ice Blast them if you do have such skill, and the magic damage amplification is pretty nice, and at level 1 it only costs 40 mana, you do not have to spam it, you can also use it to secure ranged creeps and also check for specific positions where someone like Pudge or Mirana can be at waiting to try to get a kill on you with Meat Hook or Sacred Arrow.

I also think that even with Aghanim's Scepter 8% spell amplification is a lot of additional damage, considering there are many range items I don't think you should pick that talent that often if you are going for such build, Grove Bow/ Telescope with Hurricane Pike solves the problem the vast majority of the time, I also think the -2 seconds in Ice Vortex beats 12 health regen any day, if you are doing him mid your focus is doing damage, if you have Bottle or Bloodstone regeneration should not be a problem, the additional vision and potential is amazing, mostly with the level 10 attack range talent, Sniper needs vision to hit people so he uses Shrapnel, you instead use Ice Vortex but now you can use it twice as often, the slow is very great too.

Also just like people have been building Blade Mail for Ember Spirit, Queen of Pain, Void Spirit, etc, I've seen people building it for Ancient Apparition when core in higher MMR matches and the general idea is the same, cheap damage, armor, and an active that is very strong, even if you are a squishy hero: as you can see he did pick your talents, but who is much higher rank and a decently famous player went for the skillbuild I mentioned.

Power Treads is also great since you can change it according to the situation and it gives you a bit of attack speed which is always nice, and Spirit Vessel is amazing for any hero that goes mid and gets online fast, also since a lot of what Ancient Apparition has does DoT it increases hus damage potential even more in a way that is not weird for the hero, that in combination with Ice Blast is a bit redundant but still strong.

In a general way I agree with everything else in this guide I think, good job.
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