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So essentially you have to trilane to go for this build, I don't see many other options. These silly pub dual lanes vs dual lane situations where no-one can get any farm can't really get you anywhere here, especially since TB's early kill potential is now pretty low. Solo mid like Arteezy's
If you were able to kill TB as a Bane, while he was splitpushing, he simply should not have been there.
Your illusions can just push, while you chill out in the jungle.
Also, if you could solokill a TB after 40 minutes as
If you get ganked by a team without a whole lot of disable you can often just turn around and grad a kill or two with Meta and Sunder.
If they have a shotton of disables, Naga should also be dead with only Manta + Radiance.
The whole point of these builds is, that you keep your enemies busy long enough by pushing with your illusions (while farming superfast) until you have so much farm, you don't care about 200 health difference anymore!
Well, there is kind of a problem with having no HP at all when you want to split push...because you can just get picked off very easily, especially since TB has no escape mechanism.
This is especially obvious when you are going for a greedy
Just for a comparison:
- level 16
- level 16
I remember a game where I was playing a support
that is why you let your illusions push when everyone is off the map, splitpushing is absolutely no problem.
and if they TP in you can just instantly start running as soon as you see it, manta terrorblade is a speedy ****er.
This is especially obvious when you are going for a greedy
Just for a comparison:
- level 16
- level 16
I remember a game where I was playing a support
2. Nerf? TB doesn't care about the nerf. The slow is now "only" good instead of being ridiculously OP on level 1.
The STR gain got decreased by 0.5! That's 8 HP/level or ~200HP on Level 25. Since TB is one of those carries, who buys only statitems and has the highest net worth anyway (at least should have). It does not really change the hero at all.
3. Refresher is viable if you want to push and fight a lot. (only as your last slot though)
But obviously it is situational ;)
How do you deal with that ridiculous 6.81 nerf, namely the fact that TB is now the squishiest hero in the game and that
No stat levels? That's what you do on
On farm and/or splitpush oriented carries,
If you plan on fighting a lot early on it is of course always a really good item and I would get it on every hero, everytime. Except on hard farming and/or splitpushing carries as stated above.
true, everything ^^^ I completely agree with, I do think it is situational
If you plan on fighting a lot early on it is of course always a really good item and I would get it on every hero, everytime. Except on hard farming and/or splitpushing carries as stated above.
as for friends I find anyone with a short ranged stun or major slow the lets you get close and put your slow on them, good examples are vengful spirit (really nice damage aura as well),
As for foes anyone with early game nukes giving you no chance to react suck:
Hey guys
thanks for the heads-up!
Since Naga Illus got nerfed with the last patch i really think that TB is pretty much on the same level than Naga in terms of split pushing (at least with a
For the
even though Meta makes TB ranged abyssal is still really good, if you need to fight to break the base. The active is really good, especially against melees and since you have really high AS, you get enough proccs off. (and +100 dmg obviously!)
FOr PMS vs RoA: Personally I really wouldn't go without PMS on TB. On other heroes, it is fine though. But combined with the high base armor, you can easily tank creeps, when supports are pulling and even tank rightklicks from enemy offlaners. Aquila is of course fine to get on TB, too.
you cant go complete meracle mode on terrorblade, but he makes up for it with other things and they both have a bit different styles.
i agree with the PMS, i remember that in TI3 when naga support was really popular they would pull the support naga regen so she could instantly go for a poor mans shield, which makes her nigh invulnerable to physical damage so she can crush trilanes. its kind of the same idea with terrorblade, the high armor makes him really hard to kill.
thanks for the heads-up!
Since Naga Illus got nerfed with the last patch i really think that TB is pretty much on the same level than Naga in terms of split pushing (at least with a
For the
even though Meta makes TB ranged abyssal is still really good, if you need to fight to break the base. The active is really good, especially against melees and since you have really high AS, you get enough proccs off. (and +100 dmg obviously!)
FOr PMS vs RoA: Personally I really wouldn't go without PMS on TB. On other heroes, it is fine though. But combined with the high base armor, you can easily tank creeps, when supports are pulling and even tank rightklicks from enemy offlaners. Aquila is of course fine to get on TB, too.