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7 Votes

Swim with the Tide

September 3, 2012 by Titulus
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martinec09 | May 27, 2013 10:03am
I think I need some clarifications on the skill build because you said that gush should be maxed out first, then smash.. but in your skill build, anchor smash was maxed out first. So which is which?
Martys (1) | July 21, 2012 2:59am
OK I read through and it seems cool, very detailed and a lot of things explained.

I agree with Perseverance, Void Stone definitelly no, leviathan barelly gets to regenerate 1 poing of mana per second, doubling this for 875 gold is stupid, Void Stone is here for intelligence heroes to double 5 m/s and so on. Rushing Refresher Orb is bad idea too, leviathan definitelly does not have mana to work with it right. However the idea of double Ravage is tempting, prehaps getting it after 16th level for his ultimate to continue scaling might be reasonable, possibly getting another Energy Booster or even Soul Booster to have enough mana could work.

I believe Arcane Boots are best for leviathan even when someone else took them, the active replenishes just a tiny bit of mana so having it twice could be cool, but the main reason for Arcane Boots is the +250 mana, with this pitiful mana regen leviathan has, you need more energy to start with and work with before you have to return to recharge.

However my question is what do you think about tranqul boots. People claim that these boots are useful on Tidehunter, and later on they can be dissassembled and used for vladimir's offering (guess I missed your justification why not to buy vlads). The health regen could keep you healthy in between ganks.

Also I don't think Soul Ring is that bad idea, actually with the Tranquil Boots it could work very well. I'm not saying one should get a Soul Ring so they can spam their Gush but rather have it as a failsafe, for the times when you need just one last spell to finish off or stop someone but you don't have mana. Tidehunter has very good strenght gain and loosing 150hp isn't that bad but gaining 150 mana is more than enough, it can be used to cast one more Gush to slow fleeing hero or to have enough mana for Town Portal Scroll or Blink Dagger. Just a fully charged Magic Wand and a Soul Ring are enough to cast third level Ravage from 0 mana.

Lastly I don't think getting both Kraken Shell and Vanguard is that bad idea, I mean getting two Vanguards on Axe is a common tactic, when one does not block the damage, it rolls again if the other will. For leviathan it would be like having a Vanguard and Poor Man's Shield, it would make him even more tanky. But I personally would never go for that option, I'm just saying it could be conciderable option :)

Just to note that I'm not just criticizing, everything I have not questioned I perfectly agree with. Good guide
Titulus (1) | July 20, 2012 3:47pm
Martys wrote:

I yet have to read the guide but I'm here to say lol on these two comments above mine.
So...uhm... LOL!

I mean I have made a guide myself and I spent at least 6 hours writing and rewriting it and materializing my experimence. And when then somes guy comes and looks at the pictures on top and and directly says that's a ******** without reading all the justification would make me want to tear his head off.

Anyway I'll be back after reading the guide :p

Honestly, that's exactly how I felt. I completely forgot about the first comment because of the second. I spent at least 12 hours writing this guide while making sure what I was saying was clear and beneficial. Then, somebody who obviously read none of it critiques my work. I hope you find my guide informative.

Wouldn't get the mana boots. Treads or Phase boots are necessary for increased ganking or mobility.

Phase boots Tidehunter isn't a good idea. You have a 4 second 40% slow on a 12 second cooldown already. You don't need the bonus attack damage from phase boots but you do need mana or health. Phase boots offer nothing you don't already have or need. Phase boots also lessen in usefulness once you get Blink Dagger. Arcane Boots give you the mana you need to gank relentlessly if you want to.
Martys (1) | July 20, 2012 8:12am
I yet have to read the guide but I'm here to say lol on these two comments above mine.
So...uhm... LOL!

I mean I have made a guide myself and I spent at least 6 hours writing and rewriting it and materializing my experimence. And when then somes guy comes and looks at the pictures on top and and directly says that's a ******** without reading all the justification would make me want to tear his head off.

Anyway I'll be back after reading the guide :p
Titulus (1) | July 20, 2012 6:01am

Mana Boots are essential but your stout shield is a waste of time and money... Have you read tides "Kraken Shell"? Block Doesn't stack with it.

Did you read anything? Did you even look at the skill build? I delay getting Kraken Shell and get the Stout Shield as a starting item specifically to avoid this problem. And even though they don't stack, Kraken Shell works with Stout Shield/Vanguard. Test it yourself. When the Stout Shield/Vanguard fail to proc, Kraken Shell's damage reduction activates. This means they don't stack making having both fairly useless in terms of damage reduction. Hence the reason I clearly say to sell the Stout Shield once you get a couple levels of Kraken Shell so you can get some of your money back.

I know this guide is long, but this is my most heavily discussed point in it. I even have a chapter named "Vanguard" that specifically details the advantages and disadvantages of getting these items versus not getting them. I'll stop now in hopes you will actually read something.
xxxKalamityxxx | July 19, 2012 7:28pm
Mana Boots are essential but your stout shield is a waste of time and money... Have you read tides "Kraken Shell"? Block Doesn't stack with it.
Coldblueberry (7) | July 19, 2012 5:40pm
Wouldn't get the mana boots. Treads or Phase boots are necessary for increased ganking or mobility.
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