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12 Votes

Swarm them!

November 18, 2011 by dirrwen
Comments: 5    |    Views: 28132    |   

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UrChesthair (2) | March 17, 2012 6:33pm
Linkens + radiance would take too long to farm. Your radiance will be way too late game
Blazeinferno#186185 | February 11, 2012 7:48pm
Why not build both Linken's and Radiance? Medallion has some synergy, but isn't nearly good enough for Weaver's mid-to-late dominance. Picking up Linken's will give you almost as much survivability as Vanguard and more mana regen than Medallion, allowing you to go straight for Radiance after treads, linken's, aquila. I think your guide is good in general, but feel your item buildup (selling three or four items by endgame) is a bit inefficient.
FragTheKiwi | February 5, 2012 11:37pm
need to set your skill order back up man its gone to all stats and all ult :/
dirrwen (10) | November 20, 2011 12:39pm

I agree with you on the Radiance over Linken's Sphere 100%, great guide for Weaver. Though I disagree that the mana regeneration is overkill with Medallion and Linken's Sphere, you can never have too much: Having a Weaver that can spam his skills is pretty damn annoying when he is able to consistently push every lane, which is what most who go this route do, though they rarely get Medallion unless they are doing a sort of Support-Carry/Pusher.

Well, I mainly get Medallion to be kinda carry, since it goes well with the Swarm, and your main lategame damage Geminate Attack. The mana regen is nice for spamming Shukuchi
LuvLes (32) | November 20, 2011 12:20pm
I agree with you on the Radiance over Linken's Sphere 100%, great guide for Weaver. Though I disagree that the mana regeneration is overkill with Medallion and Linken's Sphere, you can never have too much: Having a Weaver that can spam his skills is pretty damn annoying when he is able to consistently push every lane, which is what most who go this route do, though they rarely get Medallion unless they are doing a sort of Support-Carry/Pusher.
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