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Sven- By The Shattered Helm!

December 15, 2012 by MunkeyFish
Comments: 8    |    Views: 13943    |   

Support-Carry Hybrid

DotA2 Hero: Sven

Hero Skills

Vanquisher (Innate)

Storm Hammer

1 3 5 7

Great Cleave

10 12 13 14


2 4 8 9

God's Strength

6 11 16


15 17 18


Sven is a strength melee hero who can fill a variety of roles including tank/durable, initiator, carry, semi-carry and support. This guide is based around playing him as an aggressive support/off-carry. As it's not geared toward being a true support build items like Mekansm and wards are not present. The support items in this guide are more battle oriented and designed for fighting rather than healing.
Another thing to note is that some items in this build may seem difficult to achieve by the times stated in the guide, however the build is more of a "best case scenario" and can be worked towards throughout the entire game, if you haven't achieved them by the times stated it doesn't matter.

Skills and Skill Build

Storm Hammer
Storm Hammer is the best tool in Sven's arsenal. Sven will throw his gauntlet at an enemy and hit them for 100/175/250/325 damage and stun for 2 seconds. While the damage and stun are good the best feature of Storm Hammer is that it splashes in a 255 radius making it an ideal tool in team fights. Storm Hammer has a 600 range and will track a moving target as long as it has already been fired. Take Storm Hammer first and level it A.S.A.P

Great Cleave
Great Cleave is a passive skill which causes Sven's attacks to deal 30/40/50/60% splash damage in a 200 radius. A great farming tool later on but as your playing support its best to leave this skill until last so you don't end up stealing your true carry's farm. If team fights start early however, pick up a point for those 5v5 skirmishes.

When activated Warcry will give Sven bonus armour and movement speed for 8 seconds. The armour scales at 3/6/9/12 but the movement speed stays at 12% at all levels. This skill also has a 700 radius making it great for escapes or engagements. Warcry is a handy skill to have in your lane so level it alongside Storm Hammer.

God's Strength
Sven's ultimate is God's Strength. When activated it will grant Sven an extra 100/140/180% damage. He will also get struck by lightning, turn red and scream like a manly man. Remember kids screaming makes you stronger, just look at Dragonball.

Items and Item Build

Starting Items
Animal Courier
As the support it's your job to pick up the courier. If another support picks it up you can spend your gold on another Gauntlet of Strength.

Gauntlets of Strength
This item will give you an early strength boost giving you extra damage, health and health regeneration. If you haven't had to buy a courier, pick up two of these.

Tangos will help keep your health up when you take a bit of a licking. Being melee your going to be in the thick of the fighting keeping the enemy off of your carry or trying to pick up a last hit. A Healing Salve would also suffice and provide a better heal but you only get the one charge.

A Circlet will provide a few points in each of your attributes which is handy early on. The main function of this item though is that it is part of your upcoming Bracer(s).

Early Game
A Bracer will provide you with a greater strength boost than Gauntlets of Strength but you a few points in your other attributes as well while providing a small damage boost. Regardless of whether you had to buy a courier or not pick two of these up.

Power Treads
The boots of choice for Sven have to be Power Treads. They will provide you with a good stat boost to strength (but you can change them to agility and intelligence if you need to recover some mana), grant you bonus attack speed and movement speed.

Morbid Mask
A Morbid Mask will provide you with some lifesteal on your attacks, reducing the need for Tangos and other healing items.

Flying Courier
If no one else has, give the donkey wings.

Having a complete build so far will give you:
+6 Damage
+20 Strength (+20 Damage,+380 Health,+0.6 HP regen per/sec)
+6 Agility
+6 Intelligence
15% Lifesteal
+30 Attack Speed
+55 Movement Speed (Not counting base movement speed)

Mid Game
See Early Game
Power Treads
See Early Game

Drum of Endurance
Upgrade one of your Bracers into a Drum of Endurance. The Drum will provide you with an upgraded boost to all stats but keep the same damage boost. The main function of the Drum however is that it provides a bonus 5 attack speed and 5% movement speed in a 900 radius. These numbers might seem small but they are beneficial in team fights. The Drum also has an active ability which doubles the attack and movement speed boost for 6 seconds. The Drum only has 4 charges but can be refreshed by purchasing another recipe.

Mask of Madness
This item is gained by upgrading your Morbid Mask. It provides you with 17% but can be activated to give you +100 attack speed and +25% movement speed for 12 seconds. Be careful though because you take 30% more damage while its active. A great tool for taking down towers or slapping around a disabled enemy. Another possible lifesteal item is Vladmir's Offering which provides your team with additional bonuses but only grants lifesteal if they are melee, so it's hit and miss.

Sange is a good item for strength heroes as it grants you +10 damage and +16 strength so more damage, health and regeneration. It also gives you a 15% chance to slow an enemy by 20% for 4 seconds.

A successful build so far will grant:
+16 Damage
+39 Strength (+39 Damage,+741 Health,+1.17 HP regen per/sec)
+12 Agility
+12 Intelligence
17% Lifesteal
+35 Attack Speed
+57.5 Movement Speed (Not counting base movement speed)
15% Chance to Maim.

Late Game
Drum of Endurance
See Mid Game
Power Treads
See Mid Game
Morbid Mask
See Mid Game

Sange and Yasha
Upgrade your Sange by buying a Yasha to complete this item. Sange and Yasha is an underrated item because the stats it gives seem small but they are incredibly useful for Sven as it provides him with more strength, damage, agility, movement speed, attack speed and a chance to deal a stronger Maim.

Replace your last Bracer with a Crystalys. Crystalys will give you a decent damage boost and a 25% chance to deal a 1.75x damage critical strike. By this stage in the game you should be packing enough damage and attack speed combined with God's Strength for this item to be extremely beneficial.

Assault Cuirass
Assault Cuirass is an excellent item for Sven and i recommend picking it up as soon as possible, even before Crystalis and possibly Sange and Yasha. Assault Cuirass will provide you with additional attack speed and armour but will also provide your team with an attack speed and armour buff as well as apply an armour debuff to the enemy team. Extremely handy during team fights. This does not stack with Vladmir's Offering.

If you have fully completed this build it will provide you with:
+50 Damage
+33 Strength (+33 Damage,+627 Health,+0.99 HP regen per/sec)
+25 Agility
+9 Intelligence
+85 Attack Speed
+10 Armour
+64.35 Movement Speed (Not counting base movement speed)
-5 Armour Debuff Aura (Does not apply to you)
+20 Attack Speed Aura (Does not apply to you)
+5 Armour Buff Aura (Does not apply to you)
17% Lifesteal
25% Chance to deal 1.75x Damage
20% Chance to Greater Maim

All the stats provided in this build do not include Sven's base attributes and the bonus he gets from using Stat Level Points.

Ideal/Good Game
If you've been having a good game and picked up plenty of towers, kills and assists and are generally just whooping *** your build can be extended further. This build however completely bypasses supporting your team and goes towards you becoming a carry. These items are generally expensive and difficult to build while playing support but if you get the chance build them.

Assault Cuirass
Mask of Madness
Power Treads
Heart of Tarrasque
A Heart is a must have for any strength hero but its expensive so can be difficult to pick up, especially for a support. If you find yourself in a position to buy it though get it instead of a Drum of Endurance. It provides a huge strength and health boost.

Black King Bar
Black King Bar will grant you magic immunity for a short while, preventing enemies from using their spells against you. A handy item to have, easy to use but difficult to master. Replace Sange and Yasha with this.

This monster upgrades from Crystalys. It provides a better damage boost and a better critical strike. Its quite pricey though.

Play Style

Early Game
In the early stages of the game your main focus will be to keep the enemy off of your carry by putting yourself between them and harassing the enemy if they get too close. If you are facing melee opponents this is a fairly simple process but if you are facing a balanced or a ranged heavy lane you will have some difficulty as you will receive a steady supply of damage before you've even closed the gap. If you are with a true carry allow them to get most of the farm but take a creep or two to keep your income steady. If your not playing with a true carry try to distribute the farm more evenly. Don't be too trigger happy with your Storm Hammer because your mana pool is very low and will only be able to shoot one at a time for the first few levels. Use Warcry whenever you feel it necessary to engage or escape. Should you find an opening try to time your Storm Hammer right in order to stun both of your enemies. Always try to be a part of a kill even if you only get a few hits in to supply you with an assist.

Mid Game
During the mid stage of the game you can start to be a little more aggressive as you should have beefed up a bit. As team fights start happening make sure you are there with your Storm Hammer and Warcry, both skills are invaluable in a team fight. Use God's Strength when you need to add that extra hurt onto a tower or enemy and keep an eye out for your squishy team mates and make sure you protect them as best as possible.

Late Game
By this point in the game all lane discipline is out of the window and everyone is everywhere and team fights are kicking off pretty much all the time. While your presence is essential in team fights if you are able to slip away for a while go and push a lane to gather some gold and experience. By this time Great Cleave should be leveled and combined with Mask of Madness you can shred a creep wave on your own, allowing your own creep waves to build up. As with most games pay attention to your team in case they need help or are attempting Roshan. It's tempting to get carried away at this point and want to go smash everything up yourself but fight the urge and play for your team, not for yourself. Protect your towers and structures, assist your weaker team mates and be there in team fights.

Pros and Cons

Sven is a very strong hero, able to go toe-to-toe with the best of them.
Storm Hammer is an unbelievable stun, time it right and it wins team fights.
God's Strength and Great Cleave make Sven an excellent lane pusher.
Sven isn't a typical squishy support, he can handle himself.
He has a massive sword and sounds like Arnie.

Sven is very slow in terms of attack speed and movement speed.
Being melee Sven is outmatched by rangers and mages.
Sven has a low mana pool which means he can't spam his spells, use them wisely.

Friends and Foes

Drow Ranger
Drow Ranger works well with Sven as his stun allows her to unload on an enemy while her Frost Arrows prevent them from escaping when the stun wears off, allowing Sven to do his fair share of attacks.
Shadow Shaman
Though 2 supports in 1 lane is frowned upon, Shadow Shaman and Sven make an incredibly strong pushing combo. Towers stand no chance when you both hit level 6.
Windrunner brings a combination of Drow and Shadow Shaman to the table, having an additional disable when attacking and a useful ultimate for taking down towers. Powershot will also help pick off those enemies who manage to escape your grasp.

Drow Ranger
One of Sven's greatest allies is also his worst enemy. Thanks to her latest buff Drow hits harder, faster and at a longer range than Sven. Unless you can pin her down she's a major pain in the ***.
Just like Drow, Sniper's range will be a continual thorn in Sven's side throughout a match. That 40% chance to stun B.S will keep you pinned down too. Another thing to note is that most Sniper players use that infernal Shadow Blade as a crutch, meaning they escape your ***-whooping in the click of a button.
Doom Bringer
I don't come across Doom Bringers often, but if played well they can really mess you up. Doom will not only shut off your skills but your items as well, meaning anything you could use for an escape (like Mask of Madness movement buff) or healing items are useless. Doom Bringers normally hit like a hammer too so be careful when taking one on.

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