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137 Votes

Storm warning! STILL WORKS IN 6.82c (OPA)

November 14, 2014 by Whated
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HuckleBerry | May 6, 2016 4:06am
thanks a lot but i wanna ask a question is skill 2 or electric vortex important because i think that skill 3 or overload more important than electric vortex is it right?
HuckleBerry | May 6, 2016 4:09am
sorry for using the blue color and for terrible english i used the color becaus i want u to reply my comment so i use the bright one :v
HuckleBerry | May 6, 2016 4:22am
and also why r u go maks with the electric vortex but there is no aghanim in ur item guide i just got an info from my friend that electrical vortex get more power using aghanim
Sceptre | March 29, 2015 12:55pm
Can u give the detail of the combo and play style of storm spirit?
neilgavilo1 | March 21, 2015 3:00am
I've never tried playing with SS ever since so got curious and interested in playing with him. I tried to look for a guide to this hero and found this awesome item and skill build guide. Well, based on the previous comments, I can say that you're guide really works, so i'm gonna try this build after work. Just wish me luck because i'm not really good with skill type heroes, i'm used to carries and supps. hehe. So, I'm gonna update you with the results.

BlazeBlank | February 20, 2015 10:37pm

Hi, I just wanna say thanks to you for making this guide. I even top score in my first game using storm spirit guided by you. However, I admit I was pretty lucky in the early game and went straight for the bloodstone first and the arcane boots. In the transition from the mid to the end i got my linken sphere.

Overall , great guide..
Hamstertamer (89) | September 3, 2014 12:55am
dparagon wrote:

why don't we maximize STATIC REMNANT fist? i agree that Storm is kind of gold dependent hero, why don't we use static remnant to farming?

please give me explanation! i'm just a newbie


You absolutely need 3 levels of Electric Vortex when you hit level 6 because it allows you to pull your targets into your Static Remnant, it's a key part of your combo. That's why you always max vortex first.
And you max Overload second because it deals a ton of damage. 90 damage doesn't look like much but remember that it triggers on every spell. So during a gank if you use Ball Lightning 3 times (very common), Static Remnant once and Electric Vortex once, that's 90*5=450 magic damage you deal with this skill.
You get way more burst damage by skilling Overload than by skilling Static Remnant.

Storm is a ganker, he needs all the burst damage he can get. You can farm with remnant but only later in the game, in early game you're supposed to gank.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | September 3, 2014 12:34am
dparagon wrote:

why don't we maximize STATIC REMNANT fist? i agree that Storm is kind of gold dependent hero, why don't we use static remnant to farming?

please give me explanation! i'm just a newbie


Static Remnant is the worst skill you can max first: level 1 Remnant already gives enough damage to get last hits on lane creeps if dropped at the right time, and if you want extra damage for farming purposes just max Overload which also grants extra harass and lane dominance. Besides, if you want to gank as soon as you reach level 6, you will need a level 3 Electric Vortex by level 5.

By the way Storm Spirit is a ganker, so he usually gets his gold by killing Heroes, not farming.
dparagon | September 2, 2014 10:02pm
why don't we maximize STATIC REMNANT fist? i agree that Storm is kind of gold dependent hero, why don't we use static remnant to farming?

please give me explanation! i'm just a newbie

papa_akar (1) | March 15, 2014 2:58pm
Great guide but my only issue in that the bkb in not in situational. You would only use it if there was heavy magical damage. but overall, great guide!
Entenei (2) | January 27, 2014 3:07am
Very nice guide unfortunately some info is out dated *i.e. the problem with silencer*
other then that very informative and by the looks most of the info is still up to date.
PrimarchXIII (1) | December 23, 2013 2:22pm
Great guide. I started playing SS recently and really enjoyed it! This guide is good for some additional pointers that can up your skill lvl. Thank you.
Kendriick | October 24, 2013 4:25am
Gray Fox wrote:

Great guide! I personally always get Linkens sphere, for the stats, and i just find it funny when a Lina/bane uses there ulti, only to realize it did nothing :D

You don't get linken "for the stats" it's a very expensive item that should be very situational on Storm Spirit, if you want stats get Scythe of Wise or Skadi(very situational too). Also most of the time BkB is better.
You get linken to counter pudge or doom this kind of stuff because a doom won't have time to cast 2 spells on u before you get away with ultimate. Oh and if a bane waste his ulti on linken when he has 4 active spells locking one target he's just a noob ^^ and you can dodge lina ult with your own ult it requires some timing though.
Pd131 | October 9, 2013 3:19pm
Really good guide not very suited for new players though
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