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Spectre - Amaterasu!

April 7, 2013 by Sooru
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Yasutsuna (51) | April 11, 2013 7:07am
Yoda wrote:

Well not really, you see every aspect of the game changes depending what situation your in. If you are in tri lane free farming your *** off, max Desolate first. If you are being harassed a lot in lane opt for early levels of Dispersion, makes you annoying to fight.
In Competitive games the skill build is usually dagger then dispersion then desolate.
Sure Desolate is scary early game, but dispersion is what makes spectre, well spectre, the ability to erase 3/4 of the enemies health if being five man ganked without even auto attacking.
That's why Spectre is considered a hard carry, for amazing teamfight ability. I doubt she can win a 1 vs 1 hard carry fight.

Ah, yes. Now I can agree with you =) Yeah, and in 1 v 1 situation, she's food for nearly every hard carry in the DotA world.
SkyStormSpectre (22) | April 9, 2013 3:47am
I'm also an avid Spectre player, and consider her my favourite hero.
The first thing I'll say is that crit on Spectre is, like any hard carry, fairly useful, but usually unnecessary. She thrives on drawing fire in battle, so surviving items are usually great on her rather than raw damage. I think you need one of the common illusion-items on Spectre to make her Ultimate very effective in teambattles. This would be either Radiance or Diffusal Blade.

I do agree, farming up a Daedelus might be hard, though easier than most because it builds up at least to Crystalus with a fair amount of attack.

So this build is a fairly straightforward killing build, would work in a lot of the normal public games you would land in, but is very dependent on getting very good farm in the lane and gank kills, because jungling would be way to slow versus the enemy carry.
Yoda (9) | April 8, 2013 11:16am
Yasutsuna wrote:

Now, about your skills, getting Dispersion at level 1 is pretty much a no-no. You are squishy as it is and can't take any extra damage during laning phase. I would suggest you up Spectral Dagger first, then Desolate and then only Dispersion.

Well not really, you see every aspect of the game changes depending what situation your in. If you are in tri lane free farming your *** off, max Desolate first. If you are being harassed a lot in lane opt for early levels of Dispersion, makes you annoying to fight.
In Competitive games the skill build is usually dagger then dispersion then desolate.
Sure Desolate is scary early game, but dispersion is what makes spectre, well spectre, the ability to erase 3/4 of the enemies health if being five man ganked without even auto attacking.
That's why Spectre is considered a hard carry, for amazing teamfight ability. I doubt she can win a 1 vs 1 hard carry fight.
Yasutsuna (51) | April 8, 2013 7:48am
I have played Spectre for quite a lot and found that your builds are a bit... off. I mean, Daedalus is a core? How are you farm that up in early game, even if you last-hit every creep on your lane and stayed on it until level 11, chances are you'll be killed trying to get it.

It's fair game you pick Tranquil Boots so you can stay in late longer but maybe Vladmir's Offering is better? Another problem is, you are a carry and you are quite squishy, so trying to head straight for a core with Tranquil Boots and Poor Man's Shield is very hard.

Oh, and by the way, Bottles are better off left to mid-laners like Pudge and Shadow Fiend.

Now, about your skills, getting Dispersion at level 1 is pretty much a no-no. You are squishy as it is and can't take any extra damage during laning phase. I would suggest you up Spectral Dagger first, then Desolate and then only Dispersion.

Thanks to our new system is DotA 2, grabbing a Maelstrom early game can really help you since the lightning explosions can help you get last-hits.
Yoda (9) | April 8, 2013 6:36am
If your gonna make a guide for spectre ( my fav :DD) at least explain the build. You are gonna have a long time farming because you do not have any farming items ( Mjollnir Battle Fury Radiance...). The thing with spectre is that you need tankiness more than dmg to be effective, there for Soul Booster is acceptable, most of your damage comes from Dispersion rightclick form Desolate. Your luxury is very bad tbh, except for Heart of Tarrasque cus you need raw health. Bloodstone and Desolator are useless on her. Vanguard or Poor Man's Shield is crazy good on her btw. You shouldn't get mana stuff cus you shouldn't be spamming your dagger for "harassing" in lane, it will only delay your core.
My personal build is Vanguard--> Mjollnir--> Skull Basher--. Heart of Tarrasque-->luxuries

Tho i LAWWVE Okami but what has it got to do with the title?? :P
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 8, 2013 4:44am
I don't really play Spectre that much, but as far as I know you have to get survivability items before damage when playing a hard carry: on Medusa, for example, you take Linken's Sphere or Soul Booster first and then go for a Manta Style or Mjollnir.
I don't think the items you chose are bad, but I would definitely put the Soul Booster before the Crystalys.
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