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12 Votes

Shadow Feind (Mini-Guide)

November 25, 2011 by Atlas
Comments: 23    |    Views: 11306    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Shadow Fiend

Hero Skills

Necromastery (Innate)


2 3 5 7

Feast of Souls

1 4 8 9

Presence of the Dark Lord

12 13 14 15

Requiem of Souls

6 11 16


10 17 18

Shadow Feind (Mini-Guide)

November 25, 2011


Shadow Fiend is monster early game due to Necromastery's damage boost, if you keep you farm up. He has a very high missile speed, and while he does have low damage, farming with Necromastery makes up for this. Just try to make sure you don't get denied too much. Shadow Fiend's stats are pretty low, all except for intelligence. His intel is very high actually, making it easy to spam your Shadowraze, which is a good portion of your damage output.

Ability Overview

- Shadow Fiend's bread n' butter skill. If you are new to him, it is best you take a match just to practice landing this shot, because it is what really makes the difference between a good and bad Shadow Fiend. The AoE is small, and it's all about knowing how many units away your target is. Land this skill and carrying games will become easier, and enemies will drop much faster. Should be fully upgraded by level 7.

- Every time you kill or deny a creep, you get two damage. The benefit should be self explanitory, but also, the more creeps killes/denied the more powerful Requiem of Souls will be. Got it? Farm.

- Weak skill, max out last. I usually get at least one point in stats before going to get this up, because it really is barely noticeable until you have it maxed. I can at least notice stats right off the bat.
- The closer you are to your enemy, the more damage they recieve. This is why Blink Dagger is needed. Also, try to get Necromastery up! If you do not have +60 damage from Necromastery by level 6, then don't level this skill until you do have +60.

Item Explanations


The only two boots I recommend are Power Treads and Boots of Travel. I usually go with treads, if you find that you are really doing well and have the gold, go with boots of travel. Boots of travel will really help you maintain distance to land your raze. Treads just give you a nice power boost.


Blink Dagger is really a must. It is how you get into the middle of a fight and unleash your devastating ult. If you get Shadow Blade don't worry about Blink Dagger, if you get Blink Dagger don't worry about Shadow Blade. If you find yourself losing battles it can benefit you to grab both, one for escape purposes.

Black King Bar is what prevents enemies from just disabling you once you blink in. You will probably be their focus if you don't have BKB, and will drop quickly.


Desolator has great synergy with Requiem of Souls. A must-buy if the enemy is stacking armor.

Eye of Skadi gives you some good ol' stats, and some mana so you can nuke'em. Also, it grants your AA slowing effects. If you got Boots of Travel you should be able to keep up with the enemy so Skadi probably isn't necessary, if you got treads however, I would get Skadi.

Satanic gives you lifesteal and some armor. And more lifesteal. If you really find yourself skirmishing with another carry and need to last longer in a fight, get Satanic.

Bloodstone will give you some welcomed HP and Mana. Get some charges on it and you really help the team if you are getting focused and die once you blink in. Great item to get, especially if you are having close calls in fights.

If you really need some more sustained damage I would grab Manta Style, screw Butterfly.

Mid Game Items

Get Magic Wand if you are being harassed or running low on mana. Helps you stay in lane so you can charge your Necromastery.

Get Wraith Band(s) if you are having some trouble early-mid game. Bracer(s) help too.


Short sweet and to the point, will update more sections when I am in a more convenient place (right now I'm out of town) but tell me what you think!

More to come: Items, Tactics, Laning Tips and maybe more.


    11/24/2011 - Guide created

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