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9 Votes

Say Hello to My Little Friend | Garzvaar's Guide to Shotgun Morph

July 21, 2013 by Garzvaar
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Garzvaar (2) | May 15, 2013 5:54pm
GGnet.Ace wrote:

Sorry but BKB and BOTs are ******ed situationals.No hate on your guide but usually the chinese who were the best morphlings went for BKB after Shotgun not to mention that BoTs becomes a must in any late game scenario .
Linken should be the situational choice because of superior skills .

Fair point, but Black King Bar in my opinion is always a situational item, because there are some games where you won't need to buy one. Which is why it depends on the situation hence, situational item. Boots of Travel I agree with and I have added them into core for late game. But still, Black King Bar can be a total waste, for example if you only are playing against people who get through Black King Bar e.g. Batrider Beastmaster etc.
GGnet.Ace (4) | May 10, 2013 1:50pm
Sorry but BKB and BOTs are ******ed situationals.No hate on your guide but usually the chinese who were the best morphlings went for BKB after Shotgun not to mention that BoTs becomes a must in any late game scenario .
Linken should be the situational choice because of superior skills .
KarumaAngel (1) | May 10, 2013 3:22am
Garzvaar wrote:

No, Bottle is not needed at all, seeing as you are going to be farming for the first 20 minutes or so until you get your Ring of Aquila and Ethereal Blade.

I generally like to save up and get the Eaglesong first over Ghost Scepter because it provides much more for Morphling. Agility > Physical Immunity. Hope this helps!

But anyway guys. THIS BUILD NO LONGER WORKS AS IT USED TO, Morphling HAS BEEN PATCHED AND YOU CAN'T COMBO AS EFFECTIVELY AS BEFORE. It still works to an extent, but not as well. It's better to rush Linkens Sphere now... The golden days are over


Omg i was just gonna test the build out. What got patched? :0
Garzvaar (2) | May 9, 2013 6:27pm
Pajamatron wrote:

Just wondering, but do you really need the bottle pick up for shotgun morphling. Also, for ethereal blade, do you buy eagle song or ghost scepter first?

No, Bottle is not needed at all, seeing as you are going to be farming for the first 20 minutes or so until you get your Ring of Aquila and Ethereal Blade.

I generally like to save up and get the Eaglesong first over Ghost Scepter because it provides much more for Morphling. Agility > Physical Immunity. Hope this helps!

But anyway guys. THIS BUILD NO LONGER WORKS AS IT USED TO, Morphling HAS BEEN PATCHED AND YOU CAN'T COMBO AS EFFECTIVELY AS BEFORE. It still works to an extent, but not as well. It's better to rush Linkens Sphere now... The golden days are over

Pajamatron | January 10, 2013 4:39pm
Just wondering, but do you really need the bottle pick up for shotgun morphling. Also, for ethereal blade, do you buy eagle song or ghost scepter first?
REPETE | November 20, 2012 11:04am
the greatest guide ever! huge fan of morph been trying to find a good build and this ones beats all the others. +1
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | November 8, 2012 6:06am
Tangos are better for regen over time, like when against constand harrassers. BUT! A salve is also good if you get at red HP (like 100), since if you only have Tangos you're, well, ****ed up. Also, by the time your regen runs out, you should have your Ring of Health or Bottle, and you will be able to bottle-crow for regen. Also, as DirtGrub said, youre really good defended.
Garzvaar (2) | November 6, 2012 5:30pm
DirtGrub wrote:

Very well defended. But the reason that people get agi/str gain on morph is so he can survive early. He is very slow and very squishy and his escape mechanism until level six is not the best. A nightstalker or qop would laugh at it and then kill you. Salve gives quick regen for a possible incoming gank or quick regen during a juke. I assume that tangoes work for you, but i take runs at the enemy carry quite early in the game and a salve could save your life. But again, very well defended.

As much as I agree with what you are saying, I highly doubt you are going to get ganked before you reach level two. If what you said comes to pass and a Queen of Pain comes to gank me, I can just Waveform outta there and turn on Morph Strength Gain. Considering you'll want to always be in the safe lane, you can just Waveform into the trees and Morph to victory. But I see the point you are making.
DirtGrub (13) | November 6, 2012 4:29pm
Garzvaar wrote:

Okay, so looking at the maths of it a Healing Salve heals you for 400 over 10 seconds, but this can be interrupted. And a Tango heals for 115 over 16 seconds, and you get a total of three Tangos for 90 gold, and one Healing Salve for 100 gold.

So; a Healing Salve heals 400

and a Tango heals 345

so I guess, you could say a a Tango and a Healing Salve is better than two Tangos but the Tangos give more lane staying power than the Healing Salve. Say for example you got hit for 150 damage from an Ogre Magi's Fireblast you can't salve up because it is a waste of your ONE AND ONLY Healing Salve, so you would use you Tango. Assuming you bought one stack of Tangos and a Healing Salve that is you back up to almost full health with two Tangos and one Healing Salve.

Lets say the same thing happens twice more, or you just take some harass, you burn through your Tangos and only have your Healing Salve left. This means that you have 400 points of interruptable regen left. Say for instance you take 300 points of damage, you won't use your Healing Salve because it is the only regen you have left. So you sit there almost thinking about using your salve but you don't. But if you had the extra Tangos you use two and you're fine again. By the time you have gone through 6 Tango's you should be at level 6 already. Considering you will have had a support there the entire time baby sitting you. By then you can just replicate your laning partner, run back to base and jump back to the lane if you really need to.

This is why two Tangos are better than a Tango and a Healing Salve FOR MY BUILD :)

Very well defended. But the reason that people get agi/str gain on morph is so he can survive early. He is very slow and very squishy and his escape mechanism until level six is not the best. A nightstalker or qop would laugh at it and then kill you. Salve gives quick regen for a possible incoming gank or quick regen during a juke. I assume that tangoes work for you, but i take runs at the enemy carry quite early in the game and a salve could save your life. But again, very well defended.
Garzvaar (2) | November 6, 2012 2:38pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

I love the shotgun morphling build! Your able to do so much damage in short time!
Very nicely written Garzvaar, you have done a good job and explained this build well!

Nicely written, good context, easy reading, +1!

Thanks! My First guide so I wasn't expecting this kind of response, more so of flaming than commendation :)
Garzvaar (2) | November 6, 2012 1:54pm

Plz consider taking MORPH AGILITY GAIN at lvl1, since you'll have more hp or damage for last hits. Also, a Healing Salve + Tango > 2 Tangos

Okay, so looking at the maths of it a Healing Salve heals you for 400 over 10 seconds, but this can be interrupted. And a Tango heals for 115 over 16 seconds, and you get a total of three Tangos for 90 gold, and one Healing Salve for 100 gold.

So; a Healing Salve heals 400

and a Tango heals 345

so I guess, you could say a a Tango and a Healing Salve is better than two Tangos but the Tangos give more lane staying power than the Healing Salve. Say for example you got hit for 150 damage from an Ogre Magi's Fireblast you can't salve up because it is a waste of your ONE AND ONLY Healing Salve, so you would use you Tango. Assuming you bought one stack of Tangos and a Healing Salve that is you back up to almost full health with two Tangos and one Healing Salve.

Lets say the same thing happens twice more, or you just take some harass, you burn through your Tangos and only have your Healing Salve left. This means that you have 400 points of interruptable regen left. Say for instance you take 300 points of damage, you won't use your Healing Salve because it is the only regen you have left. So you sit there almost thinking about using your salve but you don't. But if you had the extra Tangos you use two and you're fine again. By the time you have gone through 6 Tango's you should be at level 6 already. Considering you will have had a support there the entire time baby sitting you. By then you can just replicate your laning partner, run back to base and jump back to the lane if you really need to.

This is why two Tangos are better than a Tango and a Healing Salve FOR MY BUILD :)
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