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8 Votes

Sasha's guide to be a Sexy Duelist

January 19, 2016 by Orphelan
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Sp3ctr3 (4) | December 1, 2015 5:50pm
Legion is a really strong hero, and, she is the only female strength hero in the game I think, but, se is capable of manfight almost every other hero if she has stacked a lot of damage using the duels. I am not a huge fan of Silver Edge, but I'm not a fan of invisivility heroes either, so I may be a moron. When I play Legion I usually build this Boots of Travel, Blink Dagger (blink+duel a support is almost always a victory), Assault Cuirass, Black King Bar (so I can't get disabled during a duel), Mjollnir (it is a overall nice item and the active+duel is a good combo), Desolator/ Satanic, not in that order of course.
I can be wrong, but I'm a huge fan of the Halberd and I don't know why anyone mentioned it. Sometimes you are not the main carry, or the enemy carry is really strong, so a Halberd can be a good pick up. I use to build Satanic in the games where I don't build a Desolator and lately I use to build Eye of Skadi instead, please tell me what you guys think about this.

+1 for the guide
Orphelan | August 21, 2015 8:09pm
cpfran6 wrote:

I feel like this is just a standard pub build, nothing new or insightful, not pushing the boundaries. Add a alternate build with a Silver Edge, as that is core now. It's just too good to be over looked. Also, Desolator is core against Low armor heroes, it is not core when they have 1 or more heroes with high armor. This need some more though like your other guides, which I enjoyed, but for now I'll keep my vote.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree nothing special except the Sange and Yasha build which I really enjoy. I wanted to share my playstyle and thoughts about Legion Commander because I spent a lot of times to try things in real games.
cpfran6 (3) | August 21, 2015 4:21pm
I feel like this is just a standard pub build, nothing new or insightful, not pushing the boundaries. Add a alternate build with a Silver Edge, as that is core now. It's just too good to be over looked. Also, Desolator is core against Low armor heroes, it is not core when they have 1 or more heroes with high armor. This need some more though like your other guides, which I enjoyed, but for now I'll keep my vote.
ChiChi (47) | July 20, 2015 2:59pm
I agree that you should not misjudge Silver Edge. Don't forget that besides the break effect it reduces the enemy damage output by 40%(!). This is something I think most people forget, but in the late game, if you want to Duel someone who's strong and also a right-clicker, this is a good way of ensuring you can kill them and not the other way around.
Orphelan | July 18, 2015 10:36am
Khorwin wrote:

I'm sure of what I will say, if you get a MKB against good right cliker like PA, AM, even troll you'll get kill during the Duel.
With Sylver edge if you are able to use the break befor Duel you will probably survive and get the kill.
I don't say blink MKB is not good, most of the time blink will be more effective than sylver edge. But when you face right clicer carry even farmed you will be able to kill them with the sylver egde + duel combo.
Notice I don't say sylver edge replace blink, you can use it to replace phase boots and get power treads.
Sylver edge + power treads = +60 attack speed (coast: 5450+1400=6850)
Phase boots + Assault cuirass = +55 attack speed (coast: 5350+1350= 6700)
The coast is nearly the same and you could still buy blink even with sylver edge.

It's ok.
This guide is for you guys, so if you want a Silver Edge build I will make one.
I played with Silver Edge a couple of weeks ago.
Khorwin (1) | July 18, 2015 8:28am
I'm sure of what I will say, if you get a MKB against good right cliker like PA, AM, even troll you'll get kill during the Duel.
With Sylver edge if you are able to use the break befor Duel you will probably survive and get the kill.
I don't say blink MKB is not good, most of the time blink will be more effective than sylver edge. But when you face right clicer carry even farmed you will be able to kill them with the sylver egde + duel combo.
Notice I don't say sylver edge replace blink, you can use it to replace phase boots and get power treads.
Sylver edge + power treads = +60 attack speed (coast: 5450+1400=6850)
Phase boots + Assault cuirass = +55 attack speed (coast: 5350+1350= 6700)
The coast is nearly the same and you could still buy blink even with sylver edge.
Orphelan | July 17, 2015 5:34pm
michimatsch wrote:

About the Desolator you only build it if the enemies donot have high armor.
It gets less effective if enemies have high armor so pls change that

"It gets less effective if enemies have high armor "
This is True my friend no doubt.

I have 4 simple reasons why we need Desolator.
1. Even if the enemy has high armor the Desolator is still effective and you do more damage than without it.
2. We combined with Assault Cuirass which is boosting the effect. That's why I recommended the Desolator + Assault Cuirass + Black King Bar as a fix item combination.
3. In the enemy team there are heroes with medium or low armor not just high armor heroes. We fight against the medium or low armor heroes too.
4. Dotabuff says Desaoltor has 61.65% winrate which is very good.
michimatsch (26) | July 17, 2015 11:07am
About the Desolator you only build it if the enemies donot have high armor.
It gets less effective if enemies have high armor so pls change that
Orphelan | July 16, 2015 4:54pm
Khorwin wrote:

This guide is pretty good but there is some point you could push further.

For exemple you give foes and you just say don't pick LC. That's a good advice but sometime LC is a good pick and you get counter after.
So, you may give tool and advice if you have to face them, exemple you play against Bambi maybe Scythe of Vyse or BKB could be a solution.

You don't speak about the Silver Edge, this item feats well to LC. I'm not telling you invisiblity is good but Overwhelming Odds folowed buy the invisiblity give a big amount of speed so you can use the break then Duel. It's also a nice tool to counter evade heros, and critical stricks, somekind of out carry during the duel like befor the nerf.

P.S. be kind English is not my first language.

Thank you.
If you want I will give more information and counters (if possible) against the foes.

Silver Edge
I made a description in the "Bad Replacement" section.
I didn't want to recommend the Silver Edge because if I do, players may will build Shadow Blade instead of the Blink Dagger. I'm pretty sure the Monkey King Bar is still better option if you have blink.
Khorwin (1) | July 16, 2015 2:49pm
This guide is pretty good but there is some point you could push further.

For exemple you give foes and you just say don't pick LC. That's a good advice but sometime LC is a good pick and you get counter after.
So, you may give tool and advice if you have to face them, exemple you play against Bambi maybe Scythe of Vyse or BKB could be a solution.

You don't speak about the Silver Edge, this item feats well to LC. I'm not telling you invisiblity is good but Overwhelming Odds folowed buy the invisiblity give a big amount of speed so you can use the break then Duel. It's also a nice tool to counter evade heros, and critical stricks, somekind of out carry during the duel like befor the nerf.

P.S. be kind English is not my first language.
Hamstertamer (89) | July 16, 2015 11:24am
I think people are building this hero wrong.

Stacking a million damage items is not going to make her a better late game carry.

Because no matter how many damage items she has, the only thing she can do is burst down ONE enemy hero in every teamfight, and then afterwards get kited to no end because the hero doesn't have a disable.

Besides she doesn't need damage items because she has Duel damage.

Refresher Orb is core on the hero. It really is. Abyssal Blade also.

Double Duel. Double abyssal. Double BKB. This allows LC to do much more than kill one hero in every fight, she can now disable multiple heroes and right-click them down. Even Scythe of Vyse can be considered situationally.

LC needs to build damage items in the *mid* game so that she can win duels, but in the late game where she has 200+ duel damage she already has damage covered. So she can sell her damage items to buy disables.
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