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7 Votes

Riki the Assassin

July 6, 2012 by Xshadow101
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Xshadow101 | July 25, 2012 4:07pm
Thank you for the feed back. I am planing on making another builde for riki pretty soon. But this time is gonna be ganking not farming.
Utoko | July 23, 2012 7:42am
looks nice so far.
Most of the time Magic Wand is rly a nice Item for Riki. You can stay so much longer on your lane without reg.

My itembuild is:
Poor mans shield, Magic Wand and Power Treads early.

Diffusal and Yasha -> Basher -> Manta(many Snukes/AOE Damage=SnY) -> upg Diffusel.

Late game is always different.
Xshadow101 | July 6, 2012 12:57pm
I just read all of your comment and I am fixing it right now.
WorkPants (7) | July 5, 2012 11:28am
Augustus wrote:

Also after a bit of testing, Daedalus works on a separate instance than Backstab's damage -- meaning that if you deal a crit, you're not dealing backstab damage. It seems a bit counter-intuitive to his play-style.

Well that's unfortunate, I would never get Daedalus on this hero then. This differs from HoN, where Riki's equivalent Night Hound could crit on Backstab.
Augustus (1) | July 5, 2012 11:04am
Also after a bit of testing, Daedalus works on a separate instance than Backstab's damage -- meaning that if you deal a crit, you're not dealing backstab damage. It seems a bit counter-intuitive to his play-style.
WorkPants (7) | July 4, 2012 4:24pm
Augustus wrote:

I try to go Treads -> Diffusal on Riki and can normally omit Vlad's all together. I've never seen it as a core, but more of a luxury. Diffusal is a great stat bonus early game and provides purge, which can almost guarantee ganks at opportune times.

To add to this, the reason an early Vladmir's Offering isn't recommended on most heroes (bar Ursa) is that it provides +% bonuses to base damage (damage from STR/AGI/INT) and Lifesteal. These percent-based bonuses get better and better as the game goes on and you acquire levels and items, but are weak if you don't have anything beyond Power Treads first.

A revised build such as Poor Man's Shield -> Power Treads -> Diffusal Blade -> Vladmir's Offering would be more appropriate. Keep in mind that the damage inflicted by the Feedback orb effect of Diffusal Blade actually benefits from Vladmir's Offering. As such, post Diffusal Blade is a natural time to pick one up.
Augustus (1) | July 4, 2012 3:49pm
I try to go Treads -> Diffusal on Riki and can normally omit Vlad's all together. I've never seen it as a core, but more of a luxury. Diffusal is a great stat bonus early game and provides purge, which can almost guarantee ganks at opportune times.
Xshadow101 | July 3, 2012 5:51pm
Thank you WorkPants and Gottlike for pointing out my mistake. I just fixed it.
Gottlike (1) | July 3, 2012 2:11pm
Ye, LoL players.
Never start with friggin boots first.
WorkPants (7) | July 3, 2012 2:10pm
Boots of Speed first isn't what you're after, try some combination of Iron Branch, Slippers of Agility, Healing Salve and Tango instead. You'll have a much easier time in lane and will be able to pick up Boots of Speed later at the side shop regardless.
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