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7 Votes

Razor - Low Budget PUB build

July 27, 2014 by eeon
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bategato | August 12, 2014 7:57am
Hi, I've voted up your guide. I like it in general but I feel it is made under a wrong pretence.
You have made a low-budget build for Razor but I think most people miss the point on Razor. He is good with a low budget build because he is a low-budget-early/mid carry.

He is one of my favourite heroes at the moment and fits perfectly under the current meta, which is much faster pace than it used to be.
I mean, Razor can gank, farm, defend, push, and push like the best.
He can snowball like crazy so my advice is to get him online asap. He also benefits from all stats (str + agi + int) because he needs to tank, attack and cast. Plus arguably the most valuable thing of all on him: speed.

So...: the TI4 build is great, the Pros are not wrong!

I personally usually skip Mekansm because someone else on the team usually makes it.
But always, always, build Phase Boots, Ring of Aquila and Drum of Endurance (and almost always Magic Wand and Observer Ward!). It gives him everything he needs to go and deathball on everyone. Then almost always build aghanims because whenever I didn't... I regreted it. It gives him all the stats he needs again plus towers and racks melt so fast! With speed and an eye of the storm on steroids you can get kills while stunned, you can chase people and you can outrun people. Enemies often get into really sticky situations where if they chase they die, if they run they die. It requires a lot of lockdown and focus to bring you down.

The ideia of building him as a farming carry I think is very outdated because he can't outcarry the hardest carries. He can however shut down their game and their farm by finishing the game fast and stoping the enemies from farming.

Before or after aghs I get Yasha, Hood of Defiance, Sange and Yasha, heaven's halberg, Assault Cuirass and/or Heart of Tarrasque, depending on the situation.

EDIT: oh, and Vanguard sucks. definitely. It gives you HP and regen, pitiful damage block. For that money you can get Drum of Endurance and Ring of Basilius which gives you a bit less HP, and not a lot of extra HP regen, but gives str, agi, int, mana regen, attack speed, armor and SPEED.
Valar Morghulis (1) | July 29, 2014 12:30am
Thanks for the reply! I'll keep this in mind and am checking out your Items guide right now :)

eeon wrote:

hi! I have talked about Vanguard in the mid game section at choice #3 - it is indeed a good item just for the damage block and hP regen because you need to build Razor as a atank so you have time to steal damage with Static Link, but Razor is a RANGED hero so you only get half the damage block, you are much better building a Mekansm you get HP regen, stats and armor, not to mention the HP boost for you and your team. I only get Vanguard if I am doing badly in the early game. Hope it helped. Remember, build Razor as a tank with high movement speed and you will be ok.

PS: for some extra info on items check out my unfinished build ITEMS :)
eeon (6) | July 28, 2014 11:40pm
KingBurg3r wrote:

Something that works good for me is to go with link and current to level 5 and do field from level 7, because with link you are already anyway faster with current and steal damage so you can kill like that as well. but that just works for me don't know about the rest of you.

That's the cool thing about Razor, you can build him any way you want, not like a Juggernaut for example where you need max Q every time. As a rule of thumb I max first skills with fixed damage that does not scale well in the late game, for example Plasma Field will do max 370 damage - that is around 30% of the HP of an enemy support when you are lvl 7 and a lot less when you are lvl 15, that s why people usually max it first. The same goes for Static Link, the 224 damage stolen is huge at lvl 7 and not so much at lvl 15 - I prefere to max this first.

Unstable Current is a percentage based skill so it scales as you get more movement speed and I tend to max it last, even though one or two points in the early game helps. I will add a build MID agains OD where you need to max Unstable Current and Static Link first, like you have said.

Aaaany way, Razor should be build according to the situation and you need to adapt, if you see that you never have mana and get ganked a lot, there is no point in maxing Plasma Field; you will need the movement speed from Unstable Current. There is no cookie cutter build for Razor so you can do whatever you want, if this works for you, good job keep going.

Sorry for the long post, here s a potato!
eeon (6) | July 28, 2014 11:26pm

This is a great guide! I intend to use it ;)

BTW, I've seen many people make Vanguard on Razor, I see that none of your builds have that, could you outline your thinking about buying/not buying Vanguard, and any particular situations you think it might be useful? I'm relatively new to Dota (600 hours), and am trying to get better at item choices.

Thanks :D

hi! I have talked about Vanguard in the mid game section at choice #3 - it is indeed a good item just for the damage block and hP regen because you need to build Razor as a atank so you have time to steal damage with Static Link, but Razor is a RANGED hero so you only get half the damage block, you are much better building a Mekansm you get HP regen, stats and armor, not to mention the HP boost for you and your team. I only get Vanguard if I am doing badly in the early game. Hope it helped. Remember, build Razor as a tank with high movement speed and you will be ok.

PS: for some extra info on items check out my unfinished build ITEMS :)
Valar Morghulis (1) | July 28, 2014 12:20pm
This is a great guide! I intend to use it ;)

BTW, I've seen many people make Vanguard on Razor, I see that none of your builds have that, could you outline your thinking about buying/not buying Vanguard, and any particular situations you think it might be useful? I'm relatively new to Dota (600 hours), and am trying to get better at item choices.

Thanks :D
KingBurg3r (1) | July 28, 2014 11:41am
Something that works good for me is to go with link and current to level 5 and do field from level 7, because with link you are already anyway faster with current and steal damage so you can kill like that as well. but that just works for me don't know about the rest of you.
eeon (6) | July 27, 2014 2:50am
wallensteiN wrote:

why u dont write something about the agh+refresher build? i think that this is the new way u should build razor.

I did, still not convinced though:) thanks
KingMango | July 20, 2014 9:51am
Sweet guide
KEMEK | September 17, 2013 7:52pm
update: I follow your guide, and it turns out to be great. Thank you. All I need is buying tanky items such as Vanguard and SanYas (which gives both more HP and damage).

I started on mid, facing Lone Druid, THE HELL I CAN'T LAST HIT WITHOUT STEALING DAMAGE. His basic damage is kinda low, attacking movement animation is kinda tricky, so I had a hard time farming without stealing some damage from Lone. (And Lone also kept denying the creeps. Sigh)

Afterall, I got my patience, got Vanguard and level 6, and then join some ganks. His ult turns out to be nightmare for all my enemies! Hahaha. I realize that Razor needs to do a lot of ganks, not sweet-safe-farming in lane/jungle like Alche/Lycan/Spectre do.
sweaty | September 13, 2013 3:22am
tA. He is not picked very often because people don't play him all that well and it's tricky to master. It is especially fun
eeon (6) | September 13, 2013 2:48am
I have talked about the Aghanim's Scepter in the "Skills" section. It really cost a lot and the advantages are just not worth the gold. And the Refresher Orb..really no. I mean it's a great item, but not that useful for you and again it's a lot of money that could be better spent.

Desolator is indeed a great item on Razor, but this build is supposed to be low budget and I rarely buy it, idk why actually. If I get into some gold I prefer to save it for a Heart of Tarrasque.
Totally forgot about the purging effect of Unstable Current.

Thank you guys for your input! Added everything to the guide.
Any other suggestions are welcomed
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