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2 Votes

Rattletrap, the Best of the Keen Folk

July 25, 2014 by miishin
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jaitara_x (1) | July 27, 2014 10:51am
I like this guide a bit, though I'd like to see a bit more on strategies to use while playing Clockwerk to make him most effective (i.e. use of TP scrolls after shooting a rocket flare to make the enemy think you're still in one lane when you've actually transitioned to the other, for example). I also don't know how I feel about Bottle and Wand on him. They do provide much-needed regen, sure, but at least in my experience, they are too short-lived. You can get maybe 1 extra kill out of Clockwerk max before you need to return to fountain, anyway.

I would actually recommend a Eul's/Phase combo, rather than Bottle/Treads. After you've got Blade Mail and a Vitality or Point Booster (depending on your preference and the game), this does two things. First, it grants you just the amount of mana regen you need. Second, it enables you to chase and immobilize with more than satisfactory results. I've literally been able to score kills time and time again by Euls'ing someone, then running up with Phase so I can Cogs > Assault Battery > Blade Mail. The most common counter to Clockwerk is just having vision on him so he can't surprise Hookshot. And it's fairly effective. Being able to be a threat even while in plain sight, on the other hand, as well as have activatables that can turn around team fights, adds a great deal more flexibility to a hero that desperately needs it.

Still, this is a fairly solid build that you have, anyway. One thing you might also want to consider is Blink Dagger. People really love the idea of Hookshot as an initiation skill, but it also makes for a wonderful way to secure kills. And I don't like taking the chance that my target may, at the last second, turn in an unexpected way and render my ultimate useless. Blink > Assault Battery > Cogs > Blade Mail is a great way to get started, and they may be more willing to use nukes on you, seeing that you haven't used your stun. Right when the Cogs wear off, however, you can land a super-easy Hookshot that disables them for even longer, as well as dealing a cool 150. The Cogs may not be there to keep anyone else away by that point, but guaranteeing that you've hit your Hookshot every single time does, at least in my mind, offset that small drawback. When someone has been devastated by your initial array of nuke damage, their flight trajectory is often very predictable: directly away from you in a straight line.
miishin (2) | July 26, 2014 7:40am
Fixed it up a bit, but I still think Blade Mail is a core item on Clockwerk in most games. No other item for ~2000 gold early on does as much for Clockwerk, giving him armor, mana, and more damage output when he's focused.
Dimonychan (43) | July 25, 2014 11:58pm
I liked this guide, yet I hope it's not finished as more info can be added(at least more foes than a single Force Staff).

I personally find Urn of Shadows more profitable in terms of healing as it's much cheaper and provides more potent, though not instant, heal, has less cooldown and no manacost, which is a blessing for a mana-hungry Clockwerk. Also, I wouldn't list Blade Mail as core, especially against tanky heroes. Really liked your Power Treads preference as they IMO more profitable for a midlane Clockwerk than Phase Boots. Also liked Scythe of Vyse choice, I often found Clockwerk would need someone to disable enemies for longer. I would also add Ghost Scepter as a lategame(or even early-game) pickup as he is torn apart by carries later in game, plus it can help you earlier against likes of Ursa or Lifestealer and let you tower-dive safer.
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