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8 Votes

Queen of Pain New Meta (No Boots)

August 12, 2014 by BazookaTooth
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Timminatorr (57) | August 10, 2014 8:49am
BazookaTooth wrote:

try out this build, you'll be surprised how many times it will save your life. :)

I still dont see the use apart from in teamfights, where BKB is much better.

If you get in a situation where you are splitpushing. If you see them coming you have a blink to escape. If they junp you then you are screwed, what is the euls going to do apart from dodgeing kunnka's spells or escaping from a gank party with just 1 silence?
BazookaTooth | August 10, 2014 8:40am
Timminatorr wrote:

then dont get in so much trouble, you have a blink and a minimap.

try out this build, you'll be surprised how many times it will save your life. :)
Timminatorr (57) | August 9, 2014 1:36pm
BazookaTooth wrote:

BKB would definately do a better job, but you can't go around using BKB every time you're in trouble. And i know boot's are cheap, but they are very weak since all they do is give movement speed and simple other tasks that don't do much at all later on.

then dont get in so much trouble, you have a blink and a minimap.
BazookaTooth | August 9, 2014 8:21am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

Pretty well written guide. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a non - boots player. The skill build is good. Orchid Malevolence is bought early in the game so that Queen of Pain can snowball easier and solve her mana problems. Dagon is also bought in the early game. Radiance, Necronimicon and Ethereal Blade are situational items. Radiance synergizes well with her skills. Necronimicon can be bought for tower pushing and invisibility and Ethereal Blade to deal more burst damage.

Early Orchid Malevolence and Dagon are different builds and have a different focus. They focus on more early damage, this guide is more defensive early so you can use your already strong spells in fights for longer and sustain through mid game to gather offensive items. Players should pick builds based on their play style to be most effective.
Read through the guide again, i explained the uses of Necronomicon and Ethereal Blade as well as a special mention to Radiance because of its synergy with a warning that it has no defensive benefits.
BazookaTooth | August 9, 2014 3:50am
Timminatorr wrote:

I do realise what it does. Its just that BKB does a much better job at that, and boots only cost 450 gold.

BKB would definately do a better job, but you can't go around using BKB every time you're in trouble. And i know boot's are cheap, but they are very weak since all they do is give movement speed and simple other tasks that don't do much at all later on.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | August 8, 2014 12:55pm
Pretty well written guide. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a non - boots player. The skill build is good. Orchid Malevolence is bought early in the game so that Queen of Pain can snowball easier and solve her mana problems. Dagon is also bought in the early game. Radiance, Necronimicon and Ethereal Blade are situational items. Radiance synergizes well with her skills. Necronimicon can be bought for tower pushing and invisibility and Ethereal Blade to deal more burst damage.
TheSofa (54) | August 8, 2014 10:48am
Yay! I see you've formatted the guide much nicer now! ;)

Maybe list the items a bit? like:
Timminatorr (57) | August 8, 2014 10:27am
BazookaTooth wrote:

Everyone, myself included, buys boots on every hero. It's core for all heroes.
The reason why i have developed this kind of build is to take a hero from 5 items and boots to 6 items all with relevant functionality. I have builds for a few other heroes who have naturally high movement speed where boots are either replaced with rushed Eul's Scepter of Divinity(like in this guide) or are replaced later in the game with Sange and Yasha depending on the kind of hero and weather they are in need of both boots and SnY or not.
I noticed that SnY has pretty much the same movement speed bonus as boots, with a 315 base movement speed, better on heroes with higher base movement speed since it is a percentage bonus and will effectively replace Power Treads with better stats, attack speed and with the added Greater Maim effect on some attacks.

I will be putting up more No Boots builds for other heroes in the near future.

I hope I clarified your confusion and thank you for your feedback.

wont it be a much better idea to take one of those items late?

but then again that means you wont have the ability to TP.
BazookaTooth | August 8, 2014 10:19am
Bunkansee wrote:

Wow! I had a look at this the other day and it looks a lot prettier now! Could you maybe explain why you don't pick up boots? I know that is the point of this guide and I'm not suggesting you add it in the build, but although she has a blink I always buy boots on every hero. I only had a quick look at the guide so apologies if I missed something.

Everyone, myself included, buys boots on every hero. It's core for all heroes.
The reason why i have developed this kind of build is to take a hero from 5 items and boots to 6 items all with relevant functionality. I have builds for a few other heroes who have naturally high movement speed where boots are either replaced with rushed Eul's Scepter of Divinity(like in this guide) or are replaced later in the game with Sange and Yasha depending on the kind of hero and weather they are in need of both boots and SnY or not.
I noticed that SnY has pretty much the same movement speed bonus as boots, with a 315 base movement speed, better on heroes with higher base movement speed since it is a percentage bonus and will effectively replace Power Treads with better stats, attack speed and with the added Greater Maim effect on some attacks.

I will be putting up more No Boots builds for other heroes in the near future.

I hope I clarified your confusion and thank you for your feedback.
Timminatorr (57) | August 8, 2014 9:21am
BazookaTooth wrote:

It is core purely to replace boots, the defensive capabilities are a bonus, especially debuffing fatal silences. You also do not realise it can also be used to wait out Blink cooldown in many situations.

Thank you for your feedback. It is much appreciated.

I do realise what it does. Its just that BKB does a much better job at that, and boots only cost 450 gold.
BazookaTooth | August 8, 2014 7:35am
Timminatorr wrote:

I dont see the reason for picking up euls. The item is NEVER EVER core, on any hero. It is a situational item to evade certain spells or break silences.

It is core purely to replace boots, the defensive capabilities are a bonus, especially debuffing fatal silences. You also do not realise it can also be used to wait out Blink cooldown in many situations.

Thank you for your feedback. It is much appreciated.
BazookaTooth | August 8, 2014 7:31am
Dimonychan wrote:

Quite an interesting build, though questionable. It's not even about the movespeed which is not so crucial when you have Blink and Shadow Strike and Eul's Scepter of Divinity+ Drum of Endurance to provide as much movespeed as standard boots. However, in terms of survivability Eul's is kinda meh, and is quite situational. While you can theoretically dodge stuns, cyclone your enemies/yourself and escape, Akasha's Blink has some cast time which can be used against you if opposition has Tiny, Kunkka, Silencer and friends. Not to mention it has limited usage in teamfights and doesn't protect you from burst like Nyx Assassin's, Lina's etc. Linken's Sphere is better than Eul's in terms of manaregen and defense, however it is expensive. Black King Bar is superior to them when it comes to teamfights, but it's not even listed in situationals.

What do you think about it? Black King Bar+ Scythe of Vyse/ Orchid Malevolence+ Linken's Sphere are cores that provide sufficient defense and mana regen in teamfights/ganks and small fights. What advantages does this new meta have over them?

I have honestly never tried that build so I don't have any rights to say it's bad and Qop shouldn't be played that way, but I would really appreciate some explanation on why would you prefer this build in some cases(QoP is very versatile and she can't be always build with one set of items(she doesn't even have stable core)).

I understand your concern with the blink after Cyclone, i am aware that the cast time for blink is roughly 0.4 seconds. Which can be interrupted only by very quick reactions on the enemies' part to stop you in the 0.4s window, which is why i noted the disruptor ulti which has a continuous silence in an AoE.
I agree that Linkens Sphere is better for mana regen, i get it as well. but it is, as you stated, incredibly expensive, as well as it does not have the added movement speed that allows Euls to replace boots. I have Scythe of Vyse, Orchid Malevolence & Linken's Sphere as part of the guide, will take your suggestion for Black King Bar and add it later today.
You ask "What advantages does this new meta have over them?", put simply, Eul's Scepter of Divinity is not meant to replace any of those items, it replaces boots and allows those items to be used as well. so in late game situations you won't have 6 items and boots, you will have 6 items that can benefit you much better. Boots of Travel are however late situational when there are base races and rat dota.

Thank you for your feedback. It is much appreciated.
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