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3 Votes

Pos 4 Jungle Blooseeker (7.05)

May 17, 2017 by Croofe
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LordVesper (5) | May 12, 2017 6:55pm
You have my vote! Although, I personally disagree with Eul's Scepter of Divinity just being a situational item on him since it's way too good to pass up (in the Nuker build at least). It'll prevent enemies from just teleporting out, provides enough mana regeneration, and gives more movement speed. This way, you can even skip Arcane Boots and just go for Phase Boots instead... If you have any questions, refer to my Bloodseeker guide
Croofe (1) | May 13, 2017 3:15am
I personally did not mind enemies TPs out as long as it leads to a favorable team fight like 5v4, or making the team suddenly in favor to take towers with as the enemy has less heroes ready to intercept. Don't forget TP cooldown nerf as well. The next immediate hunt will work as the tp is still on cooldown. I only buy Eul's if my offlaner and mid has no channel canceling skills.
WhosNuker (7) | May 11, 2017 9:07am
Hey I noticed that you think that the nuker/spellcaster Bloodseeker is better but I honestly disagree. I have made a guide for Bloodseeker about a right click carry and if you don't mind could you try it out and tell me what you think because personally I think that a right click Bloodseeker is a. perfectly viable and b. really really strong.
LordVesper (5) | May 12, 2017 7:03pm
I personally think Bloodseeker is better off being a nuker than a right-click carry since most enemy carries can easily manfight him. For example, an equally farmed Phantom Assassin will easily kill Bloodseeker if he decides to right-click her down. If that Bloodseeker went for the nuker build though, he can just kite her around and maybe even kill her instantly with a Dagon 1 blast to the face plus the usual Blood Rite + Rupture combo.
WhosNuker (7) | May 16, 2017 12:52pm
I don't believe that's true in any case. I like to build a Silver Edge on Bloodsseeker anyway and with Blademail(Which I also build) you can easily manfight a Phantom Assassin. Try out my guide and you'll understand what i mean.
DioX (1) | May 10, 2017 4:38pm
so? you want me to become a nuker? okay they'll just buy bm in ranked or smart people in unranked.
LordVesper (5) | May 12, 2017 6:57pm
You shouldn't be messing with enemies that have Blade Mail in the first place. Bloodseeker is meant to take down squishies not manfight beefy heroes that buy Blade Mail like Centaur Warrunner or Bristleback!
Croofe (1) | May 11, 2017 12:16am
Yes, in every sense, Bloodseeker in this build is a nuker. Also, why afraid of Blade Mail, by level 12, with agh's and talent, his health it 1.6k. Tanky enough to hold against Rupture Blademail. Only few heroes can even use Blademail rupture, those with huge health pool, and you can avoid that hero next time. Also, in total the most you can damage to an enemy is half their health, the other half is dealt by your allies. If they do Blademail on you and its fatal, target someone else next time.
Masked_Man98 (20) | May 10, 2017 11:54am
Nice guide +1 from me.
Plus Boulder Smash + Rupture is just amazing
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