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8 Votes

Picking the right Hard Carry.

May 24, 2013 by bathristo
Comments: 13    |    Views: 66934    |   


Hello.This guide is going to be about most of the carries out there that can win a game if given enough farm ,yes not all of them are Hard Carries as listed in the Guide Name but I decided to add more carries,carries I think have good potential of destroying the enemy team if given enough farm . And no I'm not advertising any of the player's guide I'm just helping out each person that reads this to no wander on dotafire wondering which guide to pick its my own opinion on which guide is the best .

Hard Carries.

There are the carries Im going to talk mostly about in this guide if I have missed a carry which u want me to give my opinion about leave a comment and Ill add him in the list aswell :)
Alchemist, Anti-Mage, Chaos Knight,Doom Bringer, Dragon Knight, Drow Ranger, Faceless Void, Juggernaut, Lifestealer, Lone Druid, Luna,Lycanthrope, Medusa, Meepo, Mirana, Morphling, Naga Siren, Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Riki, Shadow Fiend,Skeleton King, Spectre, Sven, Templar Assassin, Tiny, Troll Warlord, Ursa.


Spells : Alchemist's kit allows him to be a hard carry , his Q removes armor,his W is a stun that is channeled (the more time u channel the longer the stun + damage),and his third ability(E) is just awesome for a hard carry it allows u to farm extremely fast because it gives u bonus gold for every last hit u get,and his last spell is his ult(R) which gives u attack speed,bonus hp,hp and mana regen and bonus movement speed.

Damage Output : Alchemist's damage output is very high thanks to the attack speed from his ultimate but his damage is single target which I don't like that much but nonetheless his hard carry potential is very high.

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is that he can farm faster (because of his E) than any other carry early game if given the opportunity thus meaning that he will come online earlier than the other hard carries , his biggest Con is that he is partially Ultimate Dependant for dealing damage and like I already said he doesn't deal any AoE damage.

Score : His score in my opinion is 8 out of 10 .

Guide :


Spells : Anti-Mage's kit is extremely annoying , his Q drains mana per hit , his W allow's him to escape almost any situation its a blink on a 5 second CD , E is a passive that allow's him to survive any caster's nuke especially if he has a Heart of Tarrasque and his ult deals AoE damage for each point of mana that is missing and also mini stun's.

Damage Output : Anti-Mage's damage output isn't that high but on the other hand he renders most casters useless in teamfight's especially if he has the attack speed to drain their entire mana before they even know your on them .

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is his Q and E 50% magic damage reduction + 64 (I think it was that much) mana drain per hit is insane, his biggest Con is although he survives alot of the caster's burst he wont be able to survive lets say a Sven 3,4 hits maximum.

Score : His score in my opinion is 9 out of 10 .

Guide :

Chaos Knight

Spells : Chaos Knight's kit is pretty offensive his Q is a stun which ranges from 2 to 4 seconds and from 100 to 275 damage (the damage and the stun are random) , his W is something like a teleport to your target it adds 100 damage to ur next attack ,E well 300% crit chance need I say more ? and his R u summon 3 illusions (at level 3 ultimate) and all of them deal 100% of your damage .

Damage Output : Chaos Knight's damage output is single target but its just insane I have seen a Chaos Knight using his R and everytime he used his W someone died its just a one shot kill.

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro in my opinion is his R if you thought fighting 1 Chaos Knight that crit's for 1k is OP then Ill see you when he pop's his ultimate , his biggest Con is his Q and E mainly because of the random stun duration and the low crit chance (I mean come on 10% is really low).

Score : His score in my opinion is 9 out of 10 .

Guide :

Doom Bringer.

Spells : Doom Bringer's kit allow's him to be both offensive and defensive his Q is like a free Hand of Midas(when leveled up to 4) ,his W does damage and heals you which is pretty nice aswell , his E does alot of damage when used properly and his Ultimate is something that render's any caster in the game useless for its duration .

Damage Output : Doom Bringer's damage output isn't that high he doesn't have any stuns or slows that can let him stay on his target but nonetheless his W heals and does alot of damage and combined with a Radiance u won't even haveto hit people.

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is his Q and his R like I said a free Hand of Midas and a 15 second silence is crazy although people might say that his ultimate isn't a big deal well I've seen so many Warlock's and Magnus's rage quitting because they get silenced and only thing they can do is auto attack his biggest Con is that his damage isn't very high and he can easily be outcarried by another carry that has less farm than him.

Score : His score in my opinion is 7 out of 10 .

Guide :

Dragon Knight.

Spells : Dragon Knight's kit is something like Doom's both offensive and Defensive his Q is an AoE spell that deals 300 damage , his W is a short range stun (if combined with Ultimate it becomes one of the longest range stuns) ,his E give's you both Armor and HP regen and ofcourse his ultimate turns you into a dragon (how awesome is that ?) and on every rank the dragon get's more powerful.

Damage Output : Dragon Knight's damage output is very high especially when u reach rank 3 ultimate if the enemy team is standing near each other u will completely annihilate them with your dragon form .

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is his W and his R the long range stun is a very cool initiation (one of the best in my opinion) and his R because of the AoE damage that the dragon provides when ur ultimate is rank 3 , his biggest Con is that he is ultimate dependant for destroying the enemy team although its not the same case as Alchemist because Dragon Knight's ultimate can destroy the entire team but Alchemist on the other hand can't.

Score : His score in my opinion is 9 out of 10 .

Guide :

Drow Ranger.

Spells : Drow Ranger's kit is pure offense her Q is a 60% slow(I think it was that much not sure), her W is a 6 second silence (Yes that's alot) ,her E gives additional damage to her allies and her ultimate is passive agility 20,30,40.

Damage Output : Drow Ranger's damage output is extreme I mean literally she can 5 shot people the moment she get's to level 6 its single target but still she bring's people down faster than any other hero on level 6.

Pro's Con's : Her biggest Pro is her ultimate and her slow (silence is good too but I preffer mentioning only 2 of the hero's spells) the ultimate allows her to farm creeps by Alt-Tabbing and watching a video on youtube and her Q its just impossible to escape from her once she starts shooting you with that paired with her silence the chance of escaping a gank from Drow Ranger early game is almost impossible, her biggest Con is that she is extremely squishy she does alot of damage but she takes alot aswell basically she is something like a glasscannon ,the easiest way to counter a Drow Ranger is buying a blademail.

Score : Her score in my opinion is 6 out of 10 .

Guide :

Faceless Void.

Spells : Faceless Void's kit it has "HARD CARRY" written all over it ,his Q is something like a time jump it can be used both to catch or escape from someone, his W is a passive that gives you a 25% chance to dodge both physical and magical attack, his E gives you a 25% chance to bash and 70 bonus damage on top of it and ofcourse his ultimate that makes a big Sphere no matter who you catch in that Sphere they cant move for 5 seconds only you can .

Damage Output : Faceless Void's damage output is very high its single target but he can keep a enemy in bash forever if he has enough attack speed .

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is his ultimate his two passive's aswell but his ultimate is the real deal this is what makes Faceless Void so scary you can't kill him because he either keep's you bashed forever or you miss all your attack or you just get caught in the Sphere and die without being able to do a single thing , his biggest Con however is that he is one of the hardest carries to get fed if he lanes against 2 ranged heroes early game and isn't able to get LH he will probably be useless late game .

Score : His score in my opinion is 10 out of 10 .

Guide :


Spells : Juggernaut's kit is pretty interesting his Q makes you swing in a circle with your blade which does alot of damage early game and it makes you immune to spells meaning free Black King Bar (easy kill's early game), his W is a ward that heals for 5% hp per second , his E is a 200% critical with a 35% chance to proc and his ultimate slashes enemy heroes 3,6,9(12 with aghanim's) times and while he is doing that he can't get hit (easy kills mid-late game).

Damage Output : Juggernaut's damage output isn't very high he does single target damage although his ultimate slashes as many heroes he see's its not wise to rush a Aghanim's Scepter and put it all on the ultimate.

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is like I said his Q because it allow's you to get kills early game and his ultimate because only the hardest of tank's can survive 9/12 slashes mid-late game his biggest Con is that he is not that much of a hard carry he can easily get outcarried by other carries.

Score : His score in my opinion is 7 out of 10 .

Guide :


Spells : Lifestealer's kit just say's "I do alot of damage and Im tanky whatcha gonna do ?" his Q gives attack speed and makes you immune to spells for 6 seconds (a free Black King Bar), his W is amazing it steals 7% from your opponent's total hp every hit , your E is a 70% and add's 30% life steal when ur hitting the target that you have it casted on and his ultimate lets you get inside a frienly unit,frienly creep,enemy creep or a neutral creep it works for amazing ganks (you cannot infest enemy players).

Damage Output : Lifestealer's damage output is horrific he doesnt care if your a tank ,carry or a support he will just eat you alive with his W .

Pro's Con's : His biggest Pro is his Q and W ,the bonus attack speed and BkB from his Q + the 7% life leech from his W make him almost impossible to kill in 1v1 situation's , his biggest Con is DODGE if Lifestealer face's a Faceless Void with a Butterfly he will get destroyed by him because if Lifestealer can't hit he cant steal life.

Score : His score in my opinion is 9 out of 10 .

Guide :


The Guide is unfinished I decided to Publish it because I wanted to see some feedback if I should add anything else to the heroes any additional information before I start working on the other carries.

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