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8 Votes

Picking the right Hard Carry.

May 24, 2013 by bathristo
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Fluffy-Almighty | November 11, 2013 4:45am
See that is the thing, there are a lot of players that can carry under the hard conditions. However, that doesn't make them a "hard carry". And I have to disagree with you on Ursa. Ursa is a great carry if you build right. But sven, though strong, doesn't fit in the hard carry column. Not saying he isn't a carry, just not a hard carry like AM, PA, and yes Ursa. Again, everyone can carry in the right games, even more so in pubs.
samukobo (28) | October 18, 2013 3:23am
lelou1524 wrote:

By looking your list of hard carry heroes. Am like WTF.
How can Sven be there?
How can Ursa be there?
How can Lycanthrope be there?
But again how the f*** can Sven be there!?
Could you explain :/.

Sven is actually a pretty good hard carry in the right conditions (enough lockdown to give him the measly 2 hits he needs to get a rampage) Lycantrophe just isn't played that much as a hard carry since his wolves fell off but it's what he's supposed to be, and Ursa isn't as great but he can do it.
lelou1524 | October 18, 2013 2:17am
By looking your list of hard carry heroes. Am like WTF.
How can Sven be there?
How can Ursa be there?
How can Lycanthrope be there?
But again how the f*** can Sven be there!?
Could you explain :/.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 27, 2013 4:20pm
I cannot tell if half of your response to me was just quoting me or if you actually typed it out.

If this guide has nothing to do with picking the right hard carry, then don't title it "picking the right hard carry"

As for anti-mage, Black King Bar and Mana Shield serve completely different purposes. A BKB will stop silences, which are hard counters for anti mage. Mana shield and other forms of magic resistance will just limit nuke damage. If you believe that Anti Mage doesn't get a BKB against teams that have a lot of disabling potential, which is the only reason you ever get a BKB over a Hood (with a few exceptions), I believe you are wrong.

Now, I am not trying to be mean. Don't confuse criticism for harshness even though it often sounds the same. The biggest issue I have is the score system. You have no real basis towards what the score is beyond personal preference. Spectre is a horrible hero until 30 minutes in, at which point spectre cannot be killed and kills heroes quite fast (well obviously she can be killed but it takes a lot of effort from the enemy team). There is no reason spectre should be a 10. Spectre is an extremely hard carry who excels at solo killing (which is a reason she isn't picked up much, it's a teamfight oriented meta, after all)

I might think your ratings would concern how hard a carry they are, but their is a number system established for that. 1-5, 1 hard carry, 2 semi carry, 3 , 4 semi support, 5 hard support (not everything fits neatly in there but it represents the amount of gold they need to be effective) and so putting those numbers rather than a personal rating might be a more effective way of stating it.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 26, 2013 12:52am
Gyrocopter and Weaver should be added as soon as possible since they're top picks (especially the Gyro) in the current meta; aside from that, this guide is nice but it doesn't really teach you what you need to pick in order to counter the enemy lineup.

For example: do you need to split push against a teamfight-oriented team? Then Anti-Mage and Weaver are good choices. Does your team need a Hero with a big impact in teamfights? So, Gyrocopter, Luna and Faceless Void are perfect. Are you opting for a heavy pushing strategy? You might want to pick Lone Druid along with Juggernaut. Does your team have a turtling lineup with a mid-game carry like Storm Spirit or Puck? Then picking some Heroes very reliant on farm like Phantom Lancer or Alchemist will ensure your late game supremacy.

Also, in my opinion you should remove your personal score which could prevent new players from trying the "worse" carries; plus, the efficiency of a carry depends mostly on your team lineup and the enemy picks: would you pick a Riki when fighting against Puck, Bounty Hunter and Lion? Is a Chaos Knight as useful as a Lifestealer when you don't have a Io?
samukobo (28) | May 26, 2013 12:18am
bathristo wrote:

Samukobo : Yeah I know there are alot of other carries that are viable but the one's Ive chosen are the most used in my opinion so when I finish them maybe Ill start adding the other's.

Puts most used carries, includes Meepo. Seems legit.

bathristo wrote:

Wisdomseyes1 : This guide doesn't have anything to do with picking the right hard carry... just your opinion on how good each particular one is. Im typing everything about the hero and why he is a good carry what are his strength's and weaknesses and then I type a score in my opinion ,just because Faceless Void has a score of 10 and Drow ranger has a score of 6 that doesn't mean you can't win against a void with a drow in a pub game the .I have tested every hero with full items and level in private matche's thats how Im determining their score and no spectre isn't 11/10 he is 10/10 and about anti-mage ofcourse that spell shield is one of his biggest pro's why do u think most carries buy BKB to avoid magical dmg and CC anti-mage doesn't need BKB just because of his E.

You should change the title then. Something like "Each carrys strengths and weaknesses" or something accurate like that. The method isn't unacceptable, but in a complete late game scenario it would only depend on how each carry does late game, and not in the mid game where other carries shine. For example, in no way can Drow Ranger beat Faceless Void in a max level best items situations, because Void would just go beside her and render her ult useless. Anyway, I just want to say you should put more consideration on different things when rating a carry.

Also, AM does need BKB. Just because he takes barely any damage from nukes doesn't mean he can prevent a 4 second stun.
MilkSteak | May 25, 2013 7:10pm
At no point do you discuss how to pick the right hard carry. Which is misleading since that is the topic of this. Its an opinion piece which is fine, but it is not a guide and really shouldn't be in here with other guides.
O-R-W-K | May 25, 2013 12:22pm
There are quite a few hard carries you missed...
speed9x | May 25, 2013 7:54am
This guide is very useful for beginners like me. Thanks for the guide and I am looking forward to see a complete guide.
bathristo | May 25, 2013 3:38am
Yosiu :
Well I didn't add those kind of stuff because usually you can find that in a guide I'm talking about why he is a good carry what are his strength's and weaknesses .

Samukobo : Yeah I know there are alot of other carries that are viable but the one's Ive chosen are the most used in my opinion so when I finish them maybe Ill start adding the other's.

Wisdomseyes1 : This guide doesn't have anything to do with picking the right hard carry... just your opinion on how good each particular one is.Im typing everything about the hero and why he is a good carry what are his strength's and weaknesses and then I type a score in my opinion ,just because Faceless Void has a score of 10 and Drow ranger has a score of 6 that doesn't mean you can't win against a void with a drow in a pub game the .I have tested every hero with full items and level in private matche's thats how Im determining their score and no spectre isn't 11/10 he is 10/10 and about anti-mage ofcourse that spell shield is one of his biggest pro's why do u think most carries buy BKB to avoid magical dmg and CC anti-mage doesn't need BKB just because of his E.

Anyways I'm not surprised that people dislike it thats why I made a topic on the forums but no one bothered to answer if they want a guide like this or not...
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 24, 2013 11:44pm
This guide doesn't have anything to do with picking the right hard carry... just your opinion on how good each particular one is.

I think to make this guide an actual guide, you should put what type of team compositions each one goes well with, and what particular hero counters they may poses. Lone Druid and Juggernaut, for example, being very good in hard pushing line ups.

That said, most of this guide is very clearly opinionated and based on personal experience with the heroes presented. The "strengths" are all the skills they have rather than the contribution to the team and this guide really focuses on their 1v1 potential.

This is unfinished so I reserve judgment, but I do hope to see a bit more about the strengths of the heroes in contribution to the team, since this is a team game and all.

Counter opinions on thus far:
Almost no objection here (other than more detail needed), and I did want to point out that it isn't a raise in attack speed, but a reduction of base attack time and change in attack animation. This is important because in a situation where 2 heroes have max attack speed, alchemist attacks faster than the other. In fact, he attacks twice as fast as most other heroes.

also nice to note that alchemist can support quite effectively because of his Q and W.


You put one of his biggest pros as Spell Shield? Interesting...

AM is the hero that 6 slots the fastest. Not the highest GPM per say, but once he has Battlefury, Blink + Mana Burn allow him to jungle really fast, and push lanes rather quickly.

Dragon Knight

His "long range stun"?

To be perfectly honest I know very little about DK, other than he has strong early game presence against harass. But I do know that the only time his stun is even respectable in range is when he is in Elder Dragon Form 150 and 400 aren't that long range.


Probably his only benefit to the team is the sheer utility he can provide via creeps with auras (and stacking them usually with aura items) alongside Doom, which is a hard counter to most heroes.

Consume and Hand of Midas are very different. Consume gives you the creeps ability and "digests" the creep, meaning you have to weaken it first if you want to use it off cooldown. Midas doubles your experience from the creep. Functionally, a Midas is used to give you a huge EXP/Gold advantage simultaneously, where consume is meant to give you gold and an aura (sometimes an active) that you can use to your benefit

Drow Ranger

In your cons section, you forgot a few things.

> Mid game hard carry. She is very powerful once she hits 6, putting her AGI equal to that of a level 16 Phantom Lancer, her actual AI gain is poor. That means she loses effectiveness over other hard carries as the game progresses.

>Ultimate deactivation range: If you are not in a good position, you are a **** hero. You have to maintain outstanding positioning in order to benefit from your ults AGI. Otherwise you are just a weak hero right clicking with a slow and hoping to god it works out.

Faceless Void

This is okay (still need mentioned above) but again raises my complaint about the fact you are giving a rated opinion on their worth. Like, this suggests to readers that you should only ever take faceless void. Since he is, by your opinion, the best you can get out of a carry. And it is funny because there are harder carries. How hard a carry is usually is just defined by how much **** they have ti get before they are effective, but then when they are effective, they are very hard to beat, and lesser carries should lose to them. Is Spectre going to be an 11/10?
samukobo (28) | May 24, 2013 11:00pm
Nice guide, grammar could use some work but it is definitely one of the most useful guides for beginners who are trying to practice carries.

You missed quite a lot of carries though, initially I thought it was because you were featuring only hard carries, but I saw Juggernaut and Mirana.

Anyway, here's a list of the carries/semi-carries/potential carries you missed in alphabetical order.
- Bloodseeker
- Bounty Hunter
- Brewmaster
- Bristleback
- Broodmother
- Centaur Warrunner
- Clinkz
- Death Prophet
- Gyrocopter
- Huskar
- Invoker
- Kunkka
- Medusa
- Nature's Prophet
-Outworld Devourer
- Razor
- Slardar
- Slark
- Sniper
- Storm Spirit
- Viper
- Weaver

Quite a lot, yes.

And that's not counting the heroes that MAY be considered carries in the course of the game, which are:

- Axe
- Beastmaster
- Death Prophet
- Magnus
- Night Stalker
- Silencer
- Spirit Breaker
- Tusk

You sir, have a lot of work ahead of you.
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